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Everything posted by mosluggo

  1. mosluggo

    Head On!

    I think you Appplyit to teh....l ^foreheads???
  2. Only saw the porn one, he needs to see a dentist very soon. Someone tell him he can get it on the cheap in mexico.
  3. If i hit another fucking pothole my car will break in half. I think chicago streets and san wait till it hits the 3ft deep mark before fixing. On the other side, i get joy at seeing other people bottom there cars out. Especially on the ones that are covered with water. Makes me feel better. That is all..
  4. Good call dude, but smash either way.
  5. Smash on those other 2 though
  6. So i guess some douche gave this horse face, ignant slob her own tv show. This show is one of the worst on tv. Disgusting pig host. All she does is put some fine ass girls in a room with some super rich douchebags and then these dudes pick which ones they wanna have sex with etc. These dudes are pathetic, and struggle to even talk to these gold digging horrors. Just hire an escort. NH and No smash on the man face.
  7. Here's some advice on the military. All branches have 2 year contracts. If they tell you otherwise,theyre lying. I joined the coast guard and did 2 months of boot in cape may new jersey.2 years in alameda california, on ship that patrolled the fishing lines in the bearing sea in winter.in summer, the ship does drug ops in mexico. 7 years reserve.2 active, the rest inactive. I saw on on lot of cool shit in those 2 years. Dont know if this is any option for you,but if you need $ for school,theyll help you out with that also.And you can save on on lot of loot when you dont see land for 2 months. And on on military background is always good for on on resume.I dont regret any of it. Some of it sucked,but thats expected. If you like it stay in. If not,leave after 2 years.And your chances of going to iraq are about 1-3%.sorry if i went on to long just trying to help out-
  8. I did a 7 point teaser both ways. Have to win both to win bet. Looks a lot better that it is but.. Pats-4 under 62 500$ wish me luck. By the way i took the over on the national anthem also. Time to stop gambling. haha:)
  9. I wont be betting.just payed bookie 800 bones again. Lost it on Zoo ball. I like pats and under so take the opposite.:)
  10. It may not be a better mousetrap, but there’s a feeling that at least some people will be beating a path to the new marijuana vending machines that open today in California. The first of their kind in the U.S.A–one speculates the world–the machines will dispense medicinal marijuana for patients who are prescribed marijuana for health reasons. Patients have to jump through a few hoops before they can use the machines: they have to present a prescription, be photographed and be fingerprinted and then they are issued a pre-paid credit card that stores the dosage and type of drug prescribed. Only in the U.S. Only in California. No, the machines can’t be used by the paperboy down the street to get ready for a “party hard” weekend–unless the paperboy has been prescribed the drug for health reasons. At present, eleven states allow the medicinal use of marijuana, primarily for pain relief, but, in the land of the drug crusaders, it remains controversial. Although, one wonders why giving relief to, in some cases, terminally ill patients would cause anyone but drug warriors any cause for concern. The machines may become a common sight across the US before long. Why?
  11. Saw this last night Only In California: Marijuana Vending Machines By Robert Paul Reyes January 28, 2008 "Los Angeles is now home the worlds first marijuana vending machines. The new machines can be used to buy medical marijuana by patients who have been prescribed the herbal remedy by a doctor. The vending machines will dispense the marijuana when the patient swipes a pre-paid credit card in the machine." Quotation from the Cleveland Leader The machines are located at a Los Angeles herbal nutrition center. "Herbal nutrition", what a wonderful description for marijuana. When I read this article I dropped my Doritos and Ding Dongs in shock; it's give one a great high to read such good news. I'm gratified that a reputable newspaper refers to marijuana not as an illegal drug but as a "herbal remedy". Marijuana is natural, healthy and full of goodness; it shouldn't be illegal for terminally ill patients or anybody else. The free availability of medical marijuana is a moral imperative and the free availability of recreational marijuana is a constitutional imperative. A patient suffering from cancer or another painful disease shouldn't be forced to buy the magic herb from an individual of suspect character. I won't be satisfied until there's a marijuana vending machine in every convalescent home and every Wal-Mart. This is an important step toward the legalization of marijuana, it removes the stigma from buying the pain-relieving product. There is nothing more normal and all-American that buying a product from a vending machine. The marijuana vending machines are protected by security guards; I long for the day when they will be so common they won't need strict security. function checkDup(){ var strBody = document.getElementById("strBody").innerHTML; if((strBody.indexOf("
  12. Nothing wrong with the occasional handfull of beans. And it makes work so much fun.Oc's are bad news though. A friends doc was giving him 60 40's a month for the past year. Then the doc left so he's out cold turkey. Calling me and everyone else i know in a panic. The smack is what he'll be doing next. He already mentioned how h was cheaper than what he was spending on oc's..
  13. Ate at mel's diner on sunset. It was decent. And the 4 seasons. 17$ hamburger The drive only took about an hour. That yellow smog over the city on the drive in is pretty nasty.Theres a hot dog stand by melrose that was really crowded. Supposed to be good i guess, cant remember the name.
  14. Btw beverly hills doesn't have street lights. On rodeo they have chandeliers in glass boxes hanging from somewhere. Its crazy. Cant seem to find the pic right now. Heres a couple more randoms, Wish i couldve brought lil dude with.. When theres no surf, make your own.Wavehouse mission beach WEEEEEEEEIRDOS!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was dumbest shit i've seen in a long time. Foreign peeps playing loud music on hollywood blvd and looking at each other. Kind of dancing every once in a while. And expecting people to pay for the "performance" L Ron Hubbard gallery/security no/scientoligist
  15. ?? Im not too strong guy No speedballs but i had 100 10's for 5 days so it was all good.
  16. Had enough of LA for a long time. Head back south for more of this.. Funny kids.. Last Day went to sd zoo And back toooo .... This Done.Holla atcha boy.moe
  17. My up with this dude Closest i could get.. Some nice pads around these parts..
  18. Im working on it sock Weirdos all over this city... Drove through Beverly Hills Beverly Hills is retarded. So much money, and the baddest rides i've ever seen This is the ride right here This one too Geso tag Some graff wheres the party at??
  19. 1st day meet with some friends..drink,watch usc ass rape illinois,drink more. All on the beach,while waiting for this.. Got up and worked out. Off to LA
  20. So my guy let me use his condo in Carlsbad for 5 days. Nothing special, but it was free. And 4 blocks from the beach.. This is it, besides a tiny bath/shower..
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