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Everything posted by mosluggo

  1. That was a great game yesterday. (Pens) that triple ot red wings game was nuts also. Im suprised the hawks have scored this much on luongo. Have gotten to see 1 game because of work. Listening isnt that bad though. Ovie is the baddest player in the league. Versteeg is the hawks sleeper. Dude rips just like roenick. But seabrook is starting to look a lot like scott stevens back in the day. Give this team another year or 2 and their going to be unstoppable. Thats if they dont win it this year. And cambell sure doesnt look like he's worth the money they spent. maybe its just me, but i dont even notice that dude when hes out there. Habi's playing pretty decent also, which is good because huet sucks my balls. The stadium is going to be so loud for the anthem tonight. Damn wish i was going. Go Hawks.
  2. total numbnuts i would decide. with minor intelligence
  3. Someone give this kid his own tv show already.. Teen cop impersonator charged with possessing stolen car S. SIDE | Teen dresses sharp for car caper, but falls short of clean getaway, cops say Comments May 4, 2009 BY ANNIE SWEENEY AND RUMMANA HUSSAIN Staff Reporters » Click to enlarge image A teenager who had impersonated a Chicago police officer (pictured) earlier this year was arrested over the weekend and charged Monday with possessing a stolen vehicle. » Click to enlarge image Kamal Said, owner of C&M Imperial Motors, stands with 1990 Lexus that was stolen off his lot allegedly by the teen arrested earlier this year for impersonating a police officer. (Rich Hein/Sun-Times) In this latest caper, the teen allegedly waited for the dealer to turn away before he peeled out of the South Side dealership with a 1990 black Lexus. Back in January, Deputy Supt. Daniel Dugan was among the department officials pressed to explain how the security breach occurred. This time, Dugan -- by complete coincidence -- arrested the teen after he allegedly cut Dugan off in traffic. It wasn't until well after the theft arrest that Dugan realized who the teen was. "Not all minor traffic stops are what they appear,'' Dugan said of the Friday arrest. "That's why officers need to be vigilant, because many times criminal conduct can be discovered through minor traffic enforcement." The teen, who is on electronic monitoring for the previous offense, was charged with possession of a stolen vehicle and appeared in bond court Monday, according to prosecutors. Juvenile Court Judge Andrew Berman ordered the teen held in custody. He allegedly walked into C&M Imperial Motors, 7221 S. Western, around 4:45 p.m. Friday and asked to be shown two cars, dealership owner Kamal Said said, adding that the teen looked like an adult. "He said he was interested in buying a car with cash. I asked him where [he] worked and he said, 'I work downtown,''' Said said. "The way he was coming in, you had no doubt [that he was an adult]." Said said the Lexus initially wouldn't start, so he gave the car a jump as the teen cranked the engine. As Said left to return the jumper cables to his office, the teen drove off with the $3,000 car, Said said. It was about three hours later at 95th and State that the teen almost ran into Dugan, who had left a roll call and was driving in the area. The teen allegedly cut in front of Dugan, who noticed the Lexus had no license plates. Dugan and a partner tried to pull the Lexus over and followed it. The teen then allegedly made an erratic turn and knocked down a light pole. He then allegedly jumped from the car, and Dugan gave chase. Apparently to avoid capture, the teen grabbed a baby stroller from someone and pushed it briefly before walking away from it, a source said. When Dugan caught up to him, the teen allegedly made a violent move to avoid him, causing both to fall. Dugan was slightly injured, and the teen ran off -- directly into Dugan's partner, who was following the foot chase. The teen was arrested in the 200 block of West 95th Street. Police are not certain whether a child was in the stroller, but there were no reports of any children being hurt. The car has been returned to Said, who said he found a basketball in the back seat and a suit, white dress shirt and shoes, in the trunk. Said said he felt a "little stupid'' to have been duped by the teen -- until he found out he also tricked police. "It just made me feel a little crazy,'' Said said. In January, the teen was accused of getting dressed in a police uniform, walking into the Grand Crossing station and announcing he was assigned to traffic patrol there. He signed out a police radio and joined another officer in a patrol car for five hours, police and prosecutors said. The teen -- who spent more than a month in jail for his alleged January caper -- was a former member of the "police explorer" youth program said to be infatuated with police work. The hoax also drew angry criticism from Mayor Daley, who demanded an investigation. The department determined that five officers violated rules and regulations. var BLOGBURST_WIDGET_ID = "B8k88rWwXopuz5STgLeVwBLu"; var BLOGBURST_TRACKING_CODE = "";Related Blog Posts Man Arrested After Allegedly Punching Woman and Striking Her with Car From eNews Park Forest
  4. The Ukraine is not weak! some photos of these hoes From all over obviously. Why not just travel to these places and bang these hoes. You can bang some of them for 50 cent, literally. Go to Costa rica. Prostitution is legal, those hoes get tested all the time and that place del ray in san jose has hundreds of broads from everywhere. Its a pussy smoargasboard. I gotta get back there. And the columbian are the finest.
  5. hawks keep taking stupid penalties and ya, their season will be over. Im suprised tehy got 3 on old boy. The twins are dbags also, good or not. And habi is 0-13 or some shit in the last 13 vs vancouver. Maybe huet for sub might not be a bad idea. Even though he kinda blows. Bruins and wings
  6. jeebus old boy paints a ton. is there anywhere i can get that mini bates book from way back?
  7. If thats the real "fred' thats dope. Oh ya, and those cops that beat those dudes with the pool sticks got let off. Go figure
  8. I thought some of you would figure I meant if they were 100% guilty. Say someone raped someone and dna proved in fact, that they did do it. Or ya, you could stone the stoners, and then stone the people who provided the stones. And then you could stone the people that transported the stones to and from wherever they came from. And you could then stone the very people that came up with the idea in the first place. and so on.
  9. HAWKS WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I don't remember if that happened in chicago. Haven't heard about it either. Point is these pigs need to be fired on the spot. Fuck all these "investigations." Same goes for people murdering people. Why have a trial? Stone them to death. No tax dollars wasted.
  11. So what the fuck is your point. Looks like you need another bloody tampon. Nice name and location also
  12. One of these days, there's going to be riots and such. DALEY WILL BE MAYOR until he dies. He was taught by the best, his father. Sad. But all this shit going on from those cops in the pool hall, making fun of some guys because they were crying.( the dudes dad had just passed away)Then proceding to beat them with pool sticks. To the cop that KILLED afro and evol. The 14 yr old cop impersenator. To these 2 assholes beating a defenseless handicapped kid for no reason.The dude that whooped that woman bartenders ass. And who knows how much other shit is happening that we don't know about. The CPD is a fucking joke. Shit has to stop. Jody weis can suck my dick. He hasn't fixed shit since he's been here. All he's here for is a fucking paycheck. People will rebel one of these days. There's only so much the citizens of Chicago can take. Fuck Daley. He knows all the corupt shit going down. And everytime he says, " Well this is the first I've heard of it," is fucking bullshit. He's smart, always has someone to take the fall. And fuck Monique Bond. If she could write a book, it would be number one best seller. She knows all that shit that's going on also. THIS IS OUR CITY. FUCK ALL THOSE CROOKED MOTHER FUCKERS. YOU MAD??? YES, YES I AM.... And FUCK JOHN BURGE AND ALL THOSE ALL PIGS, BEATING CONFESSIONS OUT OF INNOCENT PEOPLE. SOME GUY JUST DID 26 YEARS FOR A MURDER HE DIDN'T COMMIT. HE'S GETTING 200K FOR SPENDING HIS LIFE IN PRISON. OH, AND JOB TRAINING FROM THE STATE. WHAT A BUNCH OF BULLSHIT. FUCK
  14. AND VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8crJpaCosVU
  15. Police won't discuss alleged beating of teen April 24, 2009 11:01 PM | 32 Comments | UPDATED STORY Days after Chicago police promoted their expanded training for dealing with people with autism, a teen with the disorder was allegedly struck by an officer who ignored the family's pleas that he was a "special boy." While Chicago police refused to discuss the incident Friday, relatives of Oscar Guzman detailed the alleged assault and said it was an example of why more officers need to be trained in handling people with special needs. Guzman, 16, was standing on the sidewalk Wednesday night, taking a break from working in his family's fast-food restaurant in the Pilsen neighborhood. He was watching cars go by when a police cruiser pulled up and two officers began asking him questions, his family says. Guzman didn't understand the questions, said his sister Nubia, 25, and looked down, away and eventually began walking away. Diagnosed with moderate autism at age 4, he doesn't like confrontation, his sister said. The officers went after him, his family said, prompting the frightened boy to run into the family restaurant, yelling "I'm a special boy!" as he fled, his sister said. Despite Guzman's parents yelling to the officers that he was a "special boy" with "special needs," one of the officers struck Guzman in the head with a baton, cutting a gash that would require eight staples, his sister said. The parents witnessed the blow being struck, she said. On the ground, blood pouring from his head, Guzman, who has the mental capacity of a 5th grader, mumbled again and again, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I submit. I submit," his family said. The Police Department confirmed the incident is under investigation but declined to give the officers' version of what happened. The Independent Police Review Authority said it is investigating and has interviewed relatives of the boy. The family said it is considering filing a lawsuit against the officers. The incident occurred the same week the department promoted its award-winning Crisis Intervention Team, a program to train officers to recognize the needs of citizens with mental illness or disabilities. More than 1,100 of the department's 13,500 officers have gone through the 40-hour training since its inception in 2004. The program has won national praise, and just last month, its leader received a Chicago police departmental commendation for the team's work. To mark Autism Awareness month, the department held its first Autism Safety Awareness night with the Easter Seals on Monday and sent out a six-page training memo to all sworn personnel on autism and police responses. The department also handed out thousands of index cards with tips on how to handle people with autism and distributed buttons for officers to wear. The department also now trains new recruits in dealing with people with mental disabilities. While he could not speak to what happened Wednesday, Officer Jerald Nelson, a member of the Crisis Intervention Team who has an 18-year-old son with autism, said the department has been working to better train officers on how to handle people with autism. "To recognize it, that's number one," Nelson said. Some characteristics of autism -- avoiding eye contact, not responding to questions -- are the same trouble signs that officers are taught to look for in suspects, he said. But officers could make a situation worse if they don't recognize the difference between suspects and those with disabilities. Touching someone with autism lightly can agitate them, for instance, and certain restraints can even endanger them, Nelson said. One in 160 children has a diagnosis of autism, Nelson said. Statistics show that officers are seven times more likely to have contact with a developmentally disabled person than the general public. Colleen Shinn, training specialist and manager of the Autism Program service centers for the Easter Seals Metropolitan Chicago, said the department has made strides in developing autism training. "I think it's great they're being proactive," she said. "There's more work to be done." But two days after the incident, Guzman's family says not enough has been done. They want the officers involved fired. "It's upsetting. Shouldn't they all be getting trained for this?" said Nubia Guzman. She worries her brother is scarred. Guzman, who never had trouble with police, has cried at odd moments since Wednesday night, his family said. He drew a picture of the incident, displaying the angry face of a towering officer holding what looks like a bat over a cowering figure. On Friday he described the incident in clipped phrases to a reporter. "Something terrible happened," the teen said. "One chased me. Killing. Killing unnecessary people. Innocent. Beating people with the stick. It's terrible. ... It's going to heal. I'm all right." His mother, who was always protective of him and had to be persuaded to let him walk to his favorite Chinese restaurant down the street, said she now fears letting the teen out of her sight. "This time they hit him. The next time, they may kill him," Maria Guzman said. --Angela Rozas
  16. DAO FINNA GO APESH Parents say police beat autistic boy April 24, 2009 9:09 AM | 47 Comments Chicago police are looking into an accusation that police beat an autistic 16-year old boy whose parents say got "scared" and ran from officers, WGN-TV is reporting. The boy's parents said the incident took place about 10 p.m. Wednesday near their place of business in the Little Village neighborhood on the Southwest Side. They said he was standing outside when he was approached by two officers. The boy ran and police chased him, cornered him and one officer hit him so hard with his club that the boy required eight staples in his scalp, the parents told WGN. "It's not nice hitting other people like that," the boy told the station. "Try asking more nicely." IT
  17. All I have. Some good, some not so good. Peace, mo
  18. I got the nasty stink eye from some folks for getting these 3 This is huge. Dope spot again..
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