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Everything posted by mosluggo

  1. Chica Cop Who Beat Bartender Gets Probation Chicago Police Officer Anthony Abbate Gets Light Sentence For Beating Female Bartender CHICAGO (CBS) ― Click to enlarge 1 of 1 Anthony Abbate enters the Cook County Criminal Courthouse on the morning of Tuesday, March 11. CBS Chicago Police Officer Anthony Abbate was sentenced Tuesday to two years probation and anger management classes, after being convicted earlier this month of beating up a female bartender half his size. Cook County Criminal Court Judge John Fleming sentenced Abbate on Tuesday. He also imposed a home curfew from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. and ordered Abbate to perform 130 hours of community service. "No one in recent memory ... has done more to tarnish the reputation of the Chicago Police Department than Anthony Abbate," Cook County Assistant State's Attorney LuAnn Snow said Tuesday. Prosecutors had asked for a prison term. But Fleming said he didn't see any aggravating factors to justify that. CBS 2 Hears You: What do you think about Abbate's sentence? "If I believed sentencing Anthony Abbate to prison would stop people from getting drunk and hitting people, I'd give him the maximum sentence," Fleming said. Abbate was found guilty of aggravated battery by Judge Fleming Fleming in connection with the February 2007 attack. The 250-pound Abbate's attack on 125-pound bartender Karolina Obrycka was captured by the bar's security camera and the video of the incident was shown around the world. Abbate acknowledged during the trial that he was drunk during the incident. But he said Obrycka pushed him first as she tried to remove him from behind the bar. "He's not a bad man, he did something bad," said defense attorney Peter Hickey. After the ensuing scandal, then-police Supt. Phil Cline suddenly announced his retirement, and Mayor Richard M. Daley appointed of current Supt. Jody Weis, who originally said fighting police misconduct would be a major part of his mission as superintendent. In the attack, Abbate kicked and pummeled Obrycka as she lay helpless on the floor at Jesse's Shortstop Inn on the city's Northwest Side. Obrycka had refused to serve Abbate any more drinks. The surveillance videotape of the incident showed two of Abbate's friends at the bar, offering Obrycka her money for medical bills and lost wages if she agreed not to prosecute Abbate. Abbate also planned to plant drugs in people's cars in the bar and charge patrons with drunken driving if Obrycka went forward with the case, attorneys for Obrycka said at the time. The judge ruled that he never showed his badge or said he was a cop, and therefore didn't abuse his position. At trial, Abbate claimed that Obrycka had attacked him first and tossed him around "like a rag doll." But the argument did not sway the judge. Abbate has been relieved of his duties and pay, Chicago Police Department spokesman Officer Robert Perez said. The department is looking into "separation proceedings," Perez said. Weis has said he wants Abbate fired. The Associated Press contributed to this reportgo cop Anthony Abbate sentenced to 2 years probation in videotaped bar beating
  2. Anyone try the rusty piranha yet? thinking about ordering that,,,or a lost fish i found
  3. lester river, minnesota http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2041/2122767502_8db4bf4860.jpg?v=0 http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2088/2122767980_fefcd3fb6e.jpg?v=0 these are all lake waves and some dude made a movie on lake surfing called unsalted heres the trailer
  4. Mitch ill pm you later but ya the south end of the lake gets good. Cant name spots. But all the beaches they just lifted the bans on are booty most of the time. I was out on a head high day and it was 85 out and peeling. 7 guys out, most ive seen anywhere. But those are the super rare summer days when the cold fronts come in. Sept, oct nov are best. Ive seen it offshore also, which is strange. Those guys in minnesota get it real good, but freeze their asses off in the process. Im not about to walk through a foot of snow to go surf with huge chunks of ice floating around.
  5. hey kid werent you outta town for a while??? Im waiting on a fish i ordered and yes it does get pretty decent sometimes.
  6. Why don't you say what's incorrect, so it can be corrected
  7. the ghost is a bad dude-took 28 stitches in that last fight but pac prob got him depending on what weight that fight is at
  8. Why do people come in here to talk shit about boxing, and try to convince other people how cool mma is? And boxing isnt like rockem sockem robots you fucking retard. Nastyarts you really sound like you know what your talking about. Can you tell us more?
  9. Ya well do you know how to drive a train??
  10. I agree with all that. How the fuck is ed hardy still around????? And affliction also. Shit is terrible. I respect both mma and boxing. But as far as training goes i think boxing takes it by a mile. I guess their is good things about what you said also. Real fans of boxing are going to stick around, even through all the bullshit going on right now. Just means more douchebags watching mma instead of boxing. which is fine with me.
  11. That was years ago when i saw the show. Arti, bob levy, evil dave, yucko... Missed that part
  12. Anyone making 8.25 an hour is a scab. An u.p. is probably the only place hiring right now. And you'll only be on the road if your an eng or conductor. Most of those other jobs are based around the same yard/yards/city. Track dept is the shittiest job on the rr. Thats some slave work. And ya, youll be on the extra board for some years if you end up getting in with enginners or conductors. Missing holidays and all that. But it pays double, so take the good with the bad. cant complain about making 100k a year nowadays. Fuck a holiday
  13. arties stand up kind of blows. Bob levi (?) is the best ive seen so far
  14. Jesus who else is on that wall with poesia and chez? Thats niiiiiice And is that jor on the chains?
  15. Can you elaborate nobody said that yet
  16. Mosley x Mayweather and Pacman x whoever needs to happen and while i'm ranting I really thing Malignaggi needs another chance Another chance??? at what? Miguel cotto rearranged his face. This dude is the biggest dbag in boxing. Looks like one of the gotti kids
  17. Paul williams is a fuckin giraffe dudes arms are like 5 ft long big noodle williams
  18. dude nobodys listening to you again. And you cant use guns/knives in boxing
  19. Any update on Frugoli and his trial?
  20. I understand what your saying mn but thats the thing. Theres not nearly as much money involved for that to happen. Thats the fucked up thing. You know how a fights going to end without even watching it. Most of the time.
  21. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  22. forgetting my id at home. i should be at the near blackout stage right now. Oh and fucking GOLF. How the fuck my tivo not know how to wait till that shit is over, then start recording 60 minutes????? Another half episode.
  23. probably breathing in some nasty stuff down there also You can put ear plugs in
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