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Everything posted by mosluggo

  1. LITTLE BAM BAM WILL FUCK YO ASS UP!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK HOW BIG LIL HOMIES GLOVES ARE HAHAHH http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y65VcABUzr8
  2. Fuck it here is the link Shit is nuts. And its sad to see boxing end up like this. Dana white has to be laughing all the way to the bank. Literally. And another thing, manny needs better sparring partners. End of story.
  3. Apply for carman. Weinie makers. Best job ever
  4. Your screename sums it up pretty well
  5. This should be the first picture in every thread.. Thank you
  6. jessica alba jumped the shark when she did honey. Still watch it when its on cant help it. this is an ugly fucking dress but got damn. ..
  7. I think post counts have to do with how much time you spend/dont spend on 12oz. Thats my guess.
  8. this forum is a magnet for faggots. Google gangster being leader of the pack.
  9. Police Probe Jessica Alba Link to Vandalism Thursday, June 11, 2009 Print ShareThis AP May 20: Jessica Alba arrives for the opening of the exhibition "Between Eternity and History: 1884-2009" in Rome. #story .gallery_container p.caption{display:none !important;} #story .gallery_container p.strut{color:#000;} May 20: Jessica Alba arrives for the opening of the exhibition "Between Eternity and History: 1884-2009" in Rome. OKLAHOMA CITY — Jessica Alba ... a vandal? Police are investigating after photos posted on a Web site appeared to show the actress putting up posters of a great white shark on property in Oklahoma City. Police discovered the posters — aimed at raising awareness about the species' declining numbers — glued to a downtown bridge and elsewhere, including a billboard for the United Way charity. Police Sgt. Gary Knight said Wednesday that investigators have not interviewed Alba, who co-starred in the "Fantastic Four" movies as well as "Sin City" and "Good Luck Chuck." She is in Oklahoma filming "The Killer Inside Me," which co-stars Casey Affleck and Kate Hudson. (A 1976 adaptation of the Jim Thompson novel starred Stacy Keach.) Telephone messages left with Alba's lawyer and publicist were not returned Wednesday, but the 28-year-old actress released a statement to apologize. "I got involved in something I should have had no part of," Alba said. "I realize that I should have used better judgment, and I regret not thinking things through before I made a spontaneous and ill-advised decision to let myself get involved with the people behind this campaign. I sincerely apologize to the citizens of Oklahoma City and to the United Way for my involvement in this incident." var adsonar_placementId="1425891",adsonar_pid="1368767",adsonar_ps="-1",adsonar_zw=224;adsonar_zh=93,adsonar_jv="ads.adsonar.com"; qas_writeAd(); Photos that apparently show Alba gluing posters and posing before the defaced billboard were posted to the site of blogger White Mike, but later removed. According to the site, the posters are designed to raise awareness of the dwindling population of great white sharks. A statement posted to the site Wednesday read: "International pressure is the only way to do it and that starts in Oklahoma, the heartland of America." An official with the city's Parks and Recreation Department reported the incident to police Monday after spotting the posters and the photos on the Internet. Alba's name is redacted from the police report because she has not been arrested or charged with any crime, Knight said. United Way of Central Oklahoma President Bob Spinks said Wednesday the group accepts Alba's apology. "Just as she is passionate about her cause, we are passionate about serving the people of central Oklahoma," Spinks said. "The interesting thing about this is with our fundraising campaign kicking off today, it's been sort of a funny thing that this has happened at this particular point. "This is probably the best unearned media we've had in a long time." Under Oklahoma law, maliciously defacing property can be a felony punishable by prison time if the value of the damage exceeds $1,000 or more. Estimates of the damage are between $500 and $700, said Kristy Yager, a spokeswoman for the city.
  10. Dude you sound like a fucking 8 yr old. Grown people conversation happening here beat it I was referring to memyselfandi
  11. Re: Jay-Z :: D.O.A. (Death Of Autotune) Wasnt this dude living with some football player? Sounds like he has a very bad case of Limp wrist...
  12. I think you were there for brunch homie. At night piano guy or band is by the bar. We used to go up there for free food and drinks all the time. To of the handcock Signature room
  13. You clicked on a thread called the weiner circle, hoping to see exactly that. A circle of weiners, and are now dissapointed or confused. Does that help you at all???
  14. Whoever said their gfriend farts and laughs. ugh thats fucking nasty you wanna be with a bitch like that?? Mine doesnt and has never used the bathroom as far as i know
  15. PEOPLE WHO SEEM TO WAIT UNTIL THE FUCKING TURNING LANE ARROW GOES TO YELLOW BEFORE PROCEEDING TO DRIVE THEIR PEICE OF SHIT THROUGH THE INTERSECTION. Serious, 1. Watch light 2. when it goes green hit the fucking gas you stupid peice of shit. Then, somehow, 5 cars make it through and the douche in front of me stops. RED LIGHT CAMERAS, AND POLICE IN GENERAL- There is now a red light camera at 64th and halsted a HALF BLOCK from the fucking police station. And those are up for SAFETY PURPOSES? Corrupt politicians that are clearly guilty, caught on tape trying to buy a seat in the senate, and acting like the public is misinterpreting what the conversation was about. WE ARE NOT retarded. Stop acting like you don't know what the fuck you are doing and admit it like a real person should. Negativity- My cousing could be on a poster for prozac. If he won the lotto he would say it wasn't enough and he wished he would've hit it the week before. Never seen him happy. Ever My old man's short term memory. Do me a favor, when you say Friday, fucking be there. Instead I end up sitting around waiting like a fucking idiot and accomplishing nothing before work. And USE THE CELLPHONE we got you so shit like this doesn't happen. He had it over a year, can barely figure out how to answer it when it rings. 2nded on when shes "not on the rag" If im not trying to fuck now, what the fuck will i be doing in 10 years with this girl? FAT PEOPLE- Have some self respect and stop eating Wendys 3X a day. Go to the gym a couple times a week and walk on treadmill. It is that simple. And when you are at the gym, please avoid being near me at all costs. Pools with that oily shit floating on top. WTF???? And i know most of the time its sunscreen, but what if it isn't? PEOPLE WHO DON'T CARRY THEIR OWN WEIGHT? I really wanted to walk 2 blocks back and pick up that 5 gallon bucket of paint that you could only carry 100 feet. Sorry Ab People who Litter/ Throw shit out their car- Theirs garbage cans everywhere. And most of the time it's in their own neighborhood. Waking up hungry at 3am TV with commercials. DVR NATIONAL CITY-FUCK OFF! Crying babies. Makes me really reconsider ever having kids. Dead Cell phones and shitty phone service. If i pay 120 a month my phone should work in Guam. Crazy neighbors/roomates People who call and say yo real quick, and next thing you know they been talking for 30 fucking minutes. PATRICK KANE YOU ARE AN OVERRATED PIECE OF SHIT HOCKEY PLAYER THAT CAN'T PLAY DEFENSE OR BACKCHECK. -10 FOR THE SERIES, WORST ON TEAM. HE LOOKS LIKE HE HAS A VERY PROMISING FUTURE. Whiny girlfriends that complain when i come home at 6am smelling like a bottle of absolut wondering where i been. OUT thats where. I was fucking OUT Cigs-yet for some reason still smoke from time to time. Being on a train with a bathroom on it, yet people still go between cars to piss, or piss in car just not in bathroom. I been hanging out with my cousin too much later
  16. That fat chick reminds me of the girl on chappel show.
  17. These folks even told MICHAEL JORDAN to go fuck himself. From the show "this american life." Pretty cool show, but this is pretty entertaining. I wouldnt mind beating up a few of the people in line. Oh and before anyone else does, or brings it up
  18. Who the fuck wears sunglasses to an INDOOR sporting event?
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