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Everything posted by mosluggo

  1. I did a thread on this last year. Mustve been lost in the crash. The puerto vallarta one was awesome this year. And at the end dude says, "ive found the lord, i forgive you man." FUCK YOU I wouldve jacked dude up on the spot. Fancy a smoke? Is that really how you want to sell weed to people douche? And on this last one with the dude doing the drive from mex to colorado etc. They werent paying him SHIT. The first drive over the border he got 300 bucks. what a bunch of chumps. Last year it was all dumb brits, this year the americans are catching up. How bout a show called NOT LOCKED UP ABROAD about people who get away with type of shit.That would be nice.
  2. My Over under on huet tonight is 7 and im taking bets for unders. Til next year
  3. I haven't been that frustrated or angry in a long time . 3-0 CANT HOLD THE LEAD, AGAIN. Fuckin pussies. At least they won. Hope Havlat recovers. Still haven't seen the hit. Listening on the radio kind of blows. BYE BYE Habi, injury or not your out. Last time you'll see him in a hawks uni. Good riddance.
  4. At 2:00 backhand goal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENl_LOZoutk
  5. Hey I'm a hawks fan. More power to them if they prove me wrong. But the track record isn't there. They only beat detroit when they sat half the team the last 2 games of the regular season. It would've been nice to get 1 in detroit. Being down 2-0 and coming back and winning a series in a very hard thing to do. Especially against this team. You can't make stupid mistakes, or take stupid penalties when playing them. I guess thats something they will learn with time, when this year is all said and done. And the paper around here keeps saying shit like kane and toews this and that. If they play good the hawks will win. Kane is -8 this series. I think he sucks. Toews is on a whole other level then that pussy. It's gotta be pissing him off, carrying kanes weight. Did anyone ever teach him how to backcheck in fucking juniors?? Doesn't look like it. He reminds me of zahmnov. Just looks like a floater out there. No balls. I just don't see what the big deal about him is. I don't see the heart at all. Maybe he needs some "time" also. Props to Quenville for getting them this far. And you know the crowd is going to be going nuts tonight. Maybe that'll get the hawks going. And another thing, Keep the lead for more than 2 minutes if you do score first tonight. Fuck
  6. Hopefully they dont get swept. Cambell is a little to old to be making mistakes like that. And on his backhand. Cmon Retard. The hawks lost this series, it was theirs for the taking. My opinion.
  7. Hopefully the hawks don't get killed in the neutral zone tommorow. And Habi is going to have to stop a few shots this game. Dumb penalties will lose the series for the hawks.
  8. Let me rephrase that. Habi hasn't seen as many shots as i thought he would. For example, i don't think the canucks got their 1st shot on net until the 10 min mark in the 2nd period. (not in the GAME)And yes he sucks. But so does huet. So the better of the 2 is playing.
  9. I think pens lose tonight. And your right on metro, have yet to respond luongo is keeping it close. Nucks need more shots on goal. Habi has yet to be tested in this series.
  10. they actually found something bfuglien is good at. standing his big pile of shit ass in front of the net.
  11. Man either bostons playing real shitty or carolina looks real good right now. Maybe a combo of both. Hit kinda looked dirty. Hard call gonchs knee is probably fucked
  12. Damn, I wanna smash michelle obama. And hudson with the saggy tittays.
  13. Wow i guess im the only one glad the wings lost. oh well. Thats too bad about the refs, in all seriousness. Sounds like some are on the take. Wouldn't suprise me. Sounded like the hawks played like shit. More dumb penalties. Coming from behind every game isnt a good strategy. They need to get up, then they can play their game.
  14. whats up with the canadien fans booing the national anthem? jealousy? Weak either way..and the hawks being down and coming back to win is going to end sometime.
  15. whats up with the canadien fans booing the national anthem? jealousy? Weak either way..
  16. I'd love to see boston and detroit go out, just don't see it happening.Those were the 2 teams i saw making it to the finals.
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