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Everything posted by MrChupacabra

  1. Re: My girlfriend is being a fucking cunt
  2. Re: My girlfriend is being a fucking cunt You must spread some reputation around before giving props for Stuart Dooley. DID NOT READ THE REST OF THIS THREAD.
  3. Yeah, Twins play in the clutch has been real bad too. On the nights where we are hitting, we're stranding endless amounts of players on base. I don't know the actual amount, but I'm pretty sure I've seen us leave the bases loaded like 10 times already this season. Oh well, enough bitching. Fucking lulz at Hamels talking about how he's "old school" because he beaned Harper for being new in the majors. Rizzo tore him apart with, "No one has ever accused Cole Hamels of being old school." I laughed.
  4. The thing that is getting me the most isn't players underperforming, it's the fact that our entire system - the FO, managers, coaches, training staff, the whole fucking thing - is broken. Yeah, a lot of our players are underperforming too, but the whole system is fubar as it stands. We let kids rot in the minor, then we call them up and try to make them play every single position. We shuffle the lineup every night. We keep signing the exact same "pitch to contact" pitchers, even though it clearly hasn't been working. Our trainers misdiagnose and mistreat injuries. Our hitting coach ruins batters. We cut payroll 2 fucking years after we get a new stadium (and I'd bet my savings account that it gets cut again next year after we dump all of our veteran players). I was all excited for baseball during the offseason and spring training, but there's only so many times i can stay excited watching us give up 3 and 4 and 5 runs in the first inning and trying to play catch up against actual major league pitchers (or pitchers who shouldn't really be in the majors but are still twice as good as our starters). I'm still watching when I'm at home and a game is on, but ain't a goddamn thing going to change until they gut our entire operation and get some people in there who know how to coach and manage and sign players and all the things that they're supposed to be doing.
  5. I don't really get why they killed Irri and Rakharo. But I guess if the whole Dany plotline is going to go differently, they are relatively negligible characters (or at least interchangeable with her other handmaidens/bloodriders). We're definitely missing out on a saucy lesbian love scene though, as a result.
  6. Weaver vs Twins rematch tonight. And we got our boy Frankie Liriano out there to throw some BP to the Angels. 9.97 ERA, 5 games, 21 innings (4.2 innings per game!), 2.22 WHIP, opponents hitting .360 against him. Looking good! It'll be a miracle if this team gets to 20 wins before 50 losses.
  7. I tend to watch the new episodes on Monday nights, so I haven't actually seen the episode, but I'm also pretty disappointed in some of the changes that I've already read about. As I said previously, it's been fun to watch, but it's going to end up being hugely different from the books very soon here. Too many characters and plot lines are going to end up getting cut, they're going to have to find other ways to tie things together, and it's all going to fall apart/turn into a different story where some of the characters and events happen to be the same. Then they'll have a giant orgy with all the female characters and CGI dragons and HBO will cancel it well before GRRM ever finishes the last 2 books.
  8. The Twins are absolutely atrocious, but it was still a very nice no hitter by Weaver. Only one walk and one passed ball, advanced to first on a strikeout. I'm still laughing about the fact that we have 13 pitchers and 3 catchers on our 25man roster, and no one who can backup 2nd, SS or 3rd in any sort of reasonable manner (since Trevor Plouffe is fucking terrible everywhere). And our OF backups are Plouffe again and Clete Thomas, who is also garbage. And I guess Doumit and Parmelee count as OF backups too, since Gardy has such a love affair with never playing the same lineup and trying to make players play 2 and 3 and 4 positions every single week. I don't think we've seen a repeat lineup yet this season, in 24 games, since clearly the never-ending shuffle worked so well for us last year. I tried to stay relatively positive for the season, but it's beyond bad. Our starters combined ERA is currently 7.25 and it would not surprise me in the least if we lose over 100 games this season. To make it even worse, we don't have a single starting pitcher in the minors with any real major league potential in the next few years. And no way we're going to try to sign any impact players with this bad of a team. Infact, we're probably going to dump a lot of players who are playing decently come mid season.
  9. I'm assuming Jojen is just getting cut and Osha is going to more or less take on the role of Meera Reed. Problem is, that throws things off with Rickon. Otherwise, they could introduce them (or just Meera) in season 3. I'm pretty confident it'll be a no-go on Jojen though. I'm also wondering if they're going to introduce Ramsay this season, because I really don't see how or why they would cut him from the entire storyline. To be quite honest, I've been enjoying the show, but it's going to start being so drastically different than the books and there is no way around that. Yeah, some of the main events can stay the same, but they're going to have to change all sorts of shit due to the characters, scenes, and plotlines that they won't have time to introduce. edit: and for good measures... so badass.
  10. That shit is like an even gayer version of this: YO DOG, WATCH ME TWIRL THIS SHIT
  11. Quaithe's mask was badass. And I was bummed that the shadow stabbed Renly in the back and didn't slice his throat through his gorget.
  12. http://www.mediafire.com/?i2p4cptpdcaim71
  13. After reading countless reviews, keeping up on firmware updates, and lurking forums daily for the last few months, I finally went to a camera store to actually check out an X100 today. Only fiddled around with it for about 20 minutes, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to go for it in the next week or so. Still a very quirky camera, but they've been steadily improving/fixing a lot of the issues in firmware updates. It was actually smaller than I had been thinking all along too, which is a nice bonus, since I'd like it to be my every day carry camera. I struggle with pulling the trigger on expensive purchases though, so I'm still not positive.
  14. Killer shots, serum. What kinda film is that? Reminds me of the last roll of neopan 400 that i shot during the day, pushed to 1600.
  15. Nurga has shown up in my vocabulary a few times recently and surprisingly, no one has asked me what the fuck I was talking about. In regards to nigga/nigger, I'm indifferent. It's all just words, so who really cares?* *besides white people pretending to be really concerned about racism.
  16. Fucking lulz. Delmon Young arrested for hate-crime harassment. http://espn.go.com/new-york/mlb/story/_/id/7862121/detroit-tigers-delmon-young-faces-hate-crime-charge-new-york
  17. Just because it's heartburn medication or medicine for something that isn't very serious doesn't mean it couldn't fuck you up. Granted, it'll probably go fine, but I can't say that I'd want to be one of the first people to try out a new drug.
  18. From their website: "Before a medication can be prescribed, it must undergo an extensive testing and approval process. First, the investigational medication goes through rigorous preclinical testing. If it is permitted by regulatory agencies for the next phase of drug development, the investigational medication is then tested for safety in humans through clinical research studies. If endorsed by regulatory agencies after that, the investigational medication is further tested for both safety and effectiveness in patients with the disease or disorder it is intended to treat. The sponsor then submits a report (New Drug Application) to the appropriate regulatory authority, who either approves it, rejects it, or requires more testing. " Since I'm assuming you don't have the disease or disorders that they're intending to treat, none of these medications are one step away from approval. Infact, according to this, it looks like you'll get to be a front line guinea pig.
  19. They know some things about them...just not enough for the FDA to approve it. Have fun with your "one step away from being approved" drugs, since I gotta imagine it's going to be something with potential for terrible, long term side effects if they're paying $3000 for people to test it.
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