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Everything posted by imported_splint2

  1. Wow, you're a fucking tough guy. Australia is a piece of shit backwash nation, they don't even deserve to have beer.
  2. Yeah, it's more of a bummer since it was something I had to special order rather than just something I can pick up anytime. I have heard from a number of people that Pennsylvania beer laws are fucked up beyond belief, I plan on staying clear of that mess. Beer prices are retarded as it is.
  3. Yeah, from people I know personally I have only heard good things about Kimbers (well, aside from one guy that said his Custom had some problems feeding early in its life, but I guess that's a non-issue now). I do remember reading a fair amount about some models they released with external extractors that had a bunch of issues consistently ejecting casing. It was so bad they eventually returned to internal extractors. That has me a little spooked, but I can't for the life of me see how they would risk putting anything out that would have similar issues when they already went through it once.
  4. Anyone here have/handled one of these yet? I am considering looking into one once I hear a little more about their functionality/reliability.
  5. Get a case of this (ten days old): Proceed to being diagnosed with the flu and being unable to drink it. Fuck being sick.
  6. I wasn't all that high on the Chipotle Porter. I tried it after seeing some earlier posts in this thread, but it wasn't my thing. It seemed chalky and medicinal, like someone crushed up some gross pills in it. To each their own, some people seem to love it. This stuff was pretty good though:
  7. I love hoppy beers also, I just wasn't impressed with Hoptimum. On the other hand, it appears I need to see if that Trout Hop is available around here. The consensus seems to be that it's pretty good.
  8. I have read about a lot of reliability problems with Sig Misquitos. If I remember correctly, earlier models were much more prone to having problems (mainly jamming and failure to feed, I believe). I guess even the newer ones, which have some of the kinks worked out, are really picky about ammo and seem to only work reliably with one or two brands of ammo.
  9. Ehh, I am aware of Beer Advocate and I despise it. That being said, I am a member of Ratebeer and actively rate beers there, mainly so I can keep a catalogue of what I have had and whether I enjoyed it or not. The only problem I see with sites like that is that a lot of the time people will rate a beer based on what they think it should be, or what others have told them it should be, rather than just giving their own opinions on the beer. It seems like once something starts getting good reviews no one wants to go against the grain and be the naysayer. I don't have a problem with it.
  10. Those are pretty cool. I dig the second one.
  11. I don't know, maybe I got a bad bottle. It was supposedly only a few weeks old, so I don't think freshness was an issue. Who knows though, you could try it and love it.
  12. I found that Hoptimum from Sierra Nevada to be pretty disappointing. Sharp, abrasice hops (and not in the enjoyable way) and too much residual sugar created an almost medicinal taste. I do wonder if there is any Noble Pils floating around here though.
  13. Indeed! Killer stuff Shortfuse.
  14. Estivale? Also, Brandy Barrel Old Stock was one of the best beers I have ever had. The Boubon was good, but not quite as good.
  15. Last year's Nocturnum was very good. I need to get down south and hit up Trinity again soon, it was really solid.
  16. Yeah, much better (and cheaper) than Older Viscosity also.
  17. Breckenridge Oatmeal Stout isn't much to write home about. Texas heads that don't already know should give this stuff a shot, it's pretty solid: Independence Brewing Convict Hill Oatmeal Stout
  18. I've been toying with the idea of trying to find a Delta Elite. I have heard good things about 10mm rounds themselves, I just wish it was more readily available. How does it shoot?
  19. Damn, I forgot all about this girl until seeing this picture. Wasn't it Dee38 that initially found her, or am I all fucked up?
  20. Nice, that stuff was really good fresh. I guess some of the bottles developed infections though, how was the one you had? I think I still have a bottle or two sitting around somewhere.
  21. A friend shared a bottle of Westvleteren with me and it was very, very good. It is pretty pricey to get a bottle in the US, but I have heard it isn't too bad in Europe. The sad thing is the cost of getting a bottle here is starting to seem less and less crazy with the way domestic craft beer prices are rising. Here's what I started the day with:
  22. Yeah, it definitely looks like it's leading in a different direction from your usual stuff.
  23. Flies in them? Their barley wine is pretty terrible, so I can't disagree with you there.
  24. Sounds like you got rid of it. If so, why?
  25. Yeti is their strongest offering in my opinion, but they are pretty solid overall. It's funny, because their Barrel Aged Yeti was sub-par and the Barrel Aged Ruffian was pretty offensive.
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