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Everything posted by serum

  1. http://shop.the-impossible-project.com/shop/film POLAROID FILM NOW RELEASED
  2. hows that turbo dog? because abita is currently on my don't ever buy again list
  3. KOH close this thread and put it out of its misery before we get more rap lyrics
  4. bells is awesome there is nothing you could tell me otherwise. i had the alagash white ale. it was good as well. lot a flavors going on. tase wise A+
  5. Re: a tranny gave me a blowjob last night this shit is hilarious thanks for posting. i have a friend that was trying to get a hotel room for the night. he was looking for a place to crash his friends were just looking for a place to get wasted. some mexican dude they met outside the hotel went in on the room to save money, and therefore get more alcohol, drugs etc, well my boy woke up to mexican dude giving him a blow job and everyone else laughing about it. he ran after the guy down the street with nothing but a tshirt and socks on. he was pretty broken up about it but i laughed. he now jokes about it with pride, you guys would get along great. you people are possessed that dude is homo, get over it, this thread is gold.
  6. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! for the first 15 minutes he appears to be really happy but after failing to even get a grip of this giant bone he just got extremely upset and frustrated. i may need to saw this thing into pieces.
  7. abita jockamo i don't know how you could fuck up an ipa so badly but this one find a way to do so. this will be the last abita anything i will try. shit beers. allagash tripel ale this one made me feel less like an idiot after buying that abita. delicious all the way around, smell taste etc. **the picture has white ale but i'm too lazy to find a tripel ale.
  8. my favorite winter brew is great lakes christmas ale. that stuff is awesome in a bottle.
  9. i'm digging the sierra nevada bigfoot ale. I usually skip over sierra nevada for other beers but this one and the seasonal have won me over. I think they have stepped up their brand from what I remember 10 years ago.
  10. i have a polaroid back for my camera. i use the fuji film it comes out to around $10/box i'm subscribed to that impossible project. i'm looking forward to when they release their stuff. should be awesome.
  11. founders breakfast stout and imperial stout
  12. Re: Great Pictures~ Jumping wolf photographer loses wildlife prize
  13. don't get arrested there you'll be in jail for a minute. all judges conveniently take vacation in feb
  14. that article pretty much covers it here's the cliff notes, keep him locked in the kennel until chewing stops spray with sour apple etc that leaves a bad taste on furniture, kill energy.
  15. i heard he just cut that shit out and threw into the ocean
  16. buy a grip of weed; break it down into smaller quantites; sell problem solved
  17. dexter star has cancer
  18. just a heads up that beer wars will be available on netflix instant status 2/2
  19. alice sweet alice (communion) someone can take my turn
  20. out of the mainstream jappanese beers ebisu has the most unique taste on the regular i like kirin. sapporo is next; last is asahi i absolutely hate happoshu which is just a disgrace to even be in the beer section the only thing is most of the japanese beers are made by budweiser in usa this was according to the guy where i buy my beer. edit that ^ however i have never had i will look for it if i am ever in southern japan
  21. i was absolutely fascinated, confused and bored with synedoche, new york i had to watch it twice to get that reaction because the first time i was just bored and fell asleep but the next time around i think i may have liked it, but i dont think i would recommend it because people would probably come back and say wtf was that?
  22. Re: Great Pictures~ last night? ain't no motherfucker gonna be wearing shorts in the middle of January in Chicago where's the snow?
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