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Everything posted by serum

  1. serum


    tabun sono e wa okiisugiru hotto rinku wo tsukauniha chikuyuno aikonwo tsukaimasu = http://www.naninani.com imeji no rinku wo tsukauniha yamano aikonwo tsukaimasu = http://www.naninani.com fatesan yabaine
  2. this is england was not great, decent at best.
  3. serum


    whats up emeykun welcome to 12oz homie.
  4. i wanted to hear song from the background lp not hello bastards. i mean dont get me wrong they are still a great band but i don't like pop punk or the crowd that comes with it.
  5. on 420 hippie blood will trickle down. im sold
  6. A Wife to be Sacrificed Evil Dead Trap Eyes without a face Legend of the Wolf (Donnie Yen) Shinjuku Triad Society Rainy Dog
  7. i saw american gangster today and it was pretty good. ridley scott still has the skills
  8. anyone use infrared film before? i only messed around with it once and the majority of the shots were too dark. i had the fstop all over the place but still too dark. if you have had any luck using it please post up some examples
  9. do you have a fondness for movies about retards?
  10. serum


    ok ill try and do the abstract landscape but friday is not going to happen i wake up at 530 am and get home at 8pm ill try for this weekend.
  11. serum


    thanks alot for starting an epic thread right after i get busy. like you guys couldnt have done this a few months back when i was sitting on my ass.
  12. old as in background lp and their first 7 inch or hello bastards?
  13. lifetime dont even play their old songs anymore. they are still a great band but kinda pissed me off when i saw them at a pop punk venue
  14. serum


    i walked by a stained glass workshop today. for a second i thought wow this is some really nice stuff. id love to learn how to do this. then i was like, sitting around cutting glass all day and fitting them into a metal mold? nah no thanks. i may settle for the simpler aka cheesier way of just getting one piece of glass a sodering gun and paint the thing. but that is kinda lame and lazy of me. so i might give up on the idea all together. life is full of disappointments.
  15. this was cool but i thought it started to get boring after awhile and the ending was annoying
  16. Monks 'seeking to flee Rangoon' Many monks are desperate to leave Rangoon, witnesses say Scores of monks are trying to leave Burma's main city, Rangoon, following the military's bloody crackdown on anti-government protests, reports say. Witnesses said many monks were at the railway station, while bus drivers were said to be refusing to take them out of fear they would not be allowed petrol. Hundreds of people have now been detained, with more arrests overnight. A UN envoy is preparing a key report on his talks with Burma's leaders amid global concern over the situation. The envoy, Ibrahim Gambari, met top military leaders to voice concern over the violence. He also met pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi. He is expected to brief both UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and the Security Council later this week. Missing monks Mr Gambari was despatched to Burma last week after police and soldiers used violence to halt almost two weeks of anti-government protests. Exiles in desperate conditions The authorities said 10 people were killed, although diplomats and activists believe the number of dead is many times higher. Hundreds of monks - who led the protests - have been detained and sources have told the BBC they will be sent to prisons in the far north of the country. Other protesters are also said to be missing. Reports from Rangoon said around 25 more monks were arrested by security forces in a raid on a temple overnight. Witnesses reported many monks stranded at bus stations, unable to get out of the city, and few monks were seen on the streets. Rangoon was said to be quiet, with troops maintaining a heavy presence and warning protesters to stay away. An eyewitness there said that people seemed very scared. On Tuesday the UN's top human rights official, Louise Arbour, called on the junta to give "precise and verifiable information" on the number of dead and injured as well as "the whereabouts and condition of those who have been arrested". Army defector Meanwhile, footage has emerged of a Burmese army officer who fled to Thailand in the first apparent defection since the crackdown. The officer, whose unit was ordered to Rangoon to deal with the protests, said he did not want to beat or shoot monks - who are revered in Burmese society. "I knew the plan to beat and shoot the monks and if I stayed on, I would have to follow these orders. Because I'm a Buddhist, I did not want to kill the monks," he said. The officer is now seeking asylum abroad. The BBC's Chris Hogg says that this is a rare split in the ranks which dissident groups will attempt to exploit as evidence that some younger officers are opposed to the brutal crackdown by the country's leaders. So far, though, there is no sign that others are prepared to follow his lead, our correspondent says.
  17. what i meant was get the bozack :cool:
  18. incase english isnt your first language epmd your heads
  19. ok wow now theres like 14 guests in here. too weird. if you guys support the burmese monks and happen to stumble in here through the net thanks for coming and lets hope that the myanmar military all simultaneously explode for some unexplained reason. peace is then completely restored to burma and aung san suu kyi is freed. since im paranoid because ive never seen more than a handful of people in here... if you guys are from the myanmar military and are reading this you guys can lick the balls. said in an epmd like fashion. you guys should free everyone and all jump on the nearest landmine ok thanks.
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