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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. all of that and you don't bother to leave your names? yawn. people like to talk shit about me, yet nearly every single person ive ever argued with has at one point come to me personally and we've had intelligent conversations with them admitting to respect me and asking for opinions or advice. i closed the thread because the people doing all the talking and arguing arent even the ones doing the painting, they're unrelated cheerleaders of ignorance. because those who do paint send me PM's ASKING ME to do something about it. this thread represents them, and represents the city. i did it for them. as for me not being up, thinking im god, blah blah. you don't know me, or know anything about me. my friends know me, know what ive done, and know what i'm about. they respect me, so what someone who won't even admit what they write, because they know their name will destroy any credibility they think their words have, thinks is irrelivent to me. keep being mad.
  2. anyone whoese ever watched beards draw knows its true. he'll never accept it or admit it, but dude is easily one of the most innovative, inspiring and ultimately slept on writers in america, ever.
  3. im really not trying to be some e-nazi, but seriously, yall are just talk-talk-talking. it's boring as shit. every single thing you're arguing about, i argued about 15 years ago. everything you think you are, i thought i was 15 years ago. try and have a bit broader perspective of shit. it will help you progress a million times faster than thinking you're the shit, or arguing about who is more 'up', swl or fbs. dibs matters more to detroit graffiti than either crew, and he hasn't painted a piece there in 6 years. graffiti is so much larger than most of you imagine. try to remember that please. please dont make me close this again.
  4. you guys are o mind numbingly annoying i cant take it. this shit is closed for 3 days. do not start another thread. just stop fucking talking.
  5. haha. motherfucker used correction tape. awesome. my only feedback is that im constantly surprised by how many different variations you can do of things. its all obviously done by you, but there are still a lot of different 'styles' under the same umbrella. that, and the number of sktches you can bang out. beardo is the same way. give dude 20 minutes and ten pieces of paper, and he'll give you 10 sketches better than anything you've ever done. it's fucking assinine. ha.
  6. i wasnt saying it a slam at all, just explaining why i wasnt commenting in depthly. ive never had any kind of art training, or schooling so most of that stuff and the references go over my head. its easier just to ignore it. plus, the more i know, the less i enjoy things. i already hate just about everything, ive gotta hold onto what little i have left.
  7. KOH, i know that piece wasnt on the cover. but it was in the issue i believe. i still have that one someplace. i, like bojangles, dont read into stuff too much. it either confuses or annoys me. i am working my way through the newman book, but its a beast so ts gonna take some time. 5 years so far. ha.
  8. this was the piece (published in WYWS #1 with you and rust on the cover, yes?) that started my attempts at 'abstract' stuff - although at the time there was obviously no distinct title to for it. i'm sorry. ha. actually, now that i think about it....was there another piece, slightly more 'traditional', i believe outlined in white, that just sort of 'dissintigrated' when it got to the R? like, fully rendered on the JOK side, then just kind of fading out and intentionally uncompleted?
  9. as possibly the only person besides joker and beards to have seen this book during its creation (i was living with beards at the time) i can personally attest to its complete and total awesomeness. it was honestly some of the best stuff i'd ever seen either of them do. every page was amazing. also, joker failed to mention that the entire book was done with the (i believe) the same 4 colors. all yellows. i still think about some of the stuff i saw in there. it definitely was some next level shit. the kind of book that would have heavily influenced a lot of people in a very good way. alas...
  10. earl, kinsey bores me and i dont like him. fuck him. i like giant. his stuff doesnt move me like it used to, but he definitely has his own way of doing it and has done it forever. also, his technical ability owns, as does the sheer amount of work he produces. plus, he comes across as a very honest person who's really just enjoying life. the rest of the people usually strike me as leaches sucking off their little shot at fame. the problem with juxtapose is that the people in it rarely strike me as genuine 'artists' or people with a severe need to create. granted, i dont really know shit about any of them, but i also dont want to.
  11. i like portions of the second one, first one i'm not a huge fan of. i do appreciate/envy/respect the amount of work you can do within a clearly defined genre. it's such a fucking struggle for me to do two paintings with the stripes going the same direction, cause i feel like i've already 'covered' that subject. i know it's stupid, but it's how i roll (self defeatingly). im not totally anti jeremy fish, but i am pretty anti anything that is so marketable and easily digestible. to me, it just seems like he's doing the same safe, boring, cliche shit over and over. i cant hate on him for finding a niche and making money, but i also dont have to like it. crooked, go to the store and read a copy. you'll see articles and advertisements for the same 10 people in nearly every issue. if the artists names don't ring a bell, their interchangable art will be familiar. it's total horseshit. they somehow managed to take 'pop art' and make it even more soulless than it was before.
  12. please do. i know nothing of his process, just the final works...most of which ive seen only in afformentioned shit-compilation. seeks/fuck audry kawasaki, fuck sam flores, fuck jeremy fish, fuck that garcia girl or whatever her name is, fuck all those people
  13. aaron noble is rad. i like his stuff quite a bit. i like that he's constantly painting 'tension', and implying scenarios, but without ever being obvious or overt. plus, the scale kills me. i dont care for many people youd find in juxtapose, but dude wins.
  14. infrared film? i havent looked in this thread in forever, and only checked this last page but there's some really dope stuff. not the same 2 or 3 people posting over and over. i dont have much to contribute, im too lazy, but heres a couple things from recently. nothing spectacular.
  15. its not really abstract, doesnt really belong in here, and isn't even particularly good, but its a picture to look at till someone posts a better one. (exactly as it was taken, not turned or anything)
  16. i been down with russian circles since hand screend cd-r's. rad dudes. the suno)))/boris album cover was done by aaron horkey, not sure about any of the work inside the album.
  17. no hiatus, just been busy traveling and doing some shit. ill be back around in a week or so when i'm back home.
  18. XIDE/KLAS owns that shit. is everyone in THR now?
  19. also, getting tattooed in bedrooms by dudes with no gloves is a sweet way to get aids. just sayin.
  20. *****************ATTENTION************************ word on the street is that there are some people with unsecured photo hosts that have some really incriminating shit on there, that blows up both their own and other peoples spots. some of yall might want to make sure things are set to private, and/or delete your faces off the same accounts you use to post shit in here.
  21. i dont imagine this will last long.
  22. optrik, was that caught here, or found in metal heads? it was painted in the bay in 99ish.
  23. you do know you can put more than one image per post, right?
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