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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. enigmatic, hairdryer. you can dry acrylic in seconds like that. stagnant, its probably not my favorite piece of artwork ever done, but your approach, materials, etc outweigh the things i dont really care for on it. it implies a level of 'thinking outside the box' that matters more than the outcome itself. its good.
  2. i agree with mams, about disagree with heav. i am at work working on my landscape. 8 layers of the same color. this is going to photograph terribly.
  3. it's a fucking terrible design and i had absolutely nothing to do with it. i was linked to it by a friend last night. it was designed by someone in LA, no clue where he took the picture at. ups is ups though.
  4. click here somebody sent me a picture of this today, i had no idea it existed. don't be the only kid on your block not repping detroits favorite wayward writer.
  5. started working on my 'landscape' tonight, but im afraid it just looks mostly like everything else i paint. trying to knock out an 14x20 full painting in 3 days is insanity for me. we'll see how it goes.
  6. mine didn't get a critique cause it's pretty much the pinicle of art. seeking fantastic.
  7. i will do better next time, i swear. and stumping me is not difficult, when you omit letters, do the letters totally out of order and stack them on top of eachoher like a jigsaw puzzle.
  8. shut up, im fucking embaressed i even bothered to post that. i should be slapped. someone give me the rules for this landscape shit.
  9. joker, where are your letters? i can aways pick them out on your pieces, but you've got me stumped here.
  10. i totally assed out on this one. when i was drunk and making up the rules, my piece was going to be epic. with each day that i procrastinated, it got less and less epic, until eventually it became a summer camp t shirt. i know the word was pause, but i couldnt come up with shit for it. this is for heavylox, who always hates on the fact that i refuse to mix art and graffiti.
  11. i feel like such an ass, because i havent even started mine. weekends arent good for being productive for me. too much shit going on. ill have it up by tomorrow night.
  12. i like that gasm stuff. it looks a whooooole lot like GONER, which is why i like it i suppose, but its not bad.
  13. i do not recall ever meeting anyone who had an 'art is whatever you want it to be' mentallity and didn't completely fucking suck. not saying it applies to you, i have no clue who you are, i'm just sayin. "abstract art that is done with spraypaint can be called graffiti as long as it is used as expression in public space and exhists on its own" that's like saying any game that is played with a ball on a field of grass can be called 'baseball'. i'm not buying it. it might apply if you're trying to impress websters new collegiate, but if you're trying to impress 40 years of writers: FAIL. i used to paint fucking terrible 'abstract' graffiti. i did it before i was on 12oz, before it was 'cool' and before it was an excuse to forgo learning letters. i used to say that what i was doing was an extension of what i had been doing, and to a point it was true, but i was still doing it fucking awfully. i'd paint a big mass that sort of curved in kind of an S shape, and call it an S. it wasn't an S, it was a failure. maybe if i was a better artist i could have pulled it off better, and at the time, i think i really did do some cool stuff, even retrospectively, i had moments of...acceptability. but as a whole, it was shit, as is 99% of 'abstract' graffiti that's done in america. somehow there are a bunch of europeans who are actually doing it fresh, why americans can't find that formula is beyond me, although i'm kind of glad they haven't.
  14. the word was actually PAUSE, cause heavylox felt gay writing timber, but timber is acceptable also. and those are both super rad. i really under valued your abilities. ha. i mean, no offense, you were always a solid dude but i never had any idea of all this. i tend to imagine that everyone who hangs out in ch0 is a total toy. mostly that's based on the fact that 90% of the people in there are total toys.
  15. ok, here we go. *************************************************************************** word is TIMBER seeks: how do you feel about the word? heavylox: well timber ||= wood = erection || = gay seeks: ok, so what about PAUSE instead? heavylox: yeah, lets do that. ignore the above, word is now: PAUSE TWO COLORS ONLY NO PREMADE PENCILS, PENS, MARKERS, ETC. if you want to use something like that, you must make it yourself. please include a picture with your final work just for fun. you may also use brushes, paints, or anything like that. the point is simply to get away from the usual tools we'd use on a black book page. as for how much time to devote, i'd say try and take it a step or two beyond the last excercise, but not some mind blowing masterpiece. i think it's important to go in stages, and not take things too far too soon. DEADLINE IS SUNDAY AT NOON
  16. yeah man, the middle canvas is killing it. like that shit a lot. the last sketch is fire to me as well. not fair posting several though, you're making us look bad. harvey, the electrical tape is awesome. heavy, this board does not operate on CPT, get with the program dude.
  17. no, i was planning to make it suck. and be boring.
  18. on one hand, i just like knowing things, anything, doesnt matter what. i like understanding whats going on around me at all times. i like getting obscure references in books and films. but when it comes to the art that i do solely for myself, i really feel like the less input i have from other established artists, the better. all it really does is frustrate me to look at other peoples stuff. i'll get motivated for half a minute, but then it turns into 'well it's already been done before, so why bother" i suffer HUGELY from that, in a crippling kind of way. i wish i didnt. i wish i could just 'produce' regardless, but i cant. i produce things when i feel the need to. blah blah. im supposed to be going to produce a wall right now. i need to get out of bed.
  19. i liked the stuff that i liked long before i knew of any real 'artists'. when i learned of rothko, newman, still, etc they just validated how i felt about things, rather than really shaped it.
  20. ha. i like how we both split ours up into two sections. i also like how we posted exactly what would be expected of us, or exactly what i imagine would be expected of us (us, being you joker and i) ha. someone should have contacted beards about this, so he could blow us all out of the water. i know all the submissions arent in, so its rude to begin talking about the 'next one', but for the next one, id like to see a 'no premade pen/marker' rule. any other medium, but no pens or markers. still on paper though. no carving shit into trees or hookers or anything. ignore this post im really drunk. earlier tonight i was walking around catching tags while talking to KOH on my sidekick. thats technology for you. ha.
  21. consiering that its 4/5th's of my word, in nearly exact order, one might mistakenly expect something halfway decent from me here. that would be your great folly.
  22. that brah shit is fucking terrible. punc, go get one of those little free apartment/real estate magazines, or a metro times or something, get a sharpie, and fill up every single inch of the thing with tags. do hundreds and hundreds of them. do them the same, do them different, doesnt matter, just do a ton of them. when you fill up one, get another and fill that up as well.
  23. we know who it was intended for, we were just so appalled at the idea that we had to chime in as well. ha.
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