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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. nice. i have temporarily given up on painting in favor of drinking and cavorting with whores. sometimes you gotta take a break from your aimless art career in order to clear your head. or pollute it. depending on perspective.
  2. wanted it, had it, lost it. it's been a long and winding road. / steppin razor X
  3. anyone talking about 'back in teh day' should be required to post their 'back in the day' name.
  4. for the record, i bit abuse, not joker. and i made my mark as well. of course my mark was the final nail hole in jer's coffin, but whatever. ha. there are hacks and frauds in every facet of life. some of those people possess great technical skill with allows them to front in a more convincing manner, but im not fooled. be it abstract, fine art, whatever, i go by feel. usually my feeling is mistrust, frustration, anoyance, sadness and emptyness. ha. when i can find art that does not make me feel that, i know i've got someone who's genuine.
  5. life is always bigger than your friends and their opinions. in a small circle, it only takes one person cosigning some bullshit to make it 'fact', but that does not make it so. just sayin.
  6. i do care, otherwise i wouldnt bother to share my thoughts. i deserve no praise though, my opinions of others are nothing more than the criticisms i have of myself. most of those come as a result of my friendship with, and influence of KOH, joker, beardo, etc. seeing the amount of effort they put into their own work showed me that anything less would be half assing it. i dont have the vision or ability that any of them have, but im tenacious and i know a lot of words, so atleast it reads well on paper. ;)
  7. innocuous, neutral backgroud: check plexiglass overlay to create shadows/depth/kitch: check industrial silver hardware (which for god knows what reason everyone, myself included, always really likes alot): check every color in the wheel: check organic swirls: check technical, illustrator style bits: check overspray/drips: check anyone ever seen those mock 'personality profiles' that you read and it seems to nail you to a T, but then you read the background info, and realize that it's intentionally written with such double speak that it would appeal to 95% of the people reading it? thats what stuff like this sort of reminds me of. it's not 'bad' at all. there are definitely parts of it i like alot, but as a whole it does much less for me. its too easy. it comes across (to me anyway) as done to impress people, rather than to express something. i dont have much interest in art that wants to be liked, i'd rather look at art that needed to be made.
  8. i like them in theory, but they seem too...likable, which makes me doubt their honesty. then again, im so overly critical i'm almost obsolete.
  9. i could explain it all from my perspective, but really who cares? these dudes arent big upping themselves on the internet, they're not starting beef with your people, they're not biting you, they're not painting over you or even anywhere near you, so really what's it matter to you what they're doing? if you're on some crusade to save graffiti, there are plenty of people in your own crew who need just as much help as any of these kids.
  10. sorry, im bored... what issac is trying to say, i believe, is that basically there is an entire crew of kids who seem to be pretty heavily influenced by esau. not that anyones biting perse, i know full well how crew influence works, it just seems a little more pronounced with several people coming out of nowhere to do it. personally, i find it kind of dull and formulaic, but since the formula seems to be 'lets have fun', i cant hate too much. i do wish a little more attention was paid to letters, but i get the feeling alot of the kids are painting just as something to do, cause their friends do it, rather than out of a love for 'graffiti'. also, im sure alot of what's going on right now is a response to the 'other half' of detroit writers thinking they're super rap gangsters. one side goes further to irritate the other, and they continue pushing eachother further in their chosen direction. for the record, im not hating on dudes at all. this whole smooth wizard league thing makes me laugh, and i'd happily paint with them if i was in town. but liking people, and loving what they paint will always be different things to me.
  11. if you're gonna take the time to bite zyphers letters, make 2 stencils (one for the letters, one for the 3d), overspray a 7 color fill and a 5 color background, you might as well take the time to find a sharpie that isn't half dead to do the outline with. just saying.
  12. what the fuck happened to nelly fertado? yikes.
  13. um, i like the letters, but why do it so crappy?
  14. fuck yes i know. i also sometimes hold the can right at the top edge of the canvas, then i spray and spray and spray until it drips down almost the whole thing. i really like this 'look'. cap it off with a sweet tag and it's a wrap.
  15. the thing i like most about painting canvases is pushing down on the cap just slightly, so it makes a bunch of sweet sputtering spray marks. i also like spraying the paint into the cap, then 'flinging' the paint at the canvas. sometimes ill do this with several colors in a criss cross pattern.
  16. they were ok, till they were ruined by the shitty tags that completely detract from the rest of the image.
  17. thanks. not southwest, ive just always been really interested in rust on surfaces. i love when you see a bolt, or a crack in paint, and a stream of rust and discoloration runs down the panel. thts the most perfect 'art' to me. cracked, peeling paint, delapidation, etc. those colors tend to fall on the earthy side, so i gravitate towards them. also, i felt like the last couple things id done were black, so i wanted to try and do something a little more 'upbeat'. ha. i worry alot about being cliche, or repeating myself, so i try and make a point to not do that. what is polyurathane? like, just clear base or semthing? im totally ignorant to art and techniques and all that. i use whatever i can rack from michaels, which always tends to be acrylic, cause i dont need anything special for it.
  18. these pictures totally suck. i have no good white light in my place, and i dont feel like dragging everything downstairs and trying to get shots outside, so keep in mind that they're lacking a whole lot. this is actually white, with some creams, tans, and browns. it looks a lot like cowhide when you see it in person. it almost looks soft, like leather. it's one of my favorite things ive done, and the first thing i finished since the ones i posted earlier. same colors as the one above. this one also has some natural wood still in it. this isnt done, i just dnt know what to do with it. the right panel needs something, just not sure what. i kinda feel like dyptichs and tryptichs are 'cheating', in the same way that black and white photography lends itself to boring photos. that doesnt stop me from liking them alot though. all of my paintings deal with being torn apart, breaking, disecting space etc, so its natural that id like this format. still needs work though. this is me biting clifford still a bit. this one has about 8 colors in it, and all the reds are very transparant, built up upon themselves, so it looks like coagulated blood. this also isnt done. needs a smoother transition into the white, and more transparent whites in general. this has 6 different shades of grey woven into the black, with transparent black washing back over it. it kinda creates a depth that you'll totally miss here. the red, like the one above it, is super layerd. this one is just waiting for some sort of stain to bring out the wood grain that runs through the middle. i tried coloring it with tea, but it wasnt strong enough. this was my attempt to bite audrey kawasaki, who ive quickly come to hate. id work on these right now, but its a million degrees too hot for painting.
  19. or i'll just ban you. it's really not an issue. all im asking is that you stop acting like a retard.
  20. SB how big are these?
  21. do i want a cookie? no, i want to have you guys not act like 8 year olds. there is no reason to post in giant text, everyone of you kids reads every word that gets posted. theres no reason to argue about who is a toy, none of you have been writing for more than 2 years. just paint and enjoy it and quit being such gossipy fucking girls.
  22. i hung out with friends getting drunk tonight, talking about how gay graffiti is, then i come on here and yall prove it. good looking out.
  23. it's unfortunate, but at the same time, the fact that its overlooked and undervalued insures that it will stay more honest, which is integral in a style that lacks a more technical criteria i think. the argument that 'anyone could do that' is valid, although obviously super over simplified. it sucks that some people might not get quite the recognition they deserve, but its not really the kind of thing you get into for recognitions sake i dont think. i need to go track down joker and get him in here.
  24. coming from the person who's been following me around, chastising my opinions. i take my integrity seriously, sorry if that's a problem for you.
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