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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. as long as there are people with mouths to speak 'my 4 year old could do that' people will be interested in twombly.
  2. shit, that's fresh. so the other day i'm wandering around the Tate, in london, cause you know, i do shit like ball outrageous. anyway, i check out half of it, don't care for anything, then from way across the room i spot was i believe to be a twombly. personally, i dont really care for his stuff, but i know beardo does, so i atleast have a cursory understanding of it. anyway, i checked em out, and decided i liked 1 of the 3 they had. we then go down to the bookstore, where i look at some random artist books, puzzels, crayon sets, lawnchairs and anything else they can attempt to market. me: 'yo, can we please go now? art fucking gay.' not me: 'of course' me: 'cool, we gotta find a bathroom first' not me: 'ok, i think if we take that escalator, thats the floor we came in on, and there's bathrooms there' me: 'um, we just passed the floor we came in on. quick, jump' not me: 'shut up' me: (turning towards the top of the excalador, looking at whats ahead) 'holy fuck' not me: 'what?' three rooms filled with abstract work, the first of which, which is visible from the escalotor, has two giant newmans. as corny as it is, i was like a giddy fucking kid. i just stood there, staring that them. im not sure what sort of magical experience i was expecting, but it was pretty rad. i dont believe ive ever seen one 'in real life'. i may have at the philly museum, but it was before i really fully appreciated it, so it doesnt count (like going to another country when you're 3). i fully plan to go back alone so i can spend more time geeking out on them. perhaps ill remember to get photos. in addition to that, they also had an entire rothko room, filled with paintings that were not the gay ass 3 stripe paintings he's so famous for that i dont like very much at all. these werent exactly my favorite either, but they were huge and no 3 striped, and that made me like them. there was also a clyfford still wich i was stoked on, cause he's another favorite of mine. anyway, that's my contribution to the 'abstract thread' for the week. and probably the month. im not really in any position to be doing any painting, so unfortunately it's gonna have to wait. i am however balling outrageous, so fuck it. conscessions get made.
  3. those last couple look like you'd see them in a dentists office. i like the idea, but the execution seems very...clinical. moogle, it was drawn on the back of an oversized novelty ten dollar bill.
  4. what version are they on now? what's newer/better about it? i've still got 3
  5. youve got my email address when you start working on them. before you decide you hate them and scrap it all, i'd like pics.
  6. i havent even thought about it. im terrible that way.
  7. what are they, ,wav files? if you wanna zip em up and upload em, i'll happily download them. :)
  8. funny, i was just gonna ask about reason. i need roland kits for redrum. 303, 606, 808. 909. anyone? oh been looking for a sequential circuits pro one refill forever too. never seen one. id take prophet 5 as well. k thnks buy.
  9. take it back. sold out.
  10. still available for probably another 20 minutes. $190.
  11. i HATE the early rothko stuff. same with newmans. i suppose it had its place in developing their later styles, but shit holds absolutely nothing for me, and almost annoys me with how wack i think it is. truth be told though, i really dont love rothko all that much. i really like the chapel, and occasionally he'll have paintings that i like, but im kinda like....'really, how many stripes can you paint, before you're just redoing the same painting in different 'colorways'?'. after the first couple, it becomes more of a study in color theory, than art. atleast for me. the thing that seperates newmans work from falling into that, is A. theres a shit ton less, so it cant be as derivative, but also he played wiht space and distance and form a whole lot more. blah, blah, blah, im late for work, sitting in the bathtub. about to brush my teeth, listening to headphones. that's abstract, bitches.
  12. yeah man, i'm 'back on the sauce' as they say. how were the tropics?
  13. penultimate? you guys are fags. ;) i like the piece in the second to last pic. id probably slightly clean up and strengthen some of the black lines. it has a real picasso 'nude descending stairs' feel to me. then again im stupid. to be honest, i HATE the background. way too busy and slapped together looking for my tastes. not saying it's bad, just saying it's not at all my thing. piece is dope though.
  14. well...you took it back....then created a fancy gif that totally backfired on you, showing everyone just how hard you got burnt by a run of the mill throw up. i too would enjoy more variety from life, but i'd also rather eat taco bell than some gourmet dinner from a cook with no real understanding of what he's doing. everything comes with time, don't get ahead of yourself.
  15. aye, i'm workin on itttt. - vacume cleaner no shame in that. just stating the facts. just because something has more colors, or more 'technical' letters, that doesnt mean its good. all the FUD stuff ive seen on here is very simple, two color stuff, but its clean with a little bit of style so it comes off real well. go look in the OUIJA thread. dude does tons of stuff that's two color simples, but his style is so fresh, it doesn't need anything else.
  16. fancy and colorful doesnt equal good.
  17. you keep talking about how all i have is the internet, yet all you seem to have is lying about me on the internet. is this really supposed to bother me? you, being pathetic and jealous? you really think this is me 'exploding' in a rage? this is me doing laundry, drinking beer, downloading music. three weeks ago i was painting graffiti in china, nothing you say matters.
  18. hash, remind me again of what you've accomplished, to be speaking so critically? what spots did you EVER paint in detroit? how much 'illegal' graffiti have you ever done anywhere? ive had more spots than you, more freights than you, more ups than you PERIOD (and ive admittedly never done shit compared to some). so what does that make you? who have you influenced? who do you know? what have you done? NOTHING, but dick ride me, perpetually trying to make a name for yourself here by speaking mine. yawn. just let it go small fry. i'm not trying to 'provoke' you, i don't give two shits about you. you're the one who, for the last 10 years, couldn't stop talking about me. infact, if anything, you're on some single white female shit, constantly stalking me, making shit up, pretending its fact. it's actually kinda creepy. that's why you were quoting stan, that shit fits you perfectly. if you have anything else to say to me, please do it via PM's. no one else cares.
  19. he said "If it is a white wall." contrast works good in the dark. light colors on a light wall is not contast. and light yellows a bad call in general? you're not gonna find many combinations that cover better than summer squash and ruddy brown primer. perhaps you should take your own advice and let the toys live. ;)
  20. if this were more refined (ie: the areas of color were more as i paint them, with tediously applied layers) and less 'slapped together', id love it just as it is. as youve said many times, you're super impatient. that works in your sketches, because it gives them a hurried, schizophrenic sort of feel that goes nicely with the letter structure. in your paintings, it often kind of comes across as just that; hurried to completion. atleast to me. i think the thing that has always disguinshed and seperated the artists i like from those that i dont, is their work, no matter how simple, always has an aire of total intent about it. even if its a scribble, the scribble reads as totally natural as if it just happened by accident, but like...magical accident. if that makes sense. everything flows in a natural sort of way that rebels the notion of being 'thought' of, or 'created' and just just of 'exists'. if that makes sense without being art faggy.
  21. i liked this one the best, but only the lower half. i dont like the top half. ive always been really into the idea of seams as 'art' and as the focal point of an image. ive never bothered to do anything with it, because i saw it done once before and i figure i cant do it better, but i like the idea. the top of the image is a bit too busy for me though.
  22. i dont look it. it looks too much like pop art. there are elements i like, and aspects, but as a whole im not too nto it. just seems too....'cool' for my overly picky tastes. i'll be back with my favorite from poesias post in one sec.
  23. im at work and everyone is loud as fuck so i couldnt watch the rauschenberg/de kooning thing, so im not sure if its related, but.... several years ago i saw an exhibit at SFMOMA that was a whole series of drawings done by someone, then erased by other famous artists. raushchenberg among them. i dont remember what any of it looked like, but it was once of those things that really changed my perception of art, and what could be art. sadly it's also one of those things could never be repeated. i'm pretty sure i should have been an artist in the 50's.
  24. it's crazy what you can find out about a person with just an email address and a google search. ha. trust me, oll girl did not score any points. i actually feel silly for even dignifying her with a response now. seeks/"accepting others even if they are not like you"
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