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Everything posted by MOOGLE?

  1. qwentalz 5 with muffin character mr yuck vs earo vs moogle saturday niggaroach.. i vote ankster on the tilt battle...
  2. he zoomed in caues there was just too much stuff around the berzik
  3. eeeew i just noticed my 3d's off and the L looks like a noodle..and thE last T? http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00461689f00000021.jpg'> tilt... technicaly done in 10 minutes.....my comp was acting like a bitch.. MOOGS/ SUPER DUPER TOY ONER
  4. SURE.. GIMME THIRTY MINUTES... man starz you should start a separate thread to vote on or somebody needs to find a better solution to the madness cause i can hear your hair fall out and ulcers forming... go buy some rolling papers and find a connect...chiiiiiillll
  5. woohooooo i'm in a battle thread!!!! yayness.... mr. yuck i call your ass out..... the word is............................"QWENTALZ 5"..CHARACTER?.......A MUFFIN OF YOUR CHOICE ........DUE FRIDAY...OR SATURDAY
  6. http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00461689f00000018.jpg'> HUH? I FIGURED WHY NOT.... uh yah...here is mine an shit.. wait ...no ok ya...............gp ahead
  7. well its from the yard...sooooo http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthrea...9455#post259455 ...because i couldnt quote the whole thread
  8. http://drawordie.free.fr/illus/raf021_anime.gif'> a gif from one of my favorite sites
  9. yup gatita.....oh wait your on aim... i've been bumpin that mix all weekend :king:
  10. who me? you must be talking to the other moogle who signed up on 12 oz the same time i did..that dude is fucking toy as hell.. i must agree with you on the transformer picture though..weak shit
  11. krunk.....hey negro aim a fool
  12. http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00461689f00000015.jpg'> moooooooooooore than meeets the eeeeeeeyyyyyyyeeeee!!!
  13. ...... ya know i just did a google search for knightbats and came up with three urls for 12oz and one for sooki's myspace O_o odd...
  15. http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00461689f00000013.jpg'> ARRRGH THE RESIZE MONSTER ATACKS TOKYO AGAIN
  16. hahah hal rocks the gel markers harder than i do... like that style, its easy to make a bajillion of them in a short time no?
  17. now if you woulda said its a pink floyd concert i wouldve like it even more
  18. ?? so i was on the shitter at work and decided to draw http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00461689f00000002.jpg'>
  19. FROM MY BATHROOM BLACKBOOK http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00461689f00000012.jpg'> pinchin one
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