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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Ive been saving like a jew for a while. Im gonna move and I dont think im going back to work for a while. My job is over repetative.
  2. it's good to know i'm not alone! i just stopped showing up at my job, it's great. Quoted post [/b] Hahaha. I called my job on monday and told them i had a doctors appointment and i havent talked to them since. im sure ive already been replaced. Fuck em. I contemplating on calling em back and telling em i have the Hiv and asking if they want me to come back or not.
  3. So can some one summerize pages 26-321 for me. Any thing good go down that i missed. ^0^B A C K I N A C T I O N^0^
  4. Yo im here. For real. Since i decided to become unemployeed from now until forever I have been spending a lot more time with that sweet sweet bitch named myspace. I see yall have been gettin at her too. What a whore.
  5. Whats up yall? Im moving to Tennessee in two more weeks. I need help sorting out what im gonna take and what im gonna leave here.
  6. 455. You drunk sumbitch. Hit my PM. Im relocating again to another state in 3 weeks. Oh yeah and bust a quick rhyme one time
  7. I saw Arrogant bastard up there. Double bastard is good too. I think i need to go cop me one of those.
  8. Thats only because he drives the nastiest car ever known to man kind.
  9. Im thinking about quiting this company and going with some one else in the same field for more money. I think i can get another $2. It's not that im greedy, I just know what im worth.
  10. Yo what's up everybody. I have exciting news. I just got a raise at work. This is fabulous. I have never been at a job long enough to get one. it wasnt a weak ass raise either they bumped me up about 10% in pay. Thats fuckin fantastic. Too bad its all going straight to the tank. ohwell.
  11. Definitely good call on Layer cake. I dont think i have seen this thread before. Must have a look about.
  12. Haha. I was trying to figure out how to watch that shit on winrar. I will dl the rest of the shit needed and see how everything goes. Thanks fellas
  13. If u dont already have it, download and install WinRAR. Highlight all the RAR files>right-click Extract here/to. u should now have ur file. dont worry about the SFV file. Quoted post [/b] I still dont understand what is going on here. I have half of my files turned into RAR files and the other half like R30-R43 just stayed the same. I ended up with a BIN file that was 600MB but i dont know what to do with that. I need baby steps. Im new to this thing.
  14. Hello. I just down loaded a dvd rip and dont know what to do with it. The whole folder is full of R01-R47 files and some RAR files and even an SFV file. I dont know what to do with all of this. Some one help me please. Athankyou.
  15. Blonde brunette light brunette blonde blonde blonde black brunette then comes some fuzziness ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... blonde blonde black and pink(my ex, the best that ever did it.)
  16. Probably some new kind of dust. That would be my guess.
  17. Whats up gangsters? Well I know you've been wondering where i have been..... nah, probably not. But anywho i was swingin through to see what has been going on for the past month or so.
  18. HEST I really dig what you did with the background on that black canvas. Did you get that effect by laying down pieces of paper and then spraying around them?
  19. Fix the top of the Z so it doesnt have that bend in it and you are on your way.
  20. I had this awesome idea for a toy line. It was based on GI joes but they were called Jihad JOES. Basically they were updated and modernized arabic GI JOES. They have secret bases and all that cool shit. You should run that by somebody and help me get paid.
  21. :lol: :lol: Here are some other super dope names for you. Say10 Tek9 Super8 7eleveN Motel6 Johny5 4square 3 dognight Intwo home one half stepper all names are so great.
  22. Re: QWENTAL5 + MUFFIN Im finishing mine up right now... last minute styles. I'll edit it in when i get is scanned.
  23. Re: MR. YUCK Yeah im down for a character only battle.
  24. A muffin? Hahaha. Okay. Im out for real this time. I'll be back tomorrow. Am i battling you or are you just making suggestions?
  25. Cool. Lets do a word and character combo. I'll leave the word up to who ever wants to pick it just so that there is no sneaky business. Im out for the night so i wont be checking back in until much later or tomorrow. Peace.
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