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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Yeah 100%. That sounds like a weird situation anyway. Isn't a receipt good enough anymore? Now you wanna get the bitch ass government involved. No thanks.
  2. Don't be sad homie. We're gonna finger fuck our way out of this one!
  3. What the fuck? Like home owners are requesting 1099s from you?
  4. I stalled out on this one last year And I stopped this one about halfway because it was making me irrationally angry
  5. @NightmareOnElmStreet yeah I'm set up as an scorp myself. So years ago, scorp was the lick because of you subcontracted work, it was treated as a business to business transaction like buying printer ink from the store. Taxes were basically on some honor system shit. Now the companies you subcontract from hit you with the 1099 misc, so the government knows exactly how much you made. Well they made all these changes and I didn't know. I started getting 1099s and I was like "yo what the fuck are you snitching ass fuck boys doing?" I have been getting a bunch of bum advice from so called professionals. I need to tighten up.
  6. I'm gonna require all convenience stores to be 50% restrooms. If you wanna be called convenient then God damnit you're gonna be convenient.
  7. Hear, hear! I don't know what 90% of the buttons on my remote even do! All these made in China remotes is what's makin is all sick! Return remote manufacturing to Mainland America!
  8. Yeah maybe. But what's weird is it's not even cold. It's been weird in the 50s and 60s and the sun goes away early. It's like winter but not. I used to complain because this place doesn't really have seasons. It dumps from summer to winter. Not this year. This year we got fall. It's been like a 9 month long fall followed by a blazing 3 months of summer hell. 😂 @Fist 666that's gonna be a great time. Thanks man.
  9. Ho lee chit. I'm not usually bored, but right now is something else. Nothing is holding my attention. Is there even really anything to do on the internet anymore?
  10. mr.yuck


    Lol. Why is January the poppin month for this thread? Like everyone's showing off their fresh Christmas hats for the year.
  11. I've been told I have good looking dude feet. Who wants to see em? For a fee!
  12. Bruh. I did I really shallow dive into the year to year deposits into the bank. How much revenue was generated over the past 6 years and why I don't have any of it right now. Lol. I need a damn accountant. That's what I need.
  13. The good news is, I don't think they put people in prison for not paying their taxes in a timely fashion. That's the only set back I'm worried about. I've only had one homie that had a serious run in with the IRS. When they are for real pissed off, they don't send a letter, they send a novel!
  14. Lol @mortonif I did new years resolutions, this is fucking it. I'm ready to pay these people what ever if they can get the government to fuck off. Then I'd like to dissolve this business entity and start fresh. For real ive always been able to wash out my books damn near down to zero any way. I'm not sure why I stopped.
  15. I was talking this through with my dad because I thought there was a fixed dollar amount to late filling. Like 1000s of dollars per occurrence. But he is reassuring me that it's a percentage. And he kept asking me "what's such and such percent of 0?" Shit. For my 2017 taxes that I did file to get this house, I owed $21k. I made a down payment of $5000 and never made another payment. That letter from the government was informing me that I now owe $25k. I'm a little worried at any rate.
  16. @mr.yuckhas entered the chat What's up fellas? Glad y'all are on the mend! I hate to say it but I'm getting ready to call a tax specialist to help me file my past 6 years of taxes. I got a letter from the government the other day. I opened and read it, it said they were some suckers They wanted me for my money or whatever Picture me giving a damn I said never
  17. Make what ever jokes you want man. Just don't ruin my good name in the process!
  18. After I posted that I was sitting here like that's not helpful at all. 😂
  19. Doing retro electric can get tricky as fuck. My living rooms outlets are on an exterior wall and the two existing outlets in the wall were like 14 ft apart. So in an attempt to throw a new outlet in the middle of them, I ran into so many damn problems I ended up cutting a hole in the floor to gain access under the house to figure out what was going on. I gained a whole new respect for standing around on a job waiting on an electrician muttering "what the fuck is talking so long," to myself.
  20. I don't know why I thought this was about to be a documentary of some kind. Imagine my confusion.
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