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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. False- @Schnitzelis an important character in the 12oz story TpBm- misses the big Teasola
  2. This story and this person crying about graffiti reminds me of like some time frame between like 99 and maybe 01 there was some lady running for mayor on the platform that she would come down mega hard on vandals. So anyway me and the boys start helping her out by painting "vote _____" everywhere. I ended up getting knocked for the shit like a total ball bag and in the weirdest twist of fate, my lawyer ended up being her husband. He thought the shit was hilarious, thanked me for free advertising and you know what? He got my charges hella reduced to a single count of 6 months of probation and he convinced the judge I was homeless and all of my court fees, resitution, and fines were eliminated. That MFer was the truth.
  3. True- silkyslim416 is my newest favorite youtuber. Yep. Tpbm- is about ready to snap
  4. 100. I'd rather be safe than sorry. Also, you may have already had it. My aunt had it and she wasnt even sure if she was infected. I have a buddy that's my age who got it and he was in the icu for 9 days. He's still fucked up. He gets winded walking up a half flight of stairs. Its fucking crazy. Id rather just not.
  5. The crazy thing is there are only 2 metrics being reported positive cases and deaths. Of those 236 cases, 200 of these people might just be shrugging their shoulders and saying "thats weird" and going about their lives. Another thing that's not being reported to people with their positives is their cycle number. The lower the cycle number the higher the viral load and the more infectious the individual. The higher the number the less infectious to the point where the test could just be picking up dead covid fragments. I dont know why everyone is being lumped into an all or nothing category.
  6. To be honest, I've been standing still on this thing for months now. Good news @Dirty_habiTi sent them an email letting them know I was sick of their shit and that I included a revised permit application with what ever boxes I thought applicable checked off. This almost instantly set off a chain of events leading to me being able to pay for the permit today. Huzzah!
  7. @Dirty_habiTI think I do just need to write in 5 next to the circuits 0-30 amp line but they also want me to check one of the selections above it. Im tempted to just check repair permit. I think service change is when you upgrade your main panel from 200 amps to 300 amps, for example. Im not doing that. But I also dont know what the numbers mean after service change. These government ninjas are really no help at all.
  8. Dear electricians of 12oz, I have been on pause for months now trying to get permits straight on my house. The building permit is straight but they are holding me up on electrical. The person that physically does the permits is just a paper pusher and has no practical knowledge on what is going on. They are no help to guide me on how to fill this application out. I have made attempts to call the electrical inspectors but they are never in the office, nor do they return calls. The lady says my applications are ready for approval as soon as I can properly fill out their boxes. I am completely replacing all of the wiring on the second floor and installing a 100 amp sub panel to hook it all into and then running the 100 amp panel to the main 200 amp panel in the garage. Help me out. Which one of these boxes do I check?
  9. Yeah i had to replace my old beater table saw. All these new saws make me nervous as to how all of the cranks and knobs are made of plastic. I feel like this thing tips over one good time, everything is going to snap off of it.
  10. Watching the newest season of The Bachelorette. Ive never watched any of these shows before but I dont think this is how its supposed to go. It feels like all the dudes on this show are some kinda MGTOW types and they're all getting buck on this bitch. This shit is lit.
  11. @nicklesndimesOops. Thats trash. We had 8 new cases yesterday.
  12. Chasing some kind of yard bird around my house trying to get a good picture of it. Have it narrowed down to grouse or greater prairie chicken.
  13. @ndvholy smokes man. This Aqua di parma is fire.
  14. I just checked out the fragrance profile for that Italian leather and just ordered a sample of it. All the top and mid notes are everything I like.
  15. mr.yuck


    The down towns lol.
  16. @Schnitzelthere is going to be those shitty class action lawsuits against the governmnet in another 20 years. If you or a loved one were effected by the corona virus prior to 2022 you may be entitled to a cash settlement.
  17. Lol. I started laughing my ass off when I opened this up and saw bro stomping around animal shit in some $600 dunks.
  18. The Oud Mood took some getting used to. Initially it was an overwhelming Rose top note. After about an hour it mellowed out. Surprisingly it only lasted on my skin for about 5 hours. Towards the end I was picking up the bottom notes spicey and woody.
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