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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Export that Yeezy gear! Gonna see 3rd world kids running around in Superbowl champions Bengals Tshirts and Yeezys.
  2. @WyeastI know that's what I was rockin back in highschool. I was trying to be gentle on aging myself lol
  3. This is so outstanding. I remember in highschool my homie used to cut samples and build a beat around them in 5-10 mins then do that shit where you curl one arm up to your body and start slappin your hand on your chest, you know, the classic retarded pantomime, and say shit like "durrrr, I'm Kanye West." If you told me then, that 23 years later Kanye West lost his mind after his big booty wife, who's claim to fame that catapulted her entire family into the limelight was getting fucked by Moeshas little brother, stole his kids and he was running around wearing the Ultra Conservative Donald Trump Presidential Cult Hat™, oh and he's a fashion designer that makes clothes that make you look homeless, and I'd still be on 12oz talking about it, I'd be like "Weed in the 2020s must be fire as fuck boy." And it is.
  4. Kanye's going to be the first trillionaire once he gets back on his meds and becomes the poster child for mental health. All these companies that dropped him are going to be shamed for discriminating against people with mental health disorders. Kanye is going to renegotiate his contracts and they are going to have to pay him what ever he wants to save face.
  5. I thought the throw food at protected art protest was hilarious. People are pedal to the metal towards climate apocalypse. Nobody gives a shit.
  6. Painters touch? American accents? Those cans have easily been there for 15 plus years. Which is weird cuz I thought @LUGR and I discovered this cut through to these tracks the other night on Google maps lol
  7. Hey while I got you cornered here, I dredge through a lot of bro science and folk lore trying to come to a better understanding of this plant. Can you tell me if Calcium and Sulfur are the main drivers of terpene profiles?
  8. @SMdoubleXLI keep my plants between 5.8 and 6. On the lower end it makes sense that I would need to feed heavier with calcium. I use gypsum as my source of calcium and with it comes a pretty heaping dose of sulfur. I'm trying to find that sweet spot where I'm feeding the girls heavy but not so heavy that I'm literally just throwing nutes away.
  9. So I guess I will drop a lil bit of knowledge to the best of my understanding on what's going on with my plants as I update. In the above picture you can see what looks to be yellowing at the tips of the leaves. It's actually kind of tan and maroonish in spots. It's a magnesium deficiency. Due to a chemical reaction that I don't fully understand or worry about, I doubled the amount of calcium in my reservoir and solved the shit out of that problem.
  10. As soon as this deal with parler goes through, the people setting up this deal are gonna cash out and discard this dude. This is really wild to watch.
  11. Lolz they banned this fool from Yu-Gi-Oh for 35 fucking years.
  12. mr.yuck


    Hindue Optimist Ethel Swampfoot
  13. Sink nutter oner. Bathroom 99.9% of the time Kitchen 0.1% of the time
  14. Lolz @ndvI was just looking for that exact same image to post.
  15. I think I'm about half way through. Holy shit. Best thing ive watched in a while.
  16. Can we branch off a little here and talk about whatever the fuck is going on with Killer Mike? I read something like some one gave him a biscuit behind the big house and he's never going back to cornbread. Like he's on the same far right shit as Kanye out of spite because Candace Owens didn't share her platform with him. C'mon bro. Your whole persona is revolution/music to riot to.
  17. My homie just sent me this
  18. If I had a billion dollars, I 1.) Wouldn't be explaining myself to anyone 2.) Wouldn't be talking to common peasants unless through a proxy
  19. Also, I've been sitting on the toilet for far too long. My scrotum just relaxed and one of my nuts dipped into the water. This is a first for me and was a little bit startling. I think I have early onset old man nuts.
  20. You been to the beer garden in Portsmouth? They have a store in the back with 30 flavors of Ritter sport.
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