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Everything posted by Smart

  1. Look, capitilization is not an argument turning point, it really means nothng in the greater world of language and grammar, capitilization is a matter of formality. Seriously, you've been around since 2004 and you're trying to use my name against me? Really? You think you're gonna be able to prove I'm not actually smart? You think I didn't anticipate a grip of bitches trying to attack my user name when I chose it? So was that AOD, I didn't back check, who actually knows what a K car is? You're the kid who can't see the inherent racism comparing a white American republican in 2009 to a Dachau jew in 1944. It's all coming back now.
  2. duke duke duke, duke of hurl, duke duke, duke of hurl, duke duke, duke of... anyway
  3. Wait, it's all coming back to me, you're still mad because I dissed the K car?
  4. Aw yeah, , I forgot I even said it until you corrected me but yeah, I meant the Caprice not the Pontiac... see. I can be wrong but I'm willing to just admit it and pass on by. If you think a momentary memory slip about auto history is gonna derail my argument though...
  5. well. I didn't capitalize the m for the same reason I didn't capitalize the w at the start of this post, I'm not that impressed with introductions. Why did you include my title in quotes? I assure you I'm a for real Moderator, not a "moderator". I further assure you that the "you're/your" delineation is always apt. I take liberties with the language, speak my mind as it were but I make sure that what I say NEVER clouds the lines of grammar perfection because that is the gold standard on which ideas are measured. Most of the time I'm on point with my capitilization but sometimes I just jump in without the shift key, and that's pretty much ok. See, capitilization doesn't usually change the inherent meaning of the message where as you're/your absolutely changes the intent of the message. When I say I'm "against nazis" it means the same thing as if I was against "Nazis".... with your (you're) argument it's like comparing PETA funding to pita bread, it's all greek to me but at least I get the fundamental disconnect that undermines your argument.
  6. my job isn't to refute your arguments, I just point out your lack of basic understanding and question how we can believe your regurgitation of anything you read. You can barely spell, how can we trust your math, or by proxy, any math you present.... How can we accept someone's 'informed' opinion when that person can't write like an adult? For all we know you drool a lot too...
  7. YOU ARE = YOU'RE NOT "YOUR" You don't get the right to call people stupid until your posts are free from 4th grade grammar errors. This doesn't mean you aren't right, but it hurts your credibility.
  8. A WIN AGAINST GREEN BAY! Noice! Now we can lose out... but I'd lke to beat the Dolphins and everyone else...
  9. I watched at least 4 of those cars just fall flat apart. Most American cars did back then, Toyota and Suburu ruled mid-80's longevity. Hondas too... A bunch of cop departments drove the Dodge Diplomats which were kind of a glorified K car but they jumped right on the Ford LTD and Chevy Bonneville again by 1990. Also I would like to point out how few K-cars you see on the road as compared to 80's IROC Camaros and those things were utter crap. Hell, I see more Pinots than K-cars.
  10. No, The NSA 'watches' us. They share their info with the CIA.
  11. I tend to think it was just a repeat strategy from 1992. Regan's only 2 bankable assets when he left office were his 'good looks' and unwavering anti-socialism. I strongly suspect there wasn't much else when he was elected. Bush, shortly departed as Director of the CIA, was surely pulling the real strings. The secret hostage negotiation before the election that led directly to the Iran/Contra arms scandal, Greneda, the invasion of Panama, the ivasion of Iraq (and crack)... they all stink of the same hand. When people realized that what 'trickled down' amounted to nothing, the war on drugs was a failure and communism was mostly defunct, the GOP needed something quick to divert the stern gaze and Dan Quayle was busted. They put on a half hearted campaign and the Democrats took over w/ Clinton. Then the Dems balanced the budget and eliminated the deficit (ZERO!), bombed the shit out of Kosovo and got blowjobs. Probably sometime during the blowjobs they felt like everybody loved them so they tried to float Gore/Lieberman. Meanwhile, the combination of Liebermans burgeoning party betrayal and the rise of talk radio (perhaps the demise of the 'equal time' law) had come together to help convince a demoralized GOP base that they weren't idiots who sidestepped laws when they wanted, started a fight with anyone who looked at us sideway (or looked sideways in general) and spent money like they owned a fucking printing press. It was (and IS) widely claimed that despie direct legislation (sometimes completely reversing GOP strategies) it was, in fact, Reaganomics that put the country 'right'. I'd just like to remind everyone right now that Reaganomics brought us the K-car. K-Car: The stage was set for Bush II, the Cheney years. You guys were undoubtedly there for that, where they started a war, sidestepped a bunch of laws (this time mainly trampling on our civil rights) and spent money like, well, you know. So, expect another 3 years at least of people claiming Obama fucked up the economy back in '02 when was a community organizer and he should never have got us in these fucking wars, also his daughters are getiing 'hot' (somebody's gonna say it)... Soaker, sort of better recently but overall you only get about 35% of the type of soviet socialist propaganda posters that I really like. Step it up or cut it out.
  12. It's funny, you post all the yellow propaganda and then say something so... moderate. You're like a puzzle wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in a vest.
  13. Smart

    Goldman Sachs

    thanks You betray yourself too soon. You say some other stuff further on that, while arguable is still admirable but... for this^^^... no. Regulation had everything to do with it. As always I support the 20% down strategy to avoid mortgage insurance but I've also espoused constantly the 15% of monthly income standard becaus 25% is borderline for lending but if you keep you ducks in a row and your spending humble you can make a 30% payment and shave decades off the ass end utilizing the amortization scales. HUGE down payment, LOW monthly payment at the shortest term you can get. You're better off taking a 30 year loan that you can pay off twice as fast than a 15yr loan that you have to pay close to double fees on per month. It's not a switch thing, more like a leash thing. The lenders pulled, the holders demurred. The promise, which is the blackest sort of one world ugliness, is that gullible consumers, presented with the correct bait would indemnify themselves forever. Debt slaves, they are out there, they are being exploited and they are too dumb to save.I don't just mean too dumb to save their own money, I mean, too dumb to bail out and if a credit institution put their future in the hands of these idiots then they should also be beyond reprive.
  14. General scumbag nature of all the people on here? What the fuck is that about? You need to look on the bright side sunshine because that attitude gonna end up biting you on the ass.
  15. OK listen, NOBODY should shit talk Frankenstein. That book was awesome and it was written by a woman when women didn't write, much less write the horror... It's a masterpiece, no doubt. Why do you think there are so many Frankenstein movies? So, this week I read: P.T. Duetermann- Scorpion of the Sea (very good, seemed dry at first but it just wasn't) Nelson DeMille- Wildfire (pageturner but kinda MEH on the politics, good though) N. DeMille/T. Block- Mayday (pretty good but still kinda just fluff, hard to put down) Robt. Ludlum - Sigma Project (he's the fucking master, heir to LeCarre... incredible) I think I may fall back on a LeCarre jag because that's where my heart lies but I've got 3 manuscripts on my desk... we'll see who wins. For those unfamiliar, I started with 'The Spy Who Came In From The Cold" but he had 2 or 3 before that... I recommend following my route and reading "A Small Town In Germany" next but, whatever, as long as you read them all.
  16. You guys are just turning a blind eye to all the Nazi gold in the US government coffers. If anything, this a bad thing for Obama because the price is so high that he cant afford to dump a bunch of stolen Jew gold for fear of tanking the market.
  17. I just want to give a hand to God and let him know how absolutely awesome this would be and how we the penitent would be overjoyed by such a heavenly offering. We're both aware that I'm familiar with island politics and economics. While Cayo Hueso is (what?) 1/4 the size of San Juan it's still basically local fat cats and the US Navy, plus a detached/disinterested Washington contingent. Investors show up, say there's 1.5mil in the bank to fund this and the locals know that 1.5 has already disappeared. Eternal optomism led us to believe that it would disappear into OUR pockets but, you know, it never did... it just disappeared. More money poured in but that was a failing effort and investors went bankrupt. C'est la vie. Yeah, I can relate, you know now it's Raul and not Fidel so much but... you heard about the revocation of the ration cards? No longer will Cubans be provided for, they must work and show personally what they contribute now. I don't think this is going to be a huge hurdle for the Cubanos, they been doing well with next to nothing for a whole pile of years, now to be unleashed and prove their own personal merits... It was Raul who opened international markets for the first time in the 90's... it's a potential wildfire. You know, goddamn I hope so. I've had a few Boriqua roommates and they have all worked more than most but they all mentioned moving to NYC and getting on some govt. paylist as a fallback plan. Only one did but 1 of 3 is shitty odds. I certainly hope y'all eat that pie and come out ahead. I was raised next to Cubanos and I consider myself personally closer to them but I don't think you guys are really that differnt from each other. I know that's not really a cool thing to say but, being apart from the 'conflict' I just don't see any real differences other than ideological impositions.The political situations (at least these days) is nearing parity and I think the only real cultural differences left are outdated crap that the government told you (or them). I can't really buy the idea of some PR revolution. I think that's some shit born in the prisons and not really well thought out. I wish for PR the same type of bloodless revolution I see happening in Cuba. The restoration of the common man in government, the general accountability of local officials... Do you really need a revolution to take the country back from a bunch of cruise ships and Bacardi?
  18. Smart

    Who beleives 2012

    HAHAHA! A ROOKIE CRACKED ON YOU FOR A WIKI REFERENCE! Will internet wonks ever realize that a user editable 'reference' source is no source at all?
  19. Smart

    Goldman Sachs

    In the 70's and 80's our required Economics classes taught us that paying more than 1/5 your monthly income towards rent/mortgage was untennable and a horrible financial move. This was based on one person's earnings, YOURS. Your spouse may leave, or die... it's up to YOU. Back then banks would turn down mortgage applications based on joint finances, same reasons. People didn't even TRY to buy a house without 20% down and NOT just to dodge the mortgage insurance costs. Up until the 90's there was one way you got your ducks in a row and bought a house. That's not to say that mortgage law wasn't still complex but it was fairly straight forward. Banks advised, mostly, on the highest wage earner, NO combined incomes, no unicorns or rainbows. Everybody back then worried about possible default. (I know, not exactly true but I'm trying to cut the treacle and make a pojnt). Here come the 90's, zero down, cash back! Sure it's a consumer's wet dream but do you think consumers had anything to do with the policy implementation? C'mon, really? In the 80's they'd have laughed you out of the bank. In the 90's everyone decided it was the other guy's risk and just signed on the line... that's not even good business at the five and dime, that's just the drugs talking. In the 2k's it's all about pointing fingers and that obviously doesn't help. My opinion, this comes back to the bankers who should have known better (and probably did). The banks told themselves they'd be able to collect from a majority of these idiots when THESE PEOPLE WERE IDIOTS. Not only idiots, but idiots with misleading info from the lending institutions. Further, that misleading lending info got piped right back into the lending institutions themselves and perpetuated another generation of irresponsible lending. I mean CHRIST! Anyone who looked at the mortgage abandonment rate in Riverside, CA in 1995 should have been able to predict the bubble and the iminent burst but... The little guy thought 'fuck it, the banks will have to pay' while the banks thought 'fuck it, the little guy is gonna have to pay'. Net result: WE ALL PAY! That little guy and that bank combined to yank about $50 a month out of ALL of our wallets. This is before the bubble burst. I only look to the government now that I realize all their talk about 'oversight' and 'regulation' was a huge pile of horseshit. Nobody got looked at, nobody was sanctioned, it was a giant clusterfuck and the government overlooked it, deregulated it, fucked us all. The safety net was never there. That's how this all ends up on the government's doorstep. Really it was the banks.
  20. This is because the majority of people involved with the 'enforcement' community consider themselves handpicked by God. It has 'always been their calling' and 'they just want to see justice served'. Most of those animals can't get more than basic security clearance, they have loud voices and numbers but they amount to a single pile. The people who's opinions really count on a national/global scale are those in the 'intelligence' community. This doesn't mean upper echelon FBI or some supre spooks from the CIA, just average folks with some clearance. The opinions are varied, the arguments anti/pro are many and astute. Most of these folks have an operational understanding of the issue, field conditions and their own opinion. Anything less is basically arguing about it with everyone on 12oz and anything more is arguing with a politician.
  21. Smart


    First, you grow a dick, next you should pick the hoe you want to fuck, then, only if you want, you should spend half of half of half a stack on her and try to poke her, don't encourage gold diggers (you fuckin pussy ass half man, for even asking).
  22. There's a line, don't step over it... don't be an idiot. If you wouldn't want your mom to find it in your room then don't post it. If you don't care if your mom finds it and you still get banned then you can punch her in the face and see how it turns out.... but you still can't post it here.
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