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Everything posted by Smart

  1. No, from what I read they ended it because they had to go meet their father, nobody said their arms got tired. What I heard, the little bro said something like "oh shit! If we don't haul ass we'll be late to meet dad!"
  2. So, here's my plan, we storm England with dentists and Lego's... after that we grow weed and reunite Ireland.
  3. We are, we're just not telling you our tricks because you came down fully on the wrong side of the toasted/not toasted issue... it's all political, plus you suck a little bit.
  4. I wish somebody from 12oz actually created that image.
  5. Who the hell is Johnny Gill? Is that hat you were trying to say? I can appreciate that joke but if it's just about New Edition then I'm pretty sure I'm Bell, Biv or DeVoe...
  6. Well here's where I got it but I'm not trying to claim they 'broke the story' so there may be better sources out there... AABA
  7. This isn't about you, it's about me and my burgeoning R&B career, step off and sit down.
  8. *Awareness Basketball was invented bya Canadian, THE WHITEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD! Except the French part because they been banging 'blacks' since WAY before the revolution and the Chinese who are swelling up the country. but other than that, VERY WHITE. *Sidenote, I think I'm going to maybe embark on a singing career... I have a deep voice and I can make up some cheesy R&B talk/songs... like I said earlier I grew up with 'carribeans' mostly Cuban and I think I can get away with pronouncing my new stage name with a Spanish accent... so keep an eye out at your local independent music stores, Verry White albums gonna soon fill the bins!
  9. FINALLY, b-ball for we all! "The All-American Basketball Alliance announced in a news release Sunday evening that it intends to start its inaugural season in June and hopes Augusta will be one of 12 cities with a team. 'Only players that are natural born United States citizens with both parents of Caucasian race are eligible to play in the league.' the statement said." I know, it sounds a little racy... perhaps even a bit racIST but, simmer down, dude says it's cool: Don "Moose" Lewis, the commissioner of the AABA, said the reasoning behind the league's roster restrictions is not racism. "There's nothing hatred about what we're doing," he said. "I don't hate anyone of color. But people of white, American-born citizens are in the minority now. Here's a league for white players to play fundamental basketball, which they like." Lewis said he wants to emphasize fundamental basketball instead of "street-ball" played by "people of color." He pointed out recent incidents in the NBA, including Gilbert Arenas' indefinite suspension after bringing guns into the Washington Wizards locker room, as examples of fans' dissatisfaction with the way current professional sports are run. "Would you want to go to the game and worry about a player flipping you off or attacking you in the stands or grabbing their crotch?" he said. "That's the culture today, and in a free country we should have the right to move ourselves in a better direction." Really though, when's the last time you saw a white guy on a sports team grab his crotch? Obviously I'm excluding Baseball because that's a fully white sport so any hand/crotch contact is purely coincedental and/or an affirmation of Jesus Christ, Lord high and purveyor of all sporting behavior (plus he's white too). I'd try out myself but, sadly, my great-grandmother was a Soiux and I was raised among 'carribeans'. Also my Great G'pa's brother founded a college for 'blacks' or negros or whatever they were called in Louisiana in 1885 or so, it's still there, and that's probably not good on my resume. Not because of racism but because I would be assumed to be a pointy headed intellectual with no sports skills whatsoever.... So... that's me out but I encourage all you truly white guys to jump on it, espescially the Jews. Jews have a natural ability but they are shorter and kind of timid when they play against 'Blacks'... I think, given the opportunity they could negotiate a much better score if everyone involved was white. Anyway, I can't wait until the season starts!
  10. Let's use this mid-week down time to revisit the pro-bowl debate... last night I said: translation: yeah, pro-bowl move = BAD IDEA, both the bump forward and the 'not hawaii' aspects shape up to have even less people watch than before... today's Palm Beach Post had a blog entry that made Fark's sports page:
  11. oh yeah, Colts over the Jets probably but NO is still a toss up in my mind.
  12. yeah, pro-bowl move = BAD IDEA, both rgw bump forwaed and the ;not hawaii' aspects shape up to have even less people watch than before...
  13. *almost forgot to prop Mark Twain's "Letters From the Earth", C.S. Lewis 'The Screwtape Letters" and everything by Vonnegut. **Yes I get the irony in my inclusion of Lewis but ignorance is no excuse and knowledge is power.
  14. Of course I do, but I would point out that you missed other early/mid 20th century landmark writers such as Faulkner, Fitzgerald, and 'Tennessee'... and I'll challenge you to look into 'modern' writers like Tom McGuane and Jim Harrison. I think I've made it pretty clear in the past, however, that the be all end all for me is Douglas Adams. He's the most absurdly correct IMHO. Seroiously though, check out 'The Sporting Club' by McG and 'A Good Day to Die' by Harrison.
  15. You don't? Plus we got a Mom & Pop theatre going out of business here, mostly but they are actually a Carmike cinema and they serve beer in one of the theaters so I predict continued 'near bankruptcy'.
  16. Yeah that ring is dope, but back off topic... lately there's a UK politician been making news but I can't follow the what for, everytime I see him I reflexively shout "HOONS! HOONS! SO MANY HOONS!" (like Homer Simpson being hounded by the 'rubes'on jet-skis)
  17. I think Wyclef is being wrongly villified. He makes enough money and started the band off of a 'hatian awerness' concept. I doubt he intentionally defrauded anyone. I chalk it up to growing pains and the learning curve. I hope I'm right. *p.s. God bless Lilli St.Cyr
  18. Seems like they're short changing the signal... when I saw Avatar they showed the first 5 minutes of the movie out of focus with glasses and without, they restarted it but it kinda fucked it up for the start... anyway, yeah my porch tv is like blurryish and soft... wtf is that about? JUST fyi... I can see clearly all the wverything that's not the tb screen, I don't need glasses.
  19. See... that could have been funny if you'd done it the other way...
  20. Word, having driven through Texas I understand that is's easier for some in that state to roll east but yeah everyone should get over to N.O. at least once. Here's the tip though, 'everyone' from 'the south' goes to Mobile for Mardis Gras, It's much cheaper to stay there, and there's an extra day of parading totally dedicated to to drunkeness and death called "Joe Cain Day" . The Crewes are as old as the city which is nearly as old as New Orleans. The main thing about Mobile is for a single guy it's like MG@ 80% but for people with kids and budgets, Mobile is THE SPOT. 75% less thieves, 25% cooler cops, liqour 24hrs/ 6 days a week (stock up for Joe Cain, it's a Sunday)...
  21. You would get the heaviest they could throw at you for assault on an officer and in Louisiana that could be 10 years, no joke, stay AWAY from the horses. Everybody from out of town thinks that same shit and they don't go for it, the cops pound you on hte street or in the cell but you will be pounded, and they'll toss charges right on top of your busted grill... never fail to underestimate the level of corruption and brutality in the Big Easy.
  22. Sounds great... yeah, and about the horses, I think you fully overestimate the width of the street versus the size of the crowd... watch your wallet, don't get shot, and don't get arrested, in that order. Have fun, DON'T FORGET; we expect titty pics, LOTS of titty pics.
  23. "Punk rocker"? That's a hippie!
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