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Everything posted by Kults

  1. Kults


    This also sapped my will to grind
  2. Technically I guess it is a streaming service. The distinction I make is whether they premiere new eps weekly or just dump entire seasons onto their platforms on day 1
  3. Ah ok, kinda cheatin'. In that case im in. I like HBO lol
  4. Not even you truly believe that. Thats a fair point about being unbiased, never looked too deeply into it. Honestly though, if you think Russia has any political power left on the world stage I dont know what to tell you. They can barely even feed their citizens. Worry about China if you want to believe in a Boogeyman
  5. Kults


    Everyone's is 1 flat this year, Its setup that way. All the pros too. They match you with ppl of equal skill every time. The idea was to give shitty players a safe space so they dont get dunked on every match but how is that gonna let them improve and get better? We all started out shit and earned our stripes. Issue being when these casuals leave ina few months us dedicated players will continue to get shafted. Its working as intended but I cant help but feel the reasoning behind it was extremely short sighted. Its absolute ass, Ive discussed it elsewhere for weeks Im over it. I was never one of those 3 lanes bad guys. I like it. Thats why I play CoD and not BF, I just want the serotonin loop, spawn hunt kill die repeat. Anything that slows that loop down ( delayed respawns, large maps, excessive campers) just wears me down. I like winning fights based on gun skill and not who had the most patience and sat in a corner the longest. I play shoot house exactly BECAUSE its a grinder and plays the most like traditional CoD. My display name is Weapons Grade, Ill add ya. Youre right man, when I party up with friends who arent as good they either get dumped in my lobbies and get absolutely annihilated or we get dropped into theirs and I go on a tear. No middle ground this year. This is why they disband lobbies after every match this year as well. Really takes the fun out of mini grudges and revenge matches.
  6. Im a snooty prick and hate almost everything streaming services produce. Ima sit this one out.
  7. I mean, we already know we dont agree on this so I wont get too deep into it but I still think its all bullshit. i wouldnt trust any Obummer leftovers either if I was Trump, regardless of what org they hailed from.
  8. Kults


    I’ve also been banned from the mw sub for harassing Joe Cecot about SBMM 😂 The mods there are true bootlickers who ban for any dissent
  9. Kults


    Oh and the maps are too big and kinda trash. They learned nothing from Ghosts. Thank god shoot house 24/7 playlist exists cause that’s mostly what I play these days.
  10. Kults


    I’ve been using it too. Best SMG in the game imo. I wish I could say the same man, love the game but the fuckery with the SBMM and lack of a proper mini map make me lose interest after a couple matches. Camping is reaching epidemic levels, it’s just a slog. I’m half decent so only ever really get lumped in with good players. Pub stomping is non existent and I have to go full sweat mode to inch out every kill. Shame cause the game itself is really great but I just can’t run long sessions like I used to
  11. If the intel agencies I "ran" illegally spied on me I think Id disregard their directives too, bloop.
  12. It comes at night was cool. Im biased though, most of A24s stuff I like
  13. Kults


    Ive been using the C4 x 2 with shrapnel and air bursting them above suckers heads lol
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