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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. I agree with the cronyism side of this. There's no doubt in my mind that left to free market capitalism, companies like Beyond Burger would tank. They should already be out of business, yet somehow keep 'catching' breaks. I have no proof, so therefore falls under the ugly umbrella of 'conspiracy theory', but not sure you need to see the proverbial gun when you look at shit like this ands yet still see it being pushed from every angle.
  2. Tagging @6Pennies since I just updated his email. Hopefully it triggers an email to the right place this time. Anyhow, think he’d appreciate to see how this thread has grown.
  3. Out here if you have a CCW, you skip the hold period. Between that and reciprocity as well as adding to the statistic of carrying, makes it well worth it IMO. My state is classified as a second amendment sanctuary state (takes things a ways past constitutional carry), so you aren’t just free to carry open or concealed, but it’s legally defined that everyone here is armed and that you should conduct yourself according to that assumption.
  4. @bodice_ripper @MESTHREE Truly amazing! This thread and @‘ing people is feeling like raising the bar signal. Anyhow, hope you (and everyone) stick around. All of you all are what makes this place awesome and it’s up to us to rebuild what we had. Obviously it’s well underway. There’s a 12oz beta app available and hopefully a real deal mobile app dropping this summer. I love think we’ve proven that we can really do this. Turn shit around and migrate online conversations back home. Anyhow, please keep dropping @‘s and I’ll keep pushing from my end. Seeing all these names again is incredible.
  5. @Missinterpreted @SPLINTER @cubannipplecrisis @mr.e @Sonik3000 @onesandzeros @HOBOCOP @MESTHREE @Vanity @Nic Thamaire @Dusty Lipschitz @MOOGLE? @AeRoSoL JuNkiE @professor poopatronic @ASTISM @jades_blue @defyoner @nocomply @steelchef @fr8lover @Problemchild @IHATEU @IrishCarBombs @Etch-A-Sketch @blahblahblahblah fun fact… all of these members registered in 2000. 24 freakin years ago. Amazing dude! Been a freakin minute and a half! How you been?
  6. @beardo @Tyler Durden @MisPantalonesEstaEnfuega @sudz @GnomeToys @T=E=A=S=E @!@#$% @iloveboxcars @^ . ^ @El Mamerro @RumPuncher @IrishCarBombs @CACashRefund @dELiSs @AyeBee @ClueTwo @teen_014.jpg @podrido @why write @yeahmanword the duece @Burger King @HESHIANDET @johnny @war pigs @Zack Morris @DEE38 @R@ndomH3ro @VAJ @El Jefe Uno @Pfffffffffft @Some1 @blood fart
  7. once you e get a little more momentum we can look into dominating drawball again. if it works, I’ll talk @Mercerinto rallying the forum so we can pump and dump shit coins so we can finally buy that island / aircraft carrier? (Can anyone find that thread?)
  8. There's no getting around how gross it is. It's literally cells being grown in a lab and then 3D printed into something resembling what is otherwise found in nature. All the GMO shit is already pretty fucked IMO. Obviously rooted in shit like splicing one fruit plant with another to create a hybrid. Then they got creative and take genetics from shit like sea creatures to add in characteristics like cold hardiness. Then that slips into shit like adding in chemicals that then create a reaction when sprayed with a catalyst. Now they're on a whole other level by manipulating shit at a molecular level to create food from scratch. Few people stop to question whether this is actually needed for food security, versus methodologies like sustainable agriculture, permaculture or simply reassessing the supply / distribution chains and seeking to streamline consumption vs waste in a more natural (and obvious) way. Guaranteed if you pull back the curtain not his new 'industry', it's all big Pharma behind it. Same reason they go well out of their way - at the expense of your health - to come up with synthesized compounds that can be patented in the name of 'health', versus potentially better solutions in nature (which cannot be patented), same shit applies to food. They're literally building a new class of big Pharma consumers and double dipping by feeding them shit that they can then follow up with equally fucked up 'solutions' for once you're sick. Call it conspiracy, but it's pretty much on the surface. Take a look at a map of dialysis clinics and then compare it to a map of McDonald's franchises and then look at the investment groups that are often bankrolling both. Totally fucked, but I can still respect that maybe people should be left to make their own decisions rather than allow government to intervene. Problem though, which is similar to regulating social media, is we're now in an era where you're forced to use certain services in order to navigate the modern world. That is only become more obvious and more solidified as time goes on. It's definitely a tangled web in that government is pretty much who orchestrated that framework and though I'm first in line to state that they are the problem and not the solution, but likewise... What happens when the modern world is engineered in such a way that it becomes all but impossible to opt out of all that bullshit?
  9. Funny that I can win here to post exactly that. Great moment indeed...
  10. I heard he never made it. His jet got grounded in FL by homeland and never left.
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