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3 minutes ago, misteraven said:

Is there a link to the whole thing? Curious what else the comrades are concerned about besides sensory overload from excited chatter and non-gender neutral nouns / pronouns.

Not much lol


Enjoy? :p




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9 minutes ago, abrasivesaint said:

I’m curious where you’re seeing this stuff about Dayton dude being associated with any ANTIFA group. I haven't seen anything on a source i would remotely trust. CNN reported some shit about retweets but thats it. Hardly a manifesto type situation. 

Check his twitter account. Right there in his bio


Theres a reason you haven't heard about it in the MSM and theyre focusing on the El Paso guy. Its not a mystery why.


Use duck duck go and check 8chan tons of info. Warren supporter, Antifa, hated Trump etc I’m at work so I can’t link you from there rn and google is in bed with the MSM so you won’t find anything about him searching with that engine.

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I’m using duck duck go and i trust these websites i’m seeing even less than i trust main stream media, haha. 


i’m not sure what the mystery is you’re alluding to. If it’s gun control thats a weak ass argument. Gun control always comes up during shootings and damn near nothing has ever happened involving gun control minus banning bump stocks. 


If the mystery is white nationalist talk i can understand that narrative. However, since 2011, 76 people have been killed by people claiming it was in the name of Islam. Since 2012, 104 people have been killed by people claiming white nationalism. 0 have been killed by Antifa. Unless this dude really does have some sort of legitimate ties. Retweeting doesnt mean is part of an organization. 


I can repost stuff about Hells Angels events and various other support information. Doesn’t mean i’m a Hells Angel. 

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Alright gimmy a few, when I get home I’ll link you some damning stuff.


Like I said originally, he proclaimed himself as Antifa in his own bio and there’s  pics of him at a socialist gun club. 


There is no mystery, I was being facetious. The reason you’re not hearing all about it all over the place is because it doesn’t fit into the “most shootings are carried out by a racist white nationalist” narrative that you seem to buy into. 

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Well 8 chan is down atm so maybe it will all get memory holed yay!




I don't really care to debate it without having access to the source material. When the site comes back up Ill try to link ya to his left wing affiliations. Not that it matters anyway, both sides have their crazies. As for the whole its only white racists talking point I'll just leave this here








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Dude knock it off with that reddit, 4chan, 8chan, whatever nonsense, or like that whole “i’ll just leave this here” shit is the end all be all of any sort of rational conversation.


Those span from the early 90s to more recent. Some of those were work grievances, some were sexually motivated, some were psychotic breaks. I think 3 of those were racially motivated, maybe.


They weren't self proclaimed nationalist, racist white dudes in the past 7 years writing manifestos going on about immigrants and jews and saving white America. Cut the shit. 

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1 minute ago, abrasivesaint said:

Where does it say anything about Antifa? “Kill every fascist?” Hardly a proclamation of membership of any organized group. 

Off all the info there that's your takeaway? Ill try to find ya the Antifa link. Otherwise, I think its safe to assume he was no white supremacist?

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12 minutes ago, abrasivesaint said:

Dude knock it off with that reddit, 4chan, 8chan, whatever nonsense, or like that whole “i’ll just leave this here” shit is the end all be all of any sort of rational conversation.


Those span from the early 90s to more recent. Some of those were work grievances, some were sexually motivated, some were psychotic breaks. I think 3 of those were racially motivated, maybe.


They weren't self proclaimed nationalist, racist white dudes in the past 7 years writing manifestos going on about immigrants and jews and saving white America. Cut the shit. 

I don't see it that way. You quoted some nonsense stats and insinuated it was all white shooters, I was just pointing out it wasn't. Now you're moving the goal posts. You're right though I get enough of this shit on Reddit. The reason I even use 4/8 chan to find some of this stuff is because its scrubbed clean everywhere else. If the censorship wasn't so heavy I wouldn't have to

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I didnt quote any nonsense stats. I looked up all that information and compiled those number myself. I currently have a broken bone and am out of work and have all the time in the world right now, haha. 


Please explain how i’m moving goal posts. I’m being pretty clear. 

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7 minutes ago, Kults said:

Off all the info there that's your takeaway? Ill try to find ya the Antifa link. Otherwise, I think its safe to assume he was no white supremacist?

Yes, because that's the only thing i see alluding to fascism. Being a leftist and saying you'd vote for Elizabeth Warren doesn't make you Antifa.

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Alright fine, let's do this.


3 hours ago, abrasivesaint said:

If the mystery is white nationalist talk i can understand that narrative. However, since 2011, 76 people have been killed by people claiming it was in the name of Islam. Since 2012, 104 people have been killed by people claiming white nationalism. 0 have been killed by Antifa.

Posted a pic of a bunch in the last decade or two that were not claiming White Nationalism. Then:



Those span from the early 90s to more recent. Some of those were work grievances, some were sexually motivated, some were psychotic breaks. I think 3 of those were racially motivated, maybe.

You're just gonna ignore the bunch that aren't from the 90's? The guy who shot up a Republican baseball game what, 2 years ago?

What difference does it make which side of the political isle they're from anyway? You never mentioned any of these other shootings in your OP now you're trying to justify them..or something? That's how you moved the goal posts.


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5 minutes ago, abrasivesaint said:


Yes, because that's the only thing i see alluding to fascism. Being a leftist and saying you'd vote for Elizabeth Warren doesn't make you Antifa.

kIlL eVeRy FaSciSt certainly does. You think he just came up with the slogan himself? You're being naive or disingenuous.

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32 minutes ago, Kults said:

Alright fine, let's do this.


Posted a pic of a bunch in the last decade or two that were not claiming White Nationalism. Then:


You're just gonna ignore the bunch that aren't from the 90's? The guy who shot up a Republican baseball game what, 2 years ago?

What difference does it make which side of the political isle they're from anyway? You never mentioned any of these other shootings in your OP now you're trying to justify them..or something? That's how you moved the goal posts.


Pretty clearly mentioned the ones from the  “early 90s to more recent.” If you want to base things off that photo you posted then thats 20 men involved in mass killings over 28 years. Only about 3 of which claimed race as motive. 


This morning while i researched this i counted 17 incidents where white dudes killed people and openly state race or nationalist views as motive in the past 7 years.


I’m not justifying anything. You’re misconstruing my words and I’m calling you on your bullshit. You’re the one who mentioned the media focus on this el paso shooter and not the dayton kid, alluding there was something going on because el paso was a self proclaimed white nationalist and the daytona kid was “antifa.” The kid showed up to a Klan rally with a gun according to one local Ohio news source, ok. How many white pride dudes showed up armed with guns in Charlottesville?


Antifa is a bunch of hipsters in black smashing people with assorted weapons. There are white nationalist dudes gunning down groups of innocent people in the name of white power, religion, and American land.  

Edited by abrasivesaint
Spelling and shit
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