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* NFL 2013-2014 Official thread (Year of the Ravens) *


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Cards have been doing pretty good this season especially their Def

If they were in a diff division they would be in the playoffs I bet


10-5 record I think

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That game was embarrassing to say the least, It's sad how the once mighty has fallen, They traded defense for offense but not they need to draft defensively this draft,



I hope Baltimore goes all the way this year, I really like Flacco to have a great year

Also this lel. This was in response to Cunt Eastwood in the OG Pickem thread lol. Fuck the Ravens hahaha

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GOD DAMNIT, Romo out for the year, there goes any chance we had to put up points.


dudes a tough mother fucker, played the rest of the game with a busted back





That sucks man. I wanted them to play Dallas with Romo starting. The victory would've been sweeter if the Birds won. It's still not a guaranteed W for us, Matt Cassell put up 48 on us. Orton is just as good. It'll come down to which defense sucks less and Dallas has one of the worst defenses in history :D

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Game had my heart racing!!! I knew it wasn't going to be a blow out. Dallas O-line played really well and opened up lanes for Murray. Of course the Cowboys abandon the run in the second half when they gashed us in the first. Orton played extremely well but that last pass was a God send! Playing the Saints at home is not too bad. I hope we can keep up with their offense. They don't play particularly well on the road so I at least expect a competitive game.

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Yea, Garret/Callahan seriously need to fuck off, how can you keep abandoning the run like that with Murray? He could be one of the best backs in the league if he was used properly.


I was very impressed with Orton, but his throwing motion is horrible, and he shit his pants every time you guys blitzed

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That Chiefs-Colts game....god damn.


Probably one of the best ive seen, so much awesomeness all around.

Alex Smith is a great fucking QB and fools might finally realize he is after that amazing performance. Andrew Luck will also probably be the greatest, it is unbelievable how good he is.


The Eagles-Saints game was a bit of a let down, but I still liked it. Mark Ingram is a beast, no idea why NO hasn't utilized him more.


I am SO fucking glad the Chargers embarrassed the Bungals, Dalton is fucking terrible and has only been masked by an incredibly talented roster.


The GB-49ers game was eh.....it's just such a shame to see possibly the greatest QB of our era be stuck on such a shitty team, to think what would happen if A-Rodge had a defense and a decent O-line again.

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That Chiefs-Colts game....god damn.


Probably one of the best ive seen, so much awesomeness all around.

Alex Smith is a great fucking QB and fools might finally realize he is after that amazing performance. Andrew Luck will also probably be the greatest, it is unbelievable how good he is.



The GB-49ers game was eh.....it's just such a shame to see possibly the greatest QB of our era be stuck on such a shitty team, to think what would happen if A-Rodge had a defense and a decent O-line again.



the second half of the Indianapolis game was awesomeness, but still. fuck them Colts. haha



the GB game was boring. i shoulda watched mile high miracle again.

greatest qb of our era? fo reals? meh.

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The whole game was good, seeing A.Smith go to work was a thing of beauty.

Eh...the whole Colts/Baltimore beef is frivolous now, over the past decade who has had more success?


The GB-49er game was a bit of a bore, shit for the first half we just played football in the yard until halftime.


Aaron Rodgers might not be the greatest of our era, but then who is?

The only three names you can even really bring up are Brady, Brees, Manning.


Tom won his jewelry early in his career off the back of an incredible defense, run game and amazing kicker. Since he has been spectacular still, but all the help he has gotten from the ref's and his inability to win a SB post spygate is suspect.


Brees is the fucking cat's pajama's, and his team situation has been very similiar to Rodgers. Rodgers mobility advantage and turnover ratio are the deciding factors for me when I place him (slightly) above Brees.


Manning is the greatest regular season QB of all time...but overall can you say he is better than Rodgers? Both QB's seem to have trouble winning in the post season but when manning does it seems to have more to do with him than when GB loses everytime now.


It's just my opinion that he is the best, and im talking the last ten years, not 90's QB's.

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*** year of the ravens ***


Sorry, who is your team?



Also this lel. This was in response to Cunt Eastwood in the OG Pickem thread lol. Fuck the Ravens hahaha


That's funny saying fuck the Ravens, seeing as how they have twice as many Superbowls in a decade nearly than the Bears have since football started.


Your team fucking sucks, and you just signed a mediocre, injury-prone sissy for the next 7 years.


Wait, who was it that said that Aaron Rodgers was going to embarrass your faggot team in YOUR stadium and deny your wack ass squad the playoffs again.


Yeah it sucks having an 8-8 Ravens team that missed the playoffs, but im not use to the feeling of watching other teams in the playoffs instead, but then again im not a Bears fan.


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