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Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan


Do you seriously believe that any successful politician could ever have anyone's interests in mind other than their own?

If so, please point me towards whatever you are drinking that gives you faith in these people.

It will help my cynicism.


Anybody who is over the age of 19 who honestly still believes that Republicans and Democrats are all the same needs to put down the bong and pay attention to what's going on in this country.


Or are you still living in Thailand?

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Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan


Herman Cain is at the top of the poles and his campain is going great


Actually, Obama is at the top of the polls.

Cain is only at the top of the Republican polls, and Obama is still shitting on him.


Last month it was Perry, and before that it was Bachmann at the top of your party's polls.

Does that really say much about your candidate?

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Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan


in the simplest terms democrats want more government more taxes more rules, it takes away so many freedoms that make America so great, how could you say they are the lesser of 2 evils ?


The Republicans claims of being for a small government is laughable when you look at the increase of big government under every single Republican president in recent history.

Even the youngest people on here are old enough to remember Bush's "Patriot act" and Haliburtan wars that destroyed our national wealth.

And just look at all these anti Mexican bills, anti abortion rights bills and anti union bills being passed all across the country by big government REPUBLICAN governors.


When you faggots cry about "democrats want more taxes", what you're actually crying about is them trying to reinstate taxes on the filthy rich who were given ridiculous tax breaks by Bush during a time of war. No scratch that, during a time of two wars. Those tax breaks are the reason why we are in the ridiculous amount of national debt that we are in right now.

And your boy Cain want's to make these current tax breaks on the filthy rich look like peanuts while raising taxes on everybody else!!!

And by the way, Obama actually lowered the working man's taxes.

It was one of the first things he did after taking office.

But you won't hear anything about that on Fox news.


When you faggots cry about "the democrats want more government", what you're really crying about is the regulations that keep lead out of toys, toxic waste out of drinking water, smog out of the air that we breath, consumer protections against corporate fraud... so on and so forth.

That's exactly what Boener and them faggots in congress are bitching about when they say "regulations are killing America". What they mean by "America" is them and their lobyist friends fucking bank accounts.


You fucking FAGGOTS want to undo every single bit of progress that was ever made in this country (for the people, of the people, and by the people) and replace it with 18th century capitalism where everybody works their bones into the grave for pennies with no benifeits and while their kids drink toxic drinking water, eat poisonous food, and choke on toxic fumes just so that a few corporate fat cats can reap billions.

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Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan


all i pretty much read was fagots fagots fagots,, where is the real factual arguments- there are none, obama is a fucking reck, obamacare was a joke too why so defensive?


That's because you're a fucking FAGGOT.

Every argument I made in this thread is based on the facts, but you're too much of a Republican FAGGOT to comprehend anything other than the word FAGGOT.

And we agree on one thing... "Obamacare" IS a fucking joke. Because it doesn't exist. The Democrats just rolled over and allowed the Republican minority fuck America in the ass on that one. There IS NO public option. All the so called "Obomacare" was able to accomplish was health insurance reform that prevents your health insurance that you pay an arm and a dick for from kicking you off or denying you coverage for having a pre-existing condition. There is no socialized medicine that our country needs and demands. I wish to god that Obama would have shoved a public option down your Republican throats, but that NEVER HAPPENED.


By the way, I've often been called out on miss-spellings as a last ditch effort from other FAGGOTS in the face of defeat of an argument on here before, but anybody who's ever made it past middle school doesn't need a spell-check to know that "reck" is spelled wreck.

Yes, I'm actually stooping to questioning your education level.

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Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan


Anybody who is over the age of 19 who honestly still believes that Republicans and Democrats are all the same needs to put down the bong and pay attention to what's going on in this country.


Or are you still living in Thailand?


Ad Hominem arguments aside...


So you are saying that you believe that certain rich politicians are actually trying to help you?

Democrats = no follow through on good ideas.

Republicans = religious and/or bad ideas.

Stop kidding yourself.

Two party system is a joke.

There is one party...the rich guy club.

None of us are in it.


I never lived in Thailand or Delaware, you Texan mook.

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Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan


Ad Hominem arguments aside...


So you are saying that you believe that certain rich politicians are actually trying to help you?

Democrats = no follow through on good ideas.

Republicans = religious and/or bad ideas.

Stop kidding yourself.

Two party system is a joke.

There is one party...the rich guy club.

None of us are in it.


I never lived in Thailand or Delaware, you Texan mook.


Your blind pessimism is just that.

While Obama and other democrats do have a serious lack of follow through on good ideas lately, the fact is that they do for the most part have good intentions.

And Obama HAS apparently finally realized that the only way he's going to get shit done is to tell the republicans to go fuck themselves by issuing executive orders.

Something that I wish he would have started doing from day one, but better late than never.


Blind pessimism is to blame for the 1% owning this country.

If you don't trust either party, then at least get off your ass and vote for the smallest dick in our collective ass until something better comes along.

Because ALL republicans vote.

And if any one of their current candidates becomes our next president it's going to make Bush/Cheney look like the Clinton years.

And as bad off as this country is after 8 years of Bush/Cheney, just imagine what any one of these retarded assholes are capable to doing to America.


I could have swore you said that you were teaching English in Thailand or some shit.

Do I have the country or the screen name wrong?

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Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan


I disagree.

My pessimism doesn't stop me from voting.

It stops me from believing anything they say based on a lifetime of witnessing ZERO follow through from them.

Clinton was the only president in my lifetime that helped people out.

And they went after his throat over a blowjob.

They don't work together anymore.

They just fight each other over petty bullshit and line their pockets.

All of them.

Democrat, Republican, Libertarian...all rich turds making each other richer.



Wrong Asian nation, br0seph.

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Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan


I disagree.

My pessimism doesn't stop me from voting.

It stops me from believing anything they say based on a lifetime of witnessing ZERO follow through from them.

Clinton was the only president in my lifetime that helped people out.

And they went after his throat over a blowjob.

They don't work together anymore.

They just fight each other over petty bullshit and line their pockets.

All of them.

Democrat, Republican, Libertarian...all rich turds making each other richer.



Wrong Asian nation, br0seph.




You clearly haven't been paying attention.

Obama was able to accomplish at least some kind of health care reform in the face of day one opposition that makes what Clinton went through look like nothing.

And he'd have been able to accomplish so much more if the hordes of people who actually got off their asses and voted for once to make him president had had the follow through to do the same when it was time to elect a new congress.

The Republicans stated agenda since day one of his presidency is to cock block any and everything he wants to do.

Clinton had to get his dick sucked by an intern for them to really come after him, all's Obama had to do was be the first black president.


And just cause I got the country wrong doesn't detract from my point that you may or may not have an excuse for not really paying attention to what's going on in this country.

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Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan


Your point about me not paying attention is invalid regardless of where I am on the planet.

News travels quickly these days.

I know you didn't grow up with the internet, but come on.


Obamas healthcare reform---whatever.

Big deal.

None of these powerful people are any different.

They all just compete for the top spot to be the shot callers.

That lil' bone he threw out there for the masses to dine on in the form of healthcare reform is nothing to get a boner over.

He's rich and part of the elite enemy of the proletariat.

You're not going to change my mind and I'm not going to change yours.

Deal with it.

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Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan


Your point about me not paying attention is invalid regardless of where I am on the planet.

News travels quickly these days.

I know you didn't grow up with the internet, but come on.


Obamas healthcare reform---whatever.

Big deal.

None of these powerful people are any different.

They all just compete for the top spot to be the shot callers.

That lil' bone he threw out there for the masses to dine on in the form of healthcare reform is nothing to get a boner over.

He's rich and part of the elite enemy of the proletariat.

You're not going to change my mind and I'm not going to change yours.

Deal with it.


He's a rich man who's getting royally shat upon by the filthy rich for trying to fix the economy and put unemployed people back to work on the dime of said filthy rich faggots who Bush/Cheney gave a tax break to during a time of two Haliburton wars and massive outsourcing of American jobs thus destroying our economy.

Any little bones he can get through are phenomenal in the face of this unprecedented opposition.

It's America's fault for not voting in 2010 and letting the lunatic fringe "Tea Party" put into power these congressmen who's stated goal is to destroy Obama's presidency at whatever cost to America.


And if I'm not going to change your mind then stop trying to do the same with me.

I've grown to realize that blind pessimism is for chumps.

Deal with that.

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Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan


I'm not trying to change your mind.

I asked you a question when I first entered this thread and you went in with a rant and assumed I was high, because I disagree with you.

Granted, I expect this type of argument from you, but you tend to confuse yourself in your ever present lust for arguing.


My pessimism isn't "blind."

It's worn and tired.


BTW...war was fueling the economy long before Bush arrived. Reagan began all that tax break shit. It's not a Bush thing. Carter warned everyone about this shit in the 70's. Bush exacerbated it with the start of 2 wars, but the world economy also had a lot to do with what's going on. Not just that little retard.

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Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan


Herman Cain has a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics.


He has a Master’s Degree in Computer Science.


He was a mathematician for the Navy, where he worked on missile ballistics (making him a rocket scientist).


He was a computer systems analyst for Coca-Cola.


He became VP of Corporate Data Systems and Services for Pillsbury (being in charge of information systems for a major corporation is the top in this field).


He achieved all of the above before reaching the age of 35.




cut his fucking head off

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Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan



BTW...war was fueling the economy long before Bush arrived. Reagan began all that tax break shit. It's not a Bush thing. Carter warned everyone about this shit in the 70's. Bush exacerbated it with the start of 2 wars, but the world economy also had a lot to do with what's going on. Not just that little retard.




The only war that ever fueled our economy was WW2.

The 39% tax rate under Reagan would make the "tea party" who holds him on a pedestal shit their pants and call him a commie bastard.

Our economy influences the world economy.

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Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan





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Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan


The only war that ever fueled our economy was WW2.


Our economy influences the world economy.


Whoooaaaa there...


WW2 "stimulated" our economy only in the postwar period, when the baby boom generation thats currently lurching its way towards death was born. The war itself led to deficits, loss of infrastructure and an overall tired and weakened country, as is to be expected with a total war effort.


The iraq/afghan/etc wars will not have the same effect since they've taken so long and have been so much more ludicrously expensive. This is due to so many factors i cant even begin to explain it. A lot of it, yes, is corruption, since war is a big business now. Good luck changing that ... other countries are in on this too.


The american economic effort on the global scene is becoming increasingly more and more unimportant. treasury notes (t-bills/t-bonds) are slipping in their value and use as an international reserve currency as people are realizing that america is far from invulnerable on the financial front. America's chief exports now are services, specifically financial services. We still export manufactured goods, in great numbers, but nothing like we used to.


And misallocated government spending (exhibit A is no child left behind - this isn't just a republican rant) to boost the science and technology industries, as well as education in mathematics and sciences, will continue to make our country less attractive to invest in and more easy to overlook by globally-minded companies. Aside from our population (a market that can't be ignored), a lot of global countries would be just fine passing by the united states. We are simply not like we were 15 years ago.


There are countries out there that do it cheaper and better than we do, and america would need to stoop to their level to compete, or accept a 4th place position in world power. It will be humbling but necessary.

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Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan


Whoooaaaa there...


WW2 "stimulated" our economy only in the postwar period, when the baby boom generation thats currently lurching its way towards death was born. The war itself led to deficits, loss of infrastructure and an overall tired and weakened country, as is to be expected with a total war effort.



Not only do Republicans try and glaze over Roosevelts New Deal and try to paint the WW2 war industry as the soul thing that got us out of the Great Depression, but the grains of truth they use to try to paint that picture are the fact that a serious amount of people were given middle class jobs building everything from ammunition to airplanes to MRI's to boots and clothing and every single other thing that is used in warfare.

Not only for us, but for our allies.

There was no such thing as "made in China" in 1941.


Not even the staunchest arguers for the New Deal being what officially pulled us out of the great depression will argue that WW2 didn't play a significant roll in building the middle class economic boom that followed WW2, so you should seriously consider whatever source it was that you got this nonsensical dribble from.


I seriously can't even be bothered to read anything else that you typed after that first paragraph of stupidity.


I'm going to bed shaking my head at you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan


Not only do Republicans try and glaze over Roosevelts New Deal and try to paint the WW2 war industry as the soul thing that got us out of the Great Depression, but the grains of truth they use to try to paint that picture are the fact that a serious amount of people were given middle class jobs building everything from ammunition to airplanes to MRI's to boots and clothing and every single other thing that is used in warfare.

Not only for us, but for our allies.

There was no such thing as "made in China" in 1941.


Not even the staunchest arguers for the New Deal being what officially pulled us out of the great depression will argue that WW2 didn't play a significant roll in building the middle class economic boom that followed WW2, so you should seriously consider whatever source it was that you got this nonsensical dribble from.


I seriously can't even be bothered to read anything else that you typed after that first paragraph of stupidity.


I'm going to bed shaking my head at you.


But the new deal alone didn't pull us out of the great depression. Every history scholar and student you talk to will argue that new deal policies started the ball rolling but it took wartime industries to put america to work. I have no idea what would have happened if ww2 hadn't come along.


Please show me some form of sustainable work/welfare model where government job stimulation creates jobs and consumer spending such that it not only offsets the government investment but actually puts more money back in the economy. It doesn't fucking work. This is true for ww2 wartime spending, which wasn't even a welfare program. The government was spending unprecedented amounts of money, but show me an american that got rich during the wartime period from war industry/government spending.

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