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Things you think are timeless.

earl broclo ESQ

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So we all think something is "timeless." It might a song, a cartoon, a movie, a toy, an actor, and actress, a comedian --you get the point. These are things that might not hold up to technological advances, like special effects in film, but that doesn't even matter because you can still watch it and get sucked in every time.


So I'm going to start the thread off with:





This movie came out in 1977. I remember my parents watching it every time it came on TV, and it sucked me in every time. I also had this:




I used to stare at that thing over and over again. Anyone who grew up with the View Master knows how cool that shit was when you were a kid.


I just turned on the TV and it's on FLIX right now. Sure this shit looks all retro and 70's, but I still think this movie is solid and even when I'm in my 60's I'll be able to watch this movie and love it.


So yeah. I'm starting the thread with that.




What do you think is timeless?

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This is definitely going to show the age difference on 12oz.


Spirited Away.......it will be timeless, but it ain't old enough yet for me to think of it as timeless. I did get Nausiica from netflix today. I'm going to watch that for the first time in probably 20+ years. I'm curious if that will still hold it's own considering how much I fucking loved it as a kid.

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