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Jesus, this is taking way too long. I'll post one without us in the shot for now.




So the first night Dow was in town we went to a bar and met up with 50million and Lili. Drinks were had, bad pool games were played. Then more drinks were had. Then we drove to the abandoned train station in West Oakland to chill out for a bit...this ladder leads to the roof, and before I could say "Hey, maybe it's not such a good idea to head up there" Dow was monkeying his monkey ass up the ladder.


The ladder is about 40 feet tall and tilts backward about 3/4 of the way up so for the last ten feet or so you're past vertical...in other words, leaning backwards. I am not much for heights especially at negative inclines but I figured being a good host meant dealing with that, so up I went.


We get up there and are ooooohing and aaaaahing over the view. Then Dow gets really quiet and starts coughing, then proceeds to throw up while I'm thinking "Well, it's a nice night....I guess if we have to sleep up here it wouldn't be so bad." Luckily he got his shit together and we were able to get down the ladder in one piece.


More to come.

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