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What is wrong with the New World Order. The Global Government Debate Thread


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I don't apologise for being insulting, I apologise for sounding condescending as I truly have no real intention to.


However, ILOTSMYBRAIN, I insult with absolute intent, you fucking gronk!




*Edit, reduced for clarity and immaturity.

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I don't apologise for being insulting, I apologise for sounding condescending as I truly have no real intention to.


However, ILOTSMYBRAIN, I insult with absolute intent, you fucking gronk!




*Edit, reduced for clarity and immaturity.








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Yeah, no ill intent to anyone, I do go off quite easily and have been cautioned a number of times for telling co-workers to go fuck themselves.


I look forward to growing older and grumpier with time.



With any luck you'll be swinging a cane and yelling about how those damn kids need to stay off of your lawn.


That or you'll be calling sex lines to discuss ME policy with them because they have to listen.

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America is sinking under trillions in debt it can never repay and stays afloat by frantically selling about $2 billion in Treasury bonds a day to the Chinese. It saw 2.8 million people lose their homes in 2009 to foreclosure or bank repossessions – nearly 8,000 people a day – and stands idle as they are joined by another 2.4 million people this year. It refuses to prosecute the Bush administration for obvious war crimes, including the use of torture, and sees no reason to dismantle Bush’s secrecy laws or restore habeas corpus. Its infrastructure is crumbling. Deficits are pushing individual states to bankruptcy and forcing the closure of everything from schools to parks. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which have squandered trillions of dollars, appear endless. There are 50 million Americans in real poverty and tens of millions of Americans in a category called “near poverty.” One in eight Americans – and one in four children – depend on food stamps to eat. And yet, in the midst of it all, we continue to be a country consumed by happy talk and happy thoughts. We continue to embrace the illusion of inevitable progress, personal success and rising prosperity. Reality is not considered an impediment to desire.


When a culture lives within an illusion it perpetuates a state of permanent infantilism or childishness. As the gap widens between the illusion and reality, as we suddenly grasp that it is our home being foreclosed or our job that is not coming back, we react like children. We scream and yell for a savior, someone who promises us revenge, moral renewal and new glory. It is not a new story. A furious and sustained backlash by a betrayed and angry populace, one unprepared intellectually, emotionally and psychologically for collapse, will sweep aside the Democrats and most of the Republicans and will usher America into a new dark age. It was the economic collapse in Yugoslavia that gave us Slobodan Milosevic. It was the Weimar Republic that vomited up Adolf Hitler. And it was the breakdown in Tsarist Russia that opened the door for Lenin and the Bolsheviks. A cabal of proto-fascist misfits, from Christian demagogues to loudmouth talk show hosts, whom we naïvely dismiss as buffoons, will find a following with promises of revenge and moral renewal. And as in all totalitarian societies, those who do not pay fealty to the illusions imposed by the state become the outcasts, the persecuted.


America is more powerful than ever!


And hey, if you have a problem with Alex Jones... that's fine. He's a lunatic. Yet, he's better than 99% of these idiots on mainstream media who talk about bullshit and nonsense all day long, spread government propaganda, and who work for corporations owned by elitists. I'd rather listen to the loony guy on the radio talking about things you won't hear on the news, because they are too busy covering the latest celebrity scandal 24/7.

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America is more powerful than ever!







Quick lesson on power: IT IS RELATIVE


The US could so fucked that it only has one penny and a sharpened stick in the whole country. But if all the other countries had no pennies and no sticks the US would STILL be the most powerful country in the world.



Your mistake is that you are focused only on the US (not to mention that you use a source like Ad BUSTERS. I like ad busters, really cool mag to read with awesome graphic design. However they are screeeaaaming left wing political activists who "report" with sensationalism akin to that of FoxNews).


You cannot have any idea of US power unless you are comparing it to the power of its competitors. Power is zero sum and therefore a relative concept. You may not be wrong in your claim (actually, you are), but you definitely are in the method you use in trying to prove it.


For your argument to stick you have to identify the peer competitors of the US and show how they are becoming stronger than the US. You can use the US weaknesses to do this but you also have to show how the others are becoming stronger in comparison. Then the discussion gets complicated and worthwhile taking part in.





Once again, if you are interested in the world you have to learn about it before you can judge it.

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Quick lesson on power: IT IS RELATIVE


The US could so fucked that it only has one penny and a sharpened stick in the whole country. But if all the other countries had no pennies and no sticks the US would STILL be the most powerful country in the world.



Your mistake is that you are focused only on the US (not to mention that you use a source like Ad BUSTERS. I like ad busters, really cool mag to read with awesome graphic design. However they are screeeaaaming left wing political activists who "report" with sensationalism akin to that of FoxNews).


You cannot have any idea of US power unless you are comparing it to the power of its competitors. Power is zero sum and therefore a relative concept. You may not be wrong in your claim (actually, you are), but you definitely are in the method you use in trying to prove it.


For your argument to stick you have to identify the peer competitors of the US and show how they are becoming stronger than the US. You can use the US weaknesses to do this but you also have to show how the others are becoming stronger in comparison. Then the discussion gets complicated and worthwhile taking part in.





Once again, if you are interested in the world you have to learn about it before you can judge it.


ok, christo first of all i'm not judging the world. where are you getting this from? where have i judged the world? tell me.


another thing... if the US only had one penny and a sharpened stick in the country, and was still more powerful than other nations because they have even less... what kind of a pitiful state is that? sure, the US will still have the power you're referring to, but that isn't what i'm concerned about. this country is going bankrupt, this nation is deep in debt.. we don't produce anything, we have ourselves stretched thin, most of the US has become a police state. we're in need of desperate changes because our welfare is in jeopardy. how and why do you think obama got elected? this was his whole platform. remember? change? hope? as powerful as you believe we are right now, and we very may well be, this has nothing to do with the power of the independent individual over his or her life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness. all of that is in jeopardy right now, in crisis right now, and has been for decades but is reaching boiling points during this generation. what is known as the new world order threatens that deterioration and corruption even further on a global scale.


honestly, when i post articles i'm not really posting it for credibility or thinking, "look at this article, this proves exactly my point." i'm simply doing that to spark further conversation on the topic, and i could really care less where the article is coming from on the internet. if you disagree because it's from left-wing sensationalists, that's fine... but there are facts contained within that article that relate to this topic. what is so hard to understand about that?

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ok, christo first of all i'm not judging the world. where are you getting this from? where have i judged the world? tell me.



\/ \/ \/



what is known as the new world order threatens that deterioration and corruption even further on a global scale.




This discussion has now passed the stage of utterly ridiculous and I cannot believe that I let myself become a part of that.

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my post sucked. you were all supposed to see this:


In a perfect world an order of some kind would exist. Would it be called the NWO? Nobody cares. I firmly believe that if such a thing were to be implemented it would fall with the passage of time. We've heard and seen about these things before:


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This discussion has now passed the stage of utterly ridiculous and I cannot believe that I let myself become a part of that.


Funny how you ignore the majority of the points in the post and everything between those two statements.


This reminds me of the Rachael Maddow show.

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honestly, when i post articles i'm not really posting it for credibility or thinking, "look at this article, this proves exactly my point." i'm simply doing that to spark further conversation on the topic, and i could really care less where the article is coming from on the internet. if you disagree because it's from left-wing sensationalists, that's fine... but there are facts contained within that article that relate to this topic. what is so hard to understand about that?


That's like asking someone to eat a turd because it has little bits of corn in it.

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my post sucked. you were all supposed to see this:


In a perfect world an order of some kind would exist. Would it be called the NWO? Nobody cares. I firmly believe that if such a thing were to be implemented it would fall with the passage of time. We've heard and seen about these things before:



I'm not really sure what that is a picture of, it looks interesting though. I agree with you I think that anything of this sort is dead on arrival.

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I'm not really sure what that is a picture of, it looks interesting though. I agree with you I think that anything of this sort is dead on arrival.



It's the Stele of Hammurabi. It contains the laws of the Babylonian Empire, which embody the concept of "an eye for an eye."

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The Hammurabi code.


(watch me embarrass myself) the first codified system of state law?




*most people who don't know go to Wikipedia first. Me, I prefer to go against the grain.....


no i believe you're correct.

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When I hear the term the "Egyptian Empire" I begin to wonder what the definition of empire is.


I also hesitate to use history as a guide in issues like this. Technology has changed things just as it did back then. Bronze, Chariots, fast ocean going vessels, gun powder, etc. all altered the behaviour of empires. We now have mass communication, WMDs and a global standard currency and other tools of global measure. That changes things and in this instance I don't think that history can be an accurate guide with which to forecast the future.



In saying that I will painfully admit my knowledge of the history of empires is sorely, SORELY lacking. And in this game that is a fundamental weakness. I am currently planning to put the career on hold..., again, to go back and do some more studies in hope that I can address this weakness. But then again, the older I get and the more experience I have the higher my grades become...., I'll top the class one day!!



/end ramble....

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Well, as much as I would like to continue my formal education, and am doing so, I also don't believe that conventional education will enlighten you any further as to the topics at hand.


Technology has escalated into something that is unpredictable and I believe you're correct when you say it's difficult to use history as an accurate guide to forecast the future. However, this future isn't necessarily unforeseen by others in society before. People like H. G Wells, Aldous Huxley, and other authors were predicting these kind of political realities for our time, or future generations, in fiction books that closely resembled reality or were predicting harsh futures that were controlled and maintained by "scientific dictatorships", or "technocracies". These fictions depicted out of control government that served the interests of elite, who in return looked down upon humanity and controlled the masses through technology, mainstream media, propaganda, entertainment, education, and other means such as food contamination and eugenics. H.G Wells himself wrote a book entitled, "New World Order":




Or, the more obvious and popular choices "Brave New World", and "1984". These authors themselves could have been considered members of the elite, or were involved closely in personal or business relationships within elite circles, so their writing are even more interesting to me as it could possibly be coming from the perspective of the elite and how they view humanity.


As for all of the Empires, I think it is safe to say that America itself adapts many qualities from these previous Empires. If you look at Washington D.C itself it is adorned with pagan statues, roman symbolism, masonic symbolism, and other symbolic placements that have little or nothing to do with America, or freedom. It's suspicious, or interesting, to say the very least, how Empires over time continue to use similar symbolism. You can even find popular Nazi symbolism within American corporations, or other corporations around the world still doing business today.

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These fictions depicted out of control government that served the interests of elite, who in return looked down upon humanity and controlled the masses through technology, mainstream media, propaganda, entertainment, education, and other means such as food contamination and eugenics.


This doesn't sound like a break from the past to me at all. Monarchies and aristocracies always looked down upon the masses and many of them saw themselves as an extension of the heavens on earth. Kingdoms and empires controlled the masses through technology and the media of the time, before, during and after the French revolution popular literature was heavily censored as just one example and new weapons methods of agriculture, production of metals and torture were used to control the subjects all through history. The romans were famous for using the colosseum and gladiatorial entertainment to intoxicate the masses and punishment and trial were used in many countries throughout Europe and South America as a form of entertainment and propaganda throughout history. The English used eugenics to undermine the Scottish as one example and that can be found in many places throughout history as well.


I'm not convinced that this is a break from the past at all, seems like one long continuing trend that simply uses new technology as it comes along. My reference to technology is how empire is employed and empire does not always mean subjugation, by any means. The Ottomans in the Danube basin are an excellent example for this and one could very easily argue that bandwagoning in the modern US empire has great advantages if you can bring something to the table. Australia, Japan, Germany, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, Israel etc. are perfect examples of this.



As for symbolism, a better term being semiotics, yeah sure, it's used in every facet of life as a form of communication so one would definitely expect to find it being utilised in the pursuit of power. You may be referring to a particular trend in the semiotics of power rather than the use of it per se.




I hate saying "per se", makes me sound like more of a wanker than normal....

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