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Bring your daughter to the slaughter, cult film thread.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Is that actually worth watching? I didn't watch it just because most remakes lately have left me very disappoint.

If you haven't seen the 1978 original I recommend it. And if you have seen it how did it match up?


wurga please..........



and i 100% recommend the remake. personally i have the same thoughts about the remakes these days.

and when i heard about this one a couple years ago before it was even out i swore i wouldn't see it .

been then i got to thinking and realized that a true horror buff would be a faggot to hold some grudgy

bullshit on any film obviously trying to pay dues to an original fucking gem. and either way. all the

shit coming out these days is 89% crap. but someones gotta do it. and i'll pretty much watch it all.

i was actually really surprised at the the kill scenes in this remake shit though. MZ! tell me some of those weren't fucking rad!!

C'mOn sOn! i think we need to begin writing an internet-script. straight up.

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i've written a bunch of stupid shorts, none on some b-horror shit though.

i'll definitely start toying with ideas. any of you nurgas know script format?

cause we could start one and keep adding kind of like the "four word story"

shit but obviously more directed with proper format.


SYSTEM! i C U LURKIN! wheres that demonoid invite fool?

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i have final cut 7. and i don't even know how to upload my footage yet.

heres the deal. bought this mbp fully loaded with programs like that and others

going on 4 months ago now and i haven't done a god dammned thing but oontz

and toy with photoshop a little bit. BLOWING IT 0NER. but i'm working on

trying to change that shit.

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wurga please..........



and i 100% recommend the remake. personally i have the same thoughts about the remakes these days.

and when i heard about this one a couple years ago before it was even out i swore i wouldn't see it .

been then i got to thinking and realized that a true horror buff would be a faggot to hold some grudgy

bullshit on any film obviously trying to pay dues to an original fucking gem. and either way. all the

shit coming out these days is 89% crap. but someones gotta do it. and i'll pretty much watch it all.

i was actually really surprised at the the kill scenes in this remake shit though. MZ! tell me some of those weren't fucking rad!!

C'mOn sOn! i think we need to begin writing an internet-script. straight up.


^^ I agree, it was fun in the theater, but I wouldn't run out and buy it. I'll watch anything once, especially if I get to see it on the big screen.


Let me know when you want to get a script in the works, I'm all for it.




So i was walking around silly amazing ass IKEA today and got to thinking.

remember the thread not too long ago about home depot and being stuck

on some battle royale type shit. tell me it wouldn't be fucking rad. to write

something similar.(little out of range off the bat based on the budget it would take

right off the rip) but a place like ikea. it'd basically go like this.
























haaaaaaaaa!!!YES! there would obviously have to be one or two or three intimacy scenes before that

intercom shit to crack off so people can develop a relationship with some characters. but hot damn would that not be some shit to see!?

and thats completely incorrect spacing and indentation format but this ain't word.

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i got to thinking and realized that a true horror buff would be a faggot to hold some grudgy bullshit on any film obviously trying to pay dues to an original fucking gem.


Haha word, I'll download it tonight and check it out.

And the 7D is a dope camera to shoot video on if you do get that and Final Cut working, a few mates of mine shoot 7D's and 5D's and it's real good quality stuff.


The IKEA/Home Depot idea in movie form would be dope too haha, I just played out something similar in my head thinking of that thread. People setting up traps and crawling on the top of shelves and shit! Badass.

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Just finished it, and yeah it was a lot better then other remakes of movies. Glad I watched it now.

The few little changes between the original were good for giving it a bit of a new spin, the video camera, her escaping into the river rather then being left for dead. They changed it up pretty well while sticking to the concept.

Thanks nurgas for putting me to watching it.


Dunno if this has been posted but it's definitely worthy of being in here.

Salo (120 Days Of Sodom)



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An all out battle to the death in an ikea would be amazing, someone could get tied to one of those display chairs with all of the hydraulic cylinders that show you how much abuse the chair can take. . . and just get pummelled to death in it.


Or it could be a porn movie if they hook a dildo to those machines and make a fuck machine.


swap the knife with a dildo and horror movies and porn movies usually interchangeable. hahaha

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