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80's-90's MEMORIES

poop stache

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I remember my first time hooking one of these bad boy up. I ran the power straight to the battery and looped the remote wire into that as well. Needless to say, Dead battery!! leason learned.. There were no output terminals on these things! I was using home audio Cerwin Vega speakers in a homemade plywood box. 1988 Mustang GT lol




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i'm guessing not

i was a precocious and angsty little kid so it was right up my alley.

i seriously doubt i could stand their whining at this stage of my game


honestly, they were probably more like me at the age i was then, then they are like me now

with the possible exception of the arty chick who was dating a much younger guy

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I saw part of one episode.


one guy decided to suck his wifey's tittay while she was lactating & drink the milk.


I am still sick about that to this day.




But i would like to see an episode (now) to see how their 30's is nothing like mine.


--My wife watches 'up all night' and complains about the inaccuracies.

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What does nostalgia mean/do to you all? I feel weird looking at this thread, all my childhood memories flood in with the late 80's early 90's toys/games/movies. In one way it's kinda nice but on the other hand it gets me all upset and reminds me of some of the fucked up things that happened when I was younger... I dunno anyone else tie nostalgia with depression or is it all "The good 'ol days" to you?


Honest response would be greatly appreciated, and I'll drop some gems in here later.

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