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Life After Highschool


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you just finished, what did the next year hold for you?


what were your plans? how did you earn money? did you do what you planned? has life turned out okay for you? do you wish you did things differently?





me; i just applied for a bunch of art colleges. i don't know if i will get into any because my study score might be bad since i still have final exams and ive pretty much lost the will to try after 13 years of school. all the well to do cookie cutter conservative kids have everything all worked out because their parents want them to be doctors or whatever. the dumb kids are going to one day grow up to be mcmanagers so their lives are sorted/fucked. but i have no idea whats gonna happen. i kinda wanna get some money together and just wing it somewhere (your town, USA?) but it seems to be more of a pipe dream than anything.


for me the next year marks the beginning of something. i can choose who i associate with on a day to day basis and i have more time to paint/draw/paint.













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If you don't know what to do then I suggest save some money and get the fuck out of Melbourne. Try and get your way to Europe and wing it for a while. Once you're broke, dirty and don't have a place to crash get a flight back and enroll into an art school (provided that's what you want to do) as a mature age student. It's not nearly as hard to enroll as a mature age than it is to enroll as a first year.

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I went back home where I just left a year before. Promptly smoked a bunch of dope, stole a few cars and got a DUI so I joined a band and toured the Gulf Coast and North East while I smoked a bunch of dope. Eventually I had to actually show up for court and promise to be good, so I went to the local college, smoked a bunch of dope, made the Dean's list 3 terms in a row and then spent about 5 months sailing and smoking dope... then I got serious, put my skate back together, got a lil Am sponsorship, smoked a bunch of dope and fucked around... then I moved back 'home' and worked at a few nightclubs where I did lights and security and smoked a bunch of dope. Then I got a job as a graphic artist where I did art and smoked a bunch of dope. I also finished school, which was a nice chance to get away from work and smoke some dope... plus get a degree... anyway, it goes on like this...

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I went to University.

After a number of years there I graduated, and soon after that got a well paying job.

Now I am a corporate whore.


I get up everyday at 6am, so I can work a minimum of 7.5 hours a day. The overtime can be ridiculous, the clients stupid, and the colleagues annoying. I don't think I'm compensated well enough. Work-life balance is a myth.


More an more I realize that I don't enjoy what I do. Hours at work are spent thinking about everything else I could be doing instead. I still haven't figured out what I want to do in life, but this is not it.


When I get home, usually between 7 and 10pm, I eat, drink beer, oontz, watch Gossip Girl/The Wire/Lateline, masturbate, then go to sleep.

All to do it again tomorrow.

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What you should do is travel.


Travel as much as fucking possible while you still can. School is over-rated. Traveling will provide you with the most that life has to offer straight up. Don't ever worry about 'what you're gonna do when you get there' ... Just go. Figure the rest out later. It's the best education life can offer and it's a lot cheaper than school.


Just remember that no matter where you go - there you are.

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I didn't finish school due to being a dickhead so my options were kinda limited. I did the whole pety crime/dole thing for a while and ended up in a tafe course. Ended up in a trade. I enjoy work for the most part and get paid semi decently. The only gripe I have with this job/trades in general is it's hard to meet women other than old ladies getting work done on their houses.

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thats what im saying, i dont feel like giving away 5 years of my life just yet.



Don't think of it like a 5 year sentence. It's actually fun, you make life long friends, learn stuff, and drink lots of beer. And plenty of time to hit on girls and practice graff n dance.


Travel would definitely be a worthwhile thing to do instead.

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^No really, he's right, put your nose to the grindstone, meet girls who are more susceptible to booze than you and away from home for the first time, have a lot of fun, smoke a bunch of dope and get a degree in the mean time. It's totally worth it.


Travel later when you got the luchini to do it first class.

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Since when do people meet women on the job?


I know a few that have met people through working at offices even at factorys, telemarketing bullshit etc. I just feel I missed out on meeting alot of new women from not going to Uni and as a person that sucks at the insta-pickup at bars and clubs that shit could have came in handy.

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Don't think of it like a 5 year sentence. It's actually fun, you make life long friends, learn stuff, and drink lots of beer. And plenty of time to hit on girls and practice graff n dance.


Travel would definitely be a worthwhile thing to do instead.


^No really, he's right, put your nose to the grindstone, meet girls who are more susceptible to booze than you and away from home for the first time, have a lot of fun, smoke a bunch of dope and get a degree in the mean time. It's totally worth it.


Travel later when you got the luchini to do it first class.




i was pretty psyched for all this but i may not actually get into any courses which is a worry, there are much more talented people out there who would be chosen over me.


if i get into a course i'm thinking of deferring and doing whatever-the-fuck for a year just knowing i have something to fall back on. meeting wymmenz is a secondary to me, i'd rather improve my drawing/sketching/painting skills in all fields (not just graffical dance)

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Relating jobs to meeting women- get a job as a bartender. Serve tables first or whatever you have to do. Here in the states, we tip. It's great fucking money considering the education required to hold such a job. Plus there are so many sluts you wouldn't know what to do with yourself.


Seriously, they always say don't dip your pen in the company ink orrrr.... no fishing from the company pier - but godamn the restaurant bizz is full of young betties who love to drink and spend their tips on having a good time. It's a great place to be fresh outta high schoo. Just don't get stuck.

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Since when do people meet women on the job?


I met tons of women when I was a messenger. That doesn't mean I slept with them all but I did better doing that than I did working in, say, a grocery store.


As far as after high school, I partied and traveled and recommend it highly but I didn't have a plan. That's where I screwed up, if I had said "okay, a year or two of fucking around then I gotta get serious and I'm gonna do xyz" it would have been a lot easier than having to sort it out in a hurry because I got burned out...and wound up working at a grocery store for a few years.


Oh yeah, if you have money set aside for school don't touch it. Get a job or slang bean pies, but don't fuck with that school money. I know a lot of people who did that ended up regretting it.

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Relating jobs to meeting women- get a job as a bartender. Serve tables first or whatever you have to do. Here in the states, we tip. It's great fucking money considering the education required to hold such a job. Plus there are so many sluts you wouldn't know what to do with yourself.


yeah i was thinking something along the lines of this but dont you need to do courses and stuff in order to be able to serve alcohol in the states? we do over here. and dont you need a permit to work or some shit?

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