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all in a day

blood fart

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This will be a basic play-by-play, for people that don't like words...this is not the place for you.



I woke up at four to go to work.

Dude sleeping like a dead baby.

I ride my bike to work.

WOrk hard.

Never hardly working.


Get off work and buy groceries for dude's favorite breakfast since home-made pancakes and all that jazz ain't cutting it.


Get home and fancy up to the max.

Which only meanx taking a shower and donning a strand of pearls to set off my ruffledly shirt.


I are not done......................

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I am a vegetarian.

I took dude to a fancy dinner at a steak house.

I paid a LOT for fucking food that will end up being doo-doo.


I talked to my mom and made her cry.

I have more wine to drink.



This place is boring and even I cannot change that.

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My top 25 most played songs on Itunes are all sad country songs.

Well, except for those hipster crap songs.

Even with that admitted...I can lay money on my music making more good time feelings than your shit.





Actually, that last statement meant nothing.

All night I have been caught up on just how sweet looking I am.

It makes me want to be a complete bastard to people.


Which is funny to only me, seeing as how I have started telling dudes that I only want tattoos that only make me look nice and sweet and that I am tired of people thinking I am tough just becayuse I have a joke tattooo on my neck.

WHen in all reality...I am a total asshole.

I wouldn't be my own friend.



Nothing is funny anymore.

Except for that rape tunnel thing.

Which would have ruled so much harder were there to be cake there.

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I didn't read anything about the guy not appreciating her.


Also, steak is one of the most enjoyable foods to eat if your a hardcore carnivore.


<Hardcore carnivore. I prefer the churrasco with chimichurri if available.

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same old story. girls like dudes that dont appreciate them.


its like that emily dickinson poem about the fly buzzing around the dead persons face...


...or something like that.


You read Emily Dickinson??


You are that one sort of gay that cant deny being totally gay.


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I think I am appreciated.

I would hope that I am.


Dude was glowing the whole time we were at the steak place.

I wasn't too into that whole scene.


Maybe if he would have piad me a few more compliments, I would be in bed wiht him...instead of drinking wine with my little cat in my lap while typing away on here about nothing impirtant

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as far as poetry goes i prefer jimmy santiago baca, i can relate to that...


...the dickinson reference was merely a ploy to appeal to your agro-vegetarian wine drinking mentality. maybe i should talk about ani difranco or food not bombs next time.

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Poems are for assholes.


I've never once met a person that was "into poetry" that wasn't a compete dbag that I wanted to do completely violent things to.



I had more shit to say...but I got lockec into a trace when I saw myself in a mirror and was DEAD STUNNNNNNNED, son.

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what type of job do you have?


I stack boxes of junk.

It's a job most people would hate, but I love it.

I work harder than I need to, it it never-ending.



I always imagine the boxes to be various animals.



The Cow has a sturdy base...so the pig with weak legs goes on top.

And then the tiny bunnies which can be taped togethr.

The kitten is the crwoning glory.

And that is now my mind works



peace out


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12oz is black, 12oz is grey

macbook ads i click, all thru the day


my letters are green, my bars are now too

hell hath frozen over, now how bout you


i jerked off this morning, i did it in bed

ill do it again, again i just said


the semen it sticks, to my uncleanly leg

i roll into spit, the spit that i sprayed


i got up to kick, my once cute dog

now he just sits, like a fat little log


i punch my way down, my stumbling stairs

tossing aside, paint cans and chairs


im going to shit, im going to poo

im sitting here shitting, thinking of you






























poetry people are faggets. anyone can string a ryhme together. just ask gucci mane.


that took me literally 2 minutes.


shits pink, and anyone that spends time on it and thinks there good needs to be punched in the face.

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12oz is black, 12oz is grey

macbook ads i click, all thru the day


my letters are green, my bars are now too

hell hath frozen over, now how bout you


i jerked off this morning, i did it in bed

ill do it again, again i just said


the semen it sticks, to my uncleanly leg

i roll into spit, the spit that i sprayed


i got up to kick, my once cute dog

now he just sits, like a fat little log


i punch my way down, my stumbling stairs

tossing aside, paint cans and chairs


im going to shit, im going to poo

im sitting here shitting, thinking of you






























poetry people are faggets. anyone can string a ryhme together. just ask gucci mane.


that took me literally 2 minutes.


shits pink, and anyone that spends time on it and thinks there good needs to be punched in the face.



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Being black must suck hard.


black i dont know, was born white as snow

up here in Can, where afro's dont grow


King D is dead, ill shoot him i know

his talking of death, ill grant him tomorrow


his shit is so tacky, his make up like clowns

why people listen, will never be found


its corny as fuck, its silly as sin

he talks of the devil, spawn next of kin


ill sit his neck wide, ill slit his neck open

ill pull out his tongue, and wrap it around


hang him like neuce, till hes dead on the ground.

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