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Shallah Rae shits on Jiggaman!!!


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whatsup with that section of cage/mos/nas/slaughterhouse.. recommendations or shit you've already downloaded?


just seems like a good mix, i dont know shit about itunes music store




I usually download my music and move it too iTunes, or I rip it from hardcopies.

When I do Apple has something call a Genius Playlist.

They take music on my iPod and recommend me music from the music I put on the iPod.

Here's a better photo of my Genius Playlist.

It's mostly garbage they recommend you other albums thats supposedly you'll like also.


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It's only itunes though.


digital downloads are probably the most important sales number in the modern music industry - ringtones come in second

hard copy sales of CDs are not what they once were

remember - you can go platinum off of iTunes and ringtones now

itunes accounts for over 90% of those sales


its actually a pretty big deal from an industry standpoint


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/NoRIAA but...


For all those that bitch about shitty music being put out these days versus the past, think about the incentive to make decent music these days.


I used to be in the music industry back in the day and I'm sure as hell glad I picked my visual art over it.


Think about it...Would you make dope tracks anymore if people were robbing you blind?


Don't get me wrong...I've done my dirt to some extent but not like how it is now.


What do you expect to receive when you're making a fraction in sales of artists from 20 years ago?


<----Goes to put on a STYX album.

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/NoRIAA but...


For all those that bitch about shitty music being put out these days versus the past, think about the incentive to make decent music these days.


I used to be in the music industry back in the day and I'm sure as hell glad I picked my visual art over it.


Think about it...Would you make dope tracks anymore if people were robbing you blind?


Don't get me wrong...I've done my dirt to some extent but not like how it is now.


What do you expect to receive when you're making a fraction in sales of artists from 20 years ago?


<----Goes to put on a STYX album.


Trust me

I've grown up around countless industry cats and seen more platinum and gold sales awards plaques than everyone on this site combined, I bet anything on that


as a result, I would NEVER EVER try and make music my main industry

I do it as a hobby, that I break even at and sometimes pull a nice chunk of change from


but really, being a music artist is probably one of the worst career moves anyone can make

especially now that sales are a fraction of what they were 20 years ago








That's why I do video work as a profession and music on the side

the record industry is the biggest pimp and ho game around

and it kills me to hear young cats aspire to get a million dollar deal

because they don't understand that even with the slim chance they accieve that lofty ass goal, they still lose hard


I've worked with people who got over a mil in development from a major

and their career is over

because they didn't recoup


and to everyone hoping to make it big

if you don't know what "recoup" means

look it up before you end up screwed


even your favorite star ain't that rich compared to some Joe blow dentist in nowheresville

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shitty tours in arenas with a 1000 other shitty bands, endorsements, tv spots, cologne, bad clothing, bad co-starring roles. shitty music takes this route.



im a TOOL fan. they put out a couple tracks. create buzz. get charts. sell a quality package along with their CD. go on tour. spend alot of time and effort on their stage and sound. and their merch is well made. everyone is pleased. people come back. and pay lots of money for vinyl releases of an album they put out 5-6 years prior to its initial release. and buy dvds of their videos because they are well done.

maybe theyll advertise the release of the album for a few weeks on VH1.


and radiohead does just fine as well.


im broke and i still rarely download. i have. i will. but when musicians, artists, who ever the fuck, the goddamn coffee shop down the street even...when people who sell something, sell quality and also respect their buyers and keep shit quality then the buyers come back. regardless if there's a media shitstorm of promotion around it.



ill count my last bit of change to buy a coffee 8 blocks away, when i can have a free one here in my crib. but the shits good.

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but how many bands can you name like tool or radiohead that have a body of work, dedicated fan base, and an ability to freely operate? Then compare that double digit number to the thousands and thousands of bands, singer/songwriters, artists, session musicians, and any other person with a dream, an instrument, and a release date. So many don't make it, it's like the lottery... And even if you DO win you have to constantly grind and work and fight the rest of your life to live well. A good example is David Byrne - he's sucessfull, but no more than the best lawyer in any given shitty city, probably a lot worse actually. He can't ever retire.


You don't enter the music business to make a lot of money-if that's the goal you are going the wrong way- you do it for the freedom- but it's such a long shot gamble comparedto your odds


and I'm not even getting into rappers/producers/djs/whatever else

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