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I like puns, and I don't really have a dog in this fight but... Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Also, I've seen in several respectable scientific publications where they have said marine mammals were in fact organisms that evolved out of the ocean on to land (and then became mammals) but then turned back to the water.


Just sayin... here's some more fuel for the fire.


Canidae is the family of dogs and other related animals (such as wolves), not strictly dogs.


Noone argued that marine mammals aren't descended from four legged mammals. We said they didn't descend from dogs, because they didn't


DAO is gunna take this post and run another 30 pages haha.


I'm goin to sleep

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Canidae is the family of dogs and other related animals (such as wolves), not strictly dogs.


That's my point right there. Same family equals basically the same animal. Jackals, Wolves, Coyotes, Bears, Dingos, Foxes, Chihuahuas, Great Danes... Basically the same animal. Obvious differences but for all intents and purposes when yo uget down to the familial level that's enough for me to equate them in a general sense.


I never meant to even suggest a connection between marine mammals and dogs. That's all for DAO to sort out. I was just saying marine mammals are definately thought to be a back to the water type thing, not a seperate type of mammal that somehow evolved in the oceans.

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Canidae is the family of dogs and other related animals (such as wolves), not strictly dogs.


Noone argued that marine mammals aren't descended from four legged mammals. We said they didn't descend from dogs, because they didn't


DAO is gunna take this post and run another 30 pages haha.


I'm goin to sleep


Yeah what he said.

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Everybody outside of 12oz knows that a wolf is a dog.


Infact, everytime this whole week that I've mentioned to people that there's these dudes on the internet who think that a wolf isn't a dog, everyone is in unanimous agreement that those dudes on the internet must be retarded.

Everybody knows that a wolf is a dog, and that canine is the name for the dog family.

That makes you a fucking moron, and everybody on here who's drinking your retard koolaid even bigger morons.


Does everyone outside of 12oz know that Scandinavia is outside of Europe? I notice you keep avoiding the fact that you said Scandinavia is outside of Europe. :lol:


What about alcohol being a depressant? Were all the text books and rehab centers that say alcohol is a depressant -- are all of them within 12oz?

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"basically" the same, but not the same. That's the key. Just like humans and chimps are "basically" the same. There's that pesky 0.1% genetic difference that makes them not the same.


No, no... absolutely NOT what I am saying. Obviously chihuahuas and great danes aren't the same, but they are. I'm NOT a biologist but IMHO the statistical similarities across the family are much smaller than the chimp to human link.

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No, no... absolutely NOT what I am saying. Obviously chihuahuas and great danes aren't the same, but they are. I'm NOT a biologist but IMHO the statistical similarities across the family are much smaller than the chimp to human link.


Well Chihuahuas & Great Danes are just different breeds within the same sub-species (dogs). Wolves are in a different sub-species altogether.

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Swampfight, no offense, you're all about ME ME ME ME ME. Alot of your posts are either talking about previous posts, credit you should be getting, the shit you do/have done/being better and whatnot. Negaprop me. I don't care. You seem cool, but just chill out. It's a graffiti forum haha. <3



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Theo, I think you're taking advantage of my beligerent nature... it's still all love but in a sec I'm gonna bail on this or turn into the Hulk...


Well Chihuahuas & Great Danes are just different breeds within the same sub-species (dogs). Wolves are in a different sub-species altogether.


Not quite... let's split some hairs.


A chihuaha and a pitbull are both canis lupus familiaris (dogs). They are different breeds of dog.


A wolf is canis lupus. There are differents breeds of wolf too. An eastern wolf and an arctic wolf could be compared in the same way you would compare a chihuaha and a pitbull


Wolves are not a 'seperate sub-species'. Dogs are a 'sub-species' of Wolves. Canis lupus vs. canis lupus familiaris... see? So...


Let's talk about horses... Obviously an Arabian is different than an Appaloosa, that's a breed issue. Like Chiahuahuas and Gt. Danes. Now let's look at the wild horses of Chincoteague or the western US. They are horses (ponies) right? However, any domesticated horse is a 'familiaris' and all wild horses should be able to shed that portion of the title as wolves do in relation to domesticated dogs.


*Full Disclosure: Here's the problem with using horses as an example, there were only prehistoric horses on the North American continent until the Spainards reintroduced the species in the 1500's. So, it can, and should, be argued that no horse in America, no matter how 'wild' should fall under the 'familiaris' title. That's something I can't argue against but horses were the first example to jump to mind and I think it still bears out the spirit of my argument.

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I like puns, and I don't really have a dog in this fight but... Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Also, I've seen in several respectable scientific publications where they have said marine mammals were in fact organisms that evolved out of the ocean on to land (and then became mammals) but then turned back to the water.


Just sayin... here's some more fuel for the fire.[/size][/font][/b]


































































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Theo, I think you're taking advantage of my beligerent nature... it's still all love but in a sec I'm gonna bail on this or turn into the Hulk...




Not quite... let's split some hairs.




Wolves are not a 'seperate sub-species'. Dogs are a 'sub-species' of Wolves. Canis lupus vs. canis lupus familiaris... see? So..


Yes, true -- but we've always said that dogs did come from wolves. And, according to the breeder where I got my dogs, said "Dogs could be considered a domesticated form of wolf". But a wolf can't be considered a "dog". "Dog" specifically refers to the sub-species "canis lupus familiaris".


And I worded the sub-species thing incorrectly earlier...still, the point is the taxonomy separates dogs from wolves.

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A chihuaha and a pitbull are both canis lupus familiaris (dogs). They are different breeds of dog.


A wolf is canis lupus. There are differents breeds of wolf too. An eastern wolf and an arctic wolf could be compared in the same way you would compare a chihuaha and a pitbull



Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.


Wolves ARE dogs, both are from the Canidae family.







































































































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