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________ SARGE ________ freights -


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dudes a snitch.


hes tryin mad hard to follow darks footsteps, but will NEVER be on his level. trys to ride people out for painting block letters, when he has been doin the same outline since 07. wants people to know so bad that he came from the projects..like that makes you a better graffiti writer??


sarge if you have something to say shoot me a PM, instead of posting more pictures of peoples faces.

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this is ok. at least this kid fills his pieces in. this is obviously NOT self promo. hatersconversation on a roll with the inexplicable starting of threads for NEW JACK freight writers.


post some seap or sarge flicks from 04??? cant find any huh? how about 05??

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go ahead and fall off already!

HATERS!! HAHAHAHA! Thats the thing.. yall want him to fall off, but hes just going to keep it coming hard. Yall think hes going to quit writing because everyone wants to whine and bitch because he doesnt take any of yalls pussy bullshit? I dont think one person has even had the balls to set a time and place to meet up and say this shit to his face. Why? Yall scared of him. Yall are so fucking scared its pathetic.

Im sick of this shit talking and im sick of reading 87676079878+ pages of nonsence.


Yall want to talk further shit. Hit the man up and talk face to face. Yall know how to contact him. Tell him how you want him to fall off then and there. Be a FUCKING MAN about this shit. Til you step up you aint nothing but a pussy hiding behind your words and screenname swallowing your pride. What kind of respect do you gain doing nothing about the war you created?

Yall need to step up or shut up. Im not taking sides, im keeping this petty shit real.


By the way? Whos claiming spots? Shit! Yall tryin real hard to keep him out of spots. I mean yall wont even meet up with him. Let alone claim a spot.


What everyones doing is creating a monster. Yalls hatred is making Sarge the most talked about motherfucker in the ville. Therefore pushing his Fame. So keep on pushin. The more you talk the more his name comes up.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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