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I dont like to have much white space on a page, i think its wasteful..so i usually try to cover as much of a page as i can. With whatever im drawing..nothing is in any type of particular order, their might be a throw..and then some heads, and some real life studies..its really all over the place. Plus i've been using this big book, so the pages are so big that tons of shit fits on one page.

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I moved a bunch of stuff in my Photobucket, so all my links are broke..their will be more to post though..anyways, you were asking about how people set up their pages. I was taking pictures so i thought i would snap a quick shot of the page with the desk on it. Its got MegaMan4 codes, and just everything thats on my mind when im sitting there or need to write down. Then the other stuff is just stuff i've doodled around.







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but i normally draw on loose paper even though i have like 3 fucking crates of half drawn in books

I hear you on that.

I've actually bitten the bullet and my latest blackbok is not being drawn in ..just having loose sketches glued into it.

we are nearly 75 pages deep and already the damn book is almost twice it's original thickness

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awesome I used to love drawing anything DBZ back in the day. Although I feel that drawing some anime can give you practice with the grasp of the human body but too much of it can really kill the strive to have a style and be unique. I remember I started to always do my eyes the same and then every body had perfect bodies, muscles were always exaggerated etc etc ect. Im not saying this is you almighty Im just trying to say that the attachment to anime style is a love hate relationship. I owe a lot of learning experience during childhood to it but hate that it saturated me so long.


:edit: Its funny cause Ive tried to regain my skill of drawing hands recently and I remember that I used to be so much better because some of the coolest ways to do DBZ poses required (from my look on it) the most difficult hand and finger positions.

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rescue dog in his favourite pub "The Loaded Dog" in Dogtown

needs some colouring in with my highlighters featuring the firts appearance of Bernie the bartender


everyone I KNOW you all drew a crap superhero when you were young!

C'mon I've showed you mine now you show me yours!

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