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i do not want to see your gay little shipment of ready made graffiti tools, instead of showing the world what you have purchased for the purpose of vandalism, go out and practice, bomb hard, perfect skills, give LESS of a fuck about name brands.


do you really need to show us the difference between caps? it takes less than 2 seconds to change caps, i'm sure those of us who paint know the difference and those who are keen to paint will soon learn the difference on their own.


did you buy some ink off an online site? congratulations, go fill up the empty mop you got with it and get to work rather than uploading a video as soon as you get it like a kid opening a christmas present.



i'm pretty bored so i thought i'd make a thread




get money

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This is my first post and probably one of the only ones I will ever make.


Seriously, go out and do something worth being counted for..

Anyone can post a video showing that they have graffiti supplies, all you do when you do that... Is confirm to the older generations that the younger generations aren't worth much, mainly because it's only ever under 18'ers doing it.


Get up, fuck making videos about how you bought a few markers.

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word to shai


dyr PM'd me about 'graffitists'


double bacon with cheese


Sir you're under arrest.


You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

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Sir you're under arrest.


You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.


i was wrong about you. do you live near melbourne? do you have lots of paint or markers?

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i was wrong about you. do you live near melbourne? do you have lots of paint or markers?


Like 3-4 cans of paint, and a few markers..

Haven't gotten into it at all to be honest, and yeah. I do.

All I wanted to ask you was a few simple fucking questions..

But that's cool. Carry on.

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I have a message for all the "toys/beginners/internet kids".....


i have been doin graff for almost 20 yrs now.... longer than alot of you have even been alive... Over the course of my life i have seen soooooooo many kids that think graffiti is the coolest shit there is.... they steal some paint from their dads garage and go write some shit tags under a bridge.. or on places they really shouldnt be hitting... like schools, churches, cars, memorial statues, etc.... out of say every 20 kids i see "vandalizing" , maybe 1 will actually stick with it long enough to learn the culture and develop a style....and out of them its maybe 1 in 5 that keep rockin long enough to be worth talkin about....and they get good(usually)...

But they were all toys at one time... WE WERE ALL TOYS AT ONE TIME.....

but the things that piss me off about toys are mainly regarding respect.... respect other writers shit.. learn the rules... respect certain places.. dont paint churches, schools all that shit... and definately stay away from trains untill you know what you are doin....trains are a whole other game..

DO NOT JUST FIND A WALL WITH GRAFFITI AND THINK ITS OK TO TAG... you will probably piss someone off for goin over their shit...

DO NOT WRITE A NAME YOU GOT FROM PLAYING MARC ECKO"S GETTIN UP... choose a name with a meaning... and look into it a bit (since we have internet these days you can do that).. and make sure your not biting someone elses name... cuz you will hear about it...

and i think my biggest peice of advice is...


DONT DO GRAFFITI... if you arent serious all you do is make a mess and piss people off... if you are serious about it you need to realise what you are gettin into.... it takes over your life.......



and learn to keep your mouth shut and dont think you are all fuckin city or a king and dont think you are somethin special.. and dont talk about spots online... and DONT POST YOUR SHIT ON YOUR FACEBOOK OR MYSPACE lol



anyways thats my 2 cents....




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well said^

ive been writing for almost 5 years and i just starting to come into my style. and i think the number of bullshit toys out there acting like theyre hot shit and running their mouth on the internet about all the spots they have. when 99.9% of the time theyve bombed less than 5 times in their lives. or even painted for that matter. i dont think people understand what they get into with graffiti, what youre really doing its not for weekend warrior types of any age.

sure its all good if you know what youre doing and you go the yard or chillwall every sunday and paint. but youre someone thats been writing less than 4 months and you think youre a all out king. youre just lying to yourself and everyone that has a clue knows youre lying. so dont even try to come on 12oz post YOUR pieces up in metalheads or brickslayers people that are out benching or in the city know youre not that big time. and most of all its a cheap half assed way of getting fame. it doesnt matter for shit in the long run. the real heads will write you off in a second and thats the end of it. toys come up "I dont give a fuck what anyone thinks about my shit" well youre just kidding yourself if you didnt care what others thought you wouldnt be writing graffiti, taking a picture of it, than posting it up on the internet so you could get a false of regonition and accomplishment. so do yourself a favor and keep your pics to yourself in a filled up photo alblum thats what you should be aiming for. to put in enough good QUALITY work that you have so many flicks of it that you run out of space to put them. i know ive kind of rambled hear but if anything, when youre new to graffiti approach everything with a great sense of HUMILITY and take any feedback from some thats more experienced than you as a learning tool. thats it, thats all, my 2 cents

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^ somebody think of the children, wait..



to maze and to an extent eon;


i can respect a kid with mediocre skills who has bothered to educate themselves about the history and craft or who are at least dedicated. being a toy is how you carry yourself.



Like 3-4 cans of paint, and a few markers..

Haven't gotten into it at all to be honest, and yeah. I do.

All I wanted to ask you was a few simple fucking questions..

But that's cool. Carry on.


buy some more paint. them pm me your address. i'll train you.

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don't go over anything unless you're prepared to deal with the problems. learn how to draw before you learn to paint. you suck, and will suck until further notice. chances are you'll never revolutionize shit, so stick to what you're good at until you're ready to commit to shit long-term, change doesn't come easy most of the time.

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to maze and to an extent eon;


i can respect a kid with mediocre skills who has bothered to educate themselves about the history and craft or who are at least dedicated. being a toy is how you carry yourself.




i agree with you on that...

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learn how to draw before you learn to paint. you suck, and will suck until further notice.


I got two sides this....If you draw and never paint even if your style is developed on paper, you still wont be able to paint it for shit on a wall so you'll have shaky lines and drips ect.. but yes draw way more than you paint at first.. it will switch eventually into more painting than drawing over time. but not need to go out and "kill shit" at first. I know everyone else seems to think its gay but when your first starting having a little plywood board isnt a bad thing you can practice and see what looks good and gain a little sense of how take a sketch from paper to a wall and not make your area look like shit. but then again a lot of people would disagree with that...Also learn your areas history before you learn about "Mad Hiphop youtube crews" like SDK..feel free to comment back..

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