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Explain your name.


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I was curious how everyone got the inspiration for your names. I came up with Price250 after watching a documentary on the sex slave trade. They were talking about how they were auctioning them off like animals, and some were going for $250.00. 250 bucks for a human life! :mad:

Anyways, Price250 just stuck in my head, and it helps me to remember the people out there that have no control over their life, and the fight against corrupt politicions who make a profit by letting things go unchecked.

Because of this, I am more of a anti-political writer, as is much of my graffiti.


Sorry if this thread has already been done, I searched and couldn't find anything.

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I like doing characters in my pieces and throw ups. So i changed my name to something that would look straight. It might be taking already, but were im from there isnt anyone who writes it. Plus it kinda expresses my feeling towards alot of struggles we as humanity go through. Im just straight up "DONE" with caring.

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My name is only 3 letters. My homie said it as a joke cause the 3 letters were part of a phrase to describe me. (ex. (Punking Ricans In Charlstons Eastside.) So I started that name for shit's and giggles until eventually that became the name everyone knew me as and thast became my main name.

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Not saying that there is anything with it, it just annoys me. To me, it shows you really don't care about your graffiti, that you only care about looking "cool". While that isn't true with everyone, it is with most that I have met.

By the way, please, please, tell me you don't write "blood and soil".

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Not saying that there is anything with it, it just annoys me. To me, it shows you really don't care about your graffiti, that you only care about looking "cool". While that isn't true with everyone, it is with most that I have met.

By the way, please, please, tell me you don't write "blood and soil".


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Being "cool" is of paramount importance to me

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I hope that one day, you will have enough self-esteem that you don't care about being cool.

Because until you get to the point where you don't give a shit about what people think of you,

you will never fully develop as an artist. If you are constantly worrying about whether or not people will think one of your pieces is cool or not, you will be afraid to try new things, and you will continue to be bound by the chains of tradition and routine.

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