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You're Pregnant, Man!

Milk Grenades

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Then perhaps the problem isn't the child, or the child's parents, but a lack of acceptance and understanding of other people.


By your own argument of why this child should not be born (Chances are the kid'll be the next nigga to shoot up his school because of ridicule) you yourself foster an environment that could push someone in that direction.

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How about shaping an argument for your beliefs on the issue.


Oh wait, because you are too ill informed/stupid/lazy to do so.


Commence with your fail picture.



Nigga you're trying to say that this kid isn't going to have a nervous breakdown by the time he hits 5th grade.

You're arguing that it's somehow possible for this kid to have a normal life.

And you're calling me ill informed and stupid??? :lol:

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So your argument is indeed that "This is wrong because the kid is going to get made fun of in school."




Put the kid in Gladiator School at say, three or four. Kind of like Boot Camp, or training pit bulls to fight.


Feed them raw meat and LSD, and hit them in the head with foam bats and Nerf balls and soak them with a hose repeatedly. Also, only let them play with old tires and unloaded .45s...and make them live in the garage chained to the wall...don't skimp on the high powered sodium lamps and Hitler speeches on 24 hours a day with nothing but a piss soaked mattress to sleep on.


I guarantee you that your kids will be able to handle any hazing or adversity life will throw at them.

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He still has his female organs.....not a big surprise that he is now pregnant.


Everything is wrong with this sentence.


I dont approve, if you want to be a man weird but ok...if you want to be a woman, go for it, but make up you fucking mind; seriously, dude's half stepping.

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Nigga you're trying to say that this kid isn't going to have a nervous breakdown by the time he hits 5th grade.

You're arguing that it's somehow possible for this kid to have a normal life.

And you're calling me ill informed and stupid??? :lol:


There is no reason to think that this kid cannot live a normal life.


At all.


I really don't even see your argument anymore.

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Then perhaps the problem isn't the child, or the child's parents, but a lack of acceptance and understanding of other people.


By your own argument of why this child should not be born (Chances are the kid'll be the next nigga to shoot up his school because of ridicule) you yourself foster an environment that could push someone in that direction.


Kids who shoot up there school have beef with the kids in school. That has zero to do with how the parents raise them.

But in this case it'll be the parents fault for the kid being tortured to begin with.


I can't believe I'm having this arguement with so called "educated" motherfuckers.

Do they make you kids walk through some kind of magnetic common sense eracing machine at college orientation? WTF?

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Who's to say the child wont take pride in being a landmark symbol of society's changing views on gender, acceptance, and autonomy?


Who's to say this wont be a strength rather than an adversity?


Kids who shoot up there school have beef with the kids in school. That has zero to do with how the parents raise them.

But in this case it'll be the parents fault for the kid being tortured.


And really? You don't think that a home environment helps to shape someone?



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You people talking about the freakazoid man/woman getting made fun of are missing the point entirely. Nobody gives a fuck about the tranny getting made fun of, it's the fact that he's bringing a kid into the mix. A kid that has to go to school eventually. A kid that is going to have issues of his own because of this shit.

Kids aren't pets.

They aren't for every freak asshole to just have one because they feel like it.



I have to disagree with you on this, you don't know the person really to judge their potential parenting skills. She or he and his wife might be real good people. There are shit load of people I've met that are unqualified to parent children but have them any way. I wouldn't judge their parenting skills on whether they like to rub she beards together or if they like using a cordless milwaukee sawzall with a ceramic dildo taped to the end of it . If the have a good relationship and happy home that's better than a lot of kids get.


Some of the strongest people grew up dorks or getting made fun of. Imagine if Dick Butkus was named John Smith, he wouldn't have toughened up enough to really do shit more than your average kid. If Mike Tyson didn't sound like he did when he talked he would probably never have been the toughest brawler in boxing. The kid might not make it to prom queen but she'll be luckier than a lot of kids.

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come on people r u fucking serious? i have gay and lesbian couple friends who have adopted and those damn kids are just as smart as if not smarter than any kid raised by a straight couple. get over it. it's fucking 2008.

i was raised by 2 dads and look how fucking awesome i turned out.

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I have to disagree with you on this, you don't know the person really to judge their potential parenting skills. She or he and his wife might be real good people. There are shit load of people I've met that are unqualified to parent children but have them any way. I wouldn't judge their parenting skills on whether they like to rub she beards together or if they like using a cordless milwaukee sawzall with a ceramic dildo taped to the end of it . If the have a good relationship and happy home that's better than a lot of kids get.


Some of the strongest people grew up dorks or getting made fun of. Imagine if Dick Butkus was named John Smith, he wouldn't have toughened up enough to really do shit more than your average kid. If Mike Tyson didn't sound like he did when he talked he would probably never have been the toughest brawler in boxing. The kid might not make it to prom queen but she'll be luckier than a lot of kids.


I don't have to know him/her. It's a pregnant tranny for crying out loud. That's all that needs to be known.

That chick had every right to be a homo and get a sex change and marry a broad. Good for her. But the line has to be drawn at bringing a kid in the mix. Especially when it's the so called "dad" that's having the kid.


Also not to mention that the kid's probably gonna come out deformed or retarded or some shit from all the fucked up hormones the bitch took to become a man in the first place.

I mean, no doctor would help her get pregnant because of this so the bitch/dude went and did that shit on his/her own.

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fuck all the haters

rock on she man wife husband father!


all of you "faggots"

need to grow the fuck up you fucking lame brains.


I hope you all get lynched by rednecks for being the hetero centrist assbags that you are.


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I mean, besides the meth your parents were probably pretty normal.


And look how your ass turned out.


Lets assume for the sake of simplicity that the baby will be fine,


your strongest argument thus far is that "The child will be fucked up emotionally from being picked on in school."


Because school is forever, AMIRITE?

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Seahorses do okay-


"When two parties discover a mutual interest at the beginning of breeding season, they court for several days, even while others try to interfere. During this time they have been known to change color, swim side by side holding tails or grip the same strand of sea grass with their tails and wheel around in unison in what is known as their “pre-dawn dance”. They eventually engage in their “true courtship dance” lasting about 8 hours, during which the male pumps water through the egg pouch on his trunk which expands and cleaves open to display an appealing emptiness. When the female’s eggs reach maturity, she and her mate let go of any anchors and snout-to-snout, drift upward out of the seagrass, often spiraling as they rise. "The female inserts her ovipositor into the male’s brood pouch, where she deposits her eggs, which the male fertilizes. The fertilized eggs then embed in the pouch wall and become enveloped with tissues." New research indicates the male releases sperm into the surrounding sea water during fertilization, and not directly into the pouch as was previously thought. Most seahorse species' pregnancies lasts approximately two to three weeks.


As the female squirts anywhere from dozens to thousands of eggs from a chamber in her trunk into his pouch, her body slims while his swells. Both seahorses then sink back to the bottom and she swims off. Scientists believe the courtship behavior is designed to synchronize the movements of the two animals so that the male can receive the eggs when the female is ready to deposit them. The eggs are then fertilized in the father’s pouch which is coursed with prolactin, the same hormone responsible for milk production in pregnant women. He doesn’t supply milk, but his pouch provides oxygen as well as a controlled environment incubator. The eggs then hatch in the pouch where the salinity of the water is regulated to prepare the babies for life in the sea. Throughout the male’s pregnancy, his mate visits him daily for “morning greetings”. The female seahorse swims over for about 6 minutes of interaction reminiscent of courtship. “They change color, wheel around sea grass fronds, and finally promenade, holding each other’s tails. Then, the female swims away until the next morning, and the male goes back to vacuuming up food through his snout.”



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oh and wheres the thread on the tranny kick boxer?

I'd like to see yall step to that nigga with the "fucking queer.."

fucking ignorant pieces of shit.


first anti shoplifters.

now redneck ass homophobes.

what's next?

klan thread?

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Find me data that homosexual couples that have adopted children have resulted in children being "a confused faggot ass kid that has no idea what a normal homelife is or how to interact with people in a normal way..." and I will never, ever argue with you again.





You see that's your problem. You so fucking stupid that you have no common sense.

Everything with you is about data. You sound like a fucking robot. Like that android on Star Trek.

You have no thought process. Everything has to be in print in some fucking text book for you to acknowlege it. Grow some fucking common sense.

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You see that's your problem. You so fucking stupid that you have no common sense.

Everything with you is about data. You sound like a fucking robot. Like that android on Star Trek.

You have no thought process. Everything has to be in print in some fucking text book for you to acknowlege it. Grow some fucking common sense.


I guess my point is, just because you think something in your gut doesn't make it so.


Think about it.

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