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new retards on the boards


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Shut up, oogle.








ooGLE?!?!?! shit poTNa, i aint no homeLess pud frOm portLand... and its funny..... oogs...

the band Blackbox did a song about ooGs... i think that was way back when they pLayed with uZi sUicide...

and what if i doNt shut up??? gonna give me another red block???

oh no....PLEasE dont ban me from this site where nerds who couLdnt get in where they fit in, taKe over on a fuCkin' "grafitti" sites message board...

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I am a noob but not really I was more of a lurker up untill today when i finally got the balls to make an account and try to be apart of this community and enjoyed your comments and humor. But like dude said up top I'm not trying to come in act like a grade A cumdumpster douchbag. I just truly enjoy this place and try to contribute to it in a positive manner.

LoL, yeah registering, phew I bet that took real balls.



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ooGLE?!?!?! shit poTNa, i aint no homeLess pud frOm portLand... and its funny..... oogs...

the band Blackbox did a song about ooGs... i think that was way back when they pLayed with uZi sUicide...

and what if i doNt shut up??? gonna give me another red block???

oh no....PLEasE dont ban me from this site where nerds who couLdnt get in where they fit in, taKe over on a fuCkin' "grafitti" sites message board...


I love it when people pay out on others for being members of the same forum that they are on themselves.


Dude, you're giving us n00bs a worse name than we've already got. Just shut up would you? It's painful to watch.

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I love it when people pay out on others for being members of the same forum that they are on themselves.


Dude, you're giving us n00bs a worse name than we've already got. Just shut up would you? It's painful to watch.


Christo-f- You're intelligent and rational and polite, therefore you're worthy of respect. This guy can't even put together coherent sentences, much less type.


To Beerfag- I guarantee you I have written more and better graffiti than you have in more cities than you. Believe it.


Posting in a thread about being new people acting retarded and being a new poster and sounding like....guess what? A retard, well...it's bound to get you some negative attention.

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yeah.......not really one for following ruLes........... which is kinda what i thought grafitti was about... guess its new to be trendy and nerdy...

reminds me of someone sayin something about " a leader fro anarchy" and "set rules" for anarchy.... shits funny.... and its even funnier that its a different person runnin their semen vacuums each time.... hahaha.... lames..........

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i was already on the verg of suicide due to my pathetic existance, but christ, a thread consisting of a massive BF, yes i mean bitch fit, makes me want to end my life slightly more for being surrounded by people like this in the graf game. fuck my life and bring on the shit talking and "please do us a favor and end your life" comments, i have nothing better to do than read them and contemplate life, and if you read this rediculas rant youre just as fucked as i am for reading all of these posts, and yes i just wrote this for fun and out of sheer boredom, i could really give a shit less about all of the retarted noobs., my eyes tend to just skip over those posts anyways, posts just like these...

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