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Jackson 5 member has a worse job than you


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Wow..... sucks for them.






Average day for Randy:



"Hey wow its randy jackson!! Can I get an autograph?"


"Ok" *signs*


"Cool thanks."


"Alright well have a good day."


"Fix my fucking struts."


Dude just think about Marlon Jackson I think he's got it the worst.


"Wow its Marlon Jackson! CAN I HAVE AN AUTOGRAPH!??!?! Oh and can you grab me those Cocoa Pebbles off the top shelf while youre up there?! Are those on sale?"

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their dad and barry gordy have all the money - the kids never had rights to anything and didnt draw salary

Mike has money, but he is fucked up

janet has been chained up in Jermane Duprees basement for the past 3 years

The music industry is not what it seems - you all are fooled


Can you seriously stop repeating yourself.


If my dad had my money. I'd fucking get it from him. Or I would hire a team of lawyers to get it for me.


Fuck that bullshit. All of them are ADULTS NOW, so that excuse doesn't matter. Especially if dude is still rolling in dough. I don't know much about the Jacksons or their family history. But unless they some how got swindled out of their money (which I highly doubt) or someone straight up stole it from them, those things that you keep spending time to type out, are just excuses.


Plus they all made their money back in the 70's 80's and early to mid 90's. Before all of the pirating nonsense.

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Can you seriously stop repeating yourself.


If my dad had my money. I'd fucking get it from him. Or I would hire a team of lawyers to get it for me.


Fuck that bullshit. All of them are ADULTS NOW, so that excuse doesn't matter. Especially if dude is still rolling in dough. I don't know much about the Jacksons or their family history. But unless they some how got swindled out of their money (which I highly doubt) or someone straight up stole it from them, those things that you keep spending time to type out. Are just excuses.


Plus they all made their money back in the 70's 80's and early to mid 90's. Before all of the pirating.


you have no idea how the music industry works



most people dont, its OK



You all have been fooled for so many years, but I work in the industry, I live in music city, and I deal with artists and producers all the time

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I dunno, I keep repeating myself because as an avid funk and soul record collector, and as a DJ who has opened up with acts signed to warner bros, and worked for a magazine that dealt with all your favorite rappers, I have an insight to how the record industries pimp out musicians. Motown was the worst and if you think the jacksons got it bad, theres a whole crew of studio musicians who played on almost every motown #1 hit who are pennieless because they got shitty contracts, and once you get locked in, you cant get out unless another label foots the bill to buy you out. You really are a whore. On tour you get per diem and a performance fee, but they had ZERO royalties because their dad, acting as manager, screwed all his kids.



its really sad and upsets me how the music game works, and its really not their fault because all they got really were a bunch of per diem and show payments, but you dont get to determine how the label spends YOUR money that YOU have to recoup. Now people strike production deals (where they sign as a label with in house design and production, etc) if they are smart, but back in the day that was unheard of. They are bought all this fancy shit, limo rides, etc, it all goes to the labels in house AnRs, development, etc etc etc, and you get no say...

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