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Hermdog couldnt be more right. posting up flicks of wack shit that shouldnt have ever been painted in the first place is just encouraging suckers who cant paint. this forum really is getting polluted with posts made entirely of garbage. if you're offended its probably because you and your homies dont paint burners.


*in other news*


the moral of todays post is... paint over numbers.. get had by the railroad.

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To noone in particular, just weighing in my opinion to the topic...


I don't like seeing shitty freights, and that usually consists of 9 out of 10 cars...

Also posting wack pieces "condones" in my opinion...and theres so many out there emulating and

accepting sub-medioscrity style (Which I see posted in here as well!)

So, I'm not sure where the real "answer" lies, but I would recommend avoiding posting generally wack stuff

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I took no offence to your comments, I just get tired of seeing the usual suspects in every thread to be honest. I understand that we're gonna see certain cats because:


a. they're awesome, and

b. they put in work and get the fuck up


and I would never say that people should stop posting pics of these people's work. However, there is a lot of good graff out there, and it seems like some people are scared to step out of the box and post what they like. I don't know if they're afraid people are gonna talk shit or what, but everybody likes different shit, just post up and accept the hate, that's what 12oz is best at..........


while I'm rambling, how come people on 12oz are scared to post flicks of gondolas and coal cars? here in the middle of appalachia (WV to be exact) I see good ass graff on coal cars every fucking day, but I hardly ever see flicks on 12oz, even the godola thread only gets shit posted in it like once a month. Just because it's not on freights doesn't mean it's not good.


sorry about all the chatter, it won't happen again, and thanks for the pictures

Ahh Werd..
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Respect due to the benchers.

But none of you benchers shouldn get a big head about taking pictures of graff. (not pointing at Hermdog or anyone in particular)

A bencher is nothing but a photographer.

And lately benching has been turning into a magazine glossy spread of only a handfull of writers.

There for a writer might think they are just picking up another tabloid magazine on the same stars who have been in your face for the past 10 years.

That shit gets alittle old doesn't it ?


Fuck the glamor and glits.

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Nice Carz G- Keep it up Herm!

I won't be posting for a long time.... I just hate toys.

If we don't post the good shit who will?...Nobody!!

This forum will simply turn Into a Toy play area... Like it has.


Fuck it. make em pay $6- $30 dollars to Buy a fucking book/mag.. Then will hear them complain that it cost tooo much... We know most of these kids don't bench outside their dads Den anyways.

We give them the best fucking panels for free with bloods, sweat and years and what do they do they do in return- complain and talk shit!

They call us inferior because we're just "benchers" Well as Far as I'm concerned I damn fucking proud to be amongst the elite Photographers/Benchers out here doing my ART-

Documenting this Raw ass boxcar movement that everybody all of a sudden seems to want to be a part of.. 20 years from now they'll be swingin' from sacks asking for flicks because this movement will be done & over with because so much rolling stock was wrecked with garbage..




Don't even bother trying to argue with me Because I have way more important shit do Like fling Greenies at your wack train as it rolls On by- I need to focus on only the top shelf stuff!!


"Hey look at me I'm so cool because I stole a few scraps cans from Grandpas tool shed-

Now I'm gunna go paint on the trains.. The girls will all like me now"!




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yea, seriously flick whats good, if you bench... why waste batteries, time, daylight, memory/hard drive/bandwith.... that makes no sense.. if your boy is wack, then fuck it flick his shit... but why flick all the crappy stuff?


stick to what you like.... not what your "supposed" to like, as some of you are trying to argue... but hermdog holds it down...

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unless you are posting a thread of your own shit... you aren't making a post for yourself...you are obviously making a post for others to look at. So it would make sense to only include flicks which you hope others may enjoy. Thats how i look at it. I'm not gonna take a picture of a panel just cause it has paint or something scratched onto it (even though it's gonna get me to notice it). I'm gonna take pictures of trains I like or at least I think some one else will probably like and possibly even appreciate. I may not catch the most ballin ass shit, but i'm only gonna post shit on here with other peoples enjoyment in mind(and i'll throw in shit i can't and don't get enough of). I know people like to see how their shit gets around, but you can't blame other people for having an opinion.


with that being said... it may not be fair, but remember...


Just be glad the kids with cameras are willing to share. They aren't getting paid to post shit. They do it on their own time at their own free will. You get what they give you.

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I took no offence to your comments, I just get tired of seeing the usual suspects in every thread to be honest. I understand that we're gonna see certain cats because:


a. they're awesome, and

b. they put in work and get the fuck up


and I would never say that people should stop posting pics of these people's work. However, there is a lot of good graff out there, and it seems like some people are scared to step out of the box and post what they like. I don't know if they're afraid people are gonna talk shit or what, but everybody likes different shit, just post up and accept the hate, that's what 12oz is best at..........


while I'm rambling, how come people on 12oz are scared to post flicks of gondolas and coal cars? here in the middle of appalachia (WV to be exact) I see good ass graff on coal cars every fucking day, but I hardly ever see flicks on 12oz, even the godola thread only gets shit posted in it like once a month. Just because it's not on freights doesn't mean it's not good.


sorry about all the chatter, it won't happen again, and thanks for the pictures


Flick the coal trains in your area. Post up.

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I beleive real benching takes place away from the computer screen :confused: . I really don't get why people flick super wack shit. You probably don't keep hard copies of that shit? Why would you..IT SUCKS!!!


But to each his own...



Toys are supposed to get a hard time... they're toys.


"One other comment, then I'll share my bench. People need to stop posting bullshit fr8s on the ounce. Yep, I'm biased...I'm only going to post the quality shit I see, if I see crap, I won't waste my time...you shouldn't either...I tell you I must be getting older..."



maybe you should start a website then.

Who fucking cares what people post ?

If its UNBIASED then thats real benching.

(you get what you see)

If it nothing but BIASED then thats what the magazines are for.

Most of the good shit thats posted in here is already in a magazine anyways.



Secondly, why do people even give a fuck at all ?

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