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Co-worker gets popped with child porn...

awkward eye

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when rapists and molesters first arrive in prisons they are 'marked', this is done by slashing the sex offenders cheek open, leaving a permanent scar that identifies them as a perv.



Actually that's called a "buck-50" and it happens to anybody for any reason.

It's just a way of handleing beef.


I'm pretty sure buck-50's have never been associated with being a child molester.

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Not to stick up for the douche or anything, but am I the only one who sees a HUGE difference between getting popped for molesting young kids, and being popped for just being a perv and looking at pics of little kids on the internet and maybe sharing them with other pervs to look at?

Not saying that dude is right or anything, just sayin.


Do yall seriously think dude should be raped and/or shanked just for looking at pictures on the internet?




did.........naw you couldnt have.... wait lemme read that again............. thats a quick one if i ever saw one i tell you what

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yea thats pretty weird DAO, i think the dude at least deserves an ass raping for looking at pictures of kids. doing shit like that supports the actual fucks who take advantage of the kids and photograph them.



i always thought buck50 applied to shanking anyone in general.

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Not to stick up for the douche or anything, but am I the only one who sees a HUGE difference between getting popped for molesting young kids, and being popped for just being a perv and looking at pics of little kids on the internet and maybe sharing them with other pervs to look at?

Not saying that dude is right or anything, just sayin.


Do yall seriously think dude should be raped and/or shanked just for looking at pictures on the internet?



by looking at pics of little kids these people may not be doing the kid any direct physical harm, but they are supporting the whole industry.

they are supporting the rapists.

they are supporting the people making the pictures.

they are supporting the fact that abusing children is ok.


i dont know if he deserves to be shanked. but in my opinion he is just as fucked up.

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yea thats pretty weird DAO, i think the dude at least deserves an ass raping for looking at pictures of kids. doing shit like that supports the actual fucks who take advantage of the kids and photograph them.



i always thought buck50 applied to shanking anyone in general.



I'm not saying dude aint a sick fuck. I'm just saying that there's a difference between looking at pics on the internet, and actually molesting the kids.

Maybe I suffer from common sense syndrome or something.


But to put shit in perspective a little, my highschool gym coach was busted for the same shit back in the day.

Everybody was like "fuck that pussy, I hope he gets killed in prison. ETC".

Turns out it was just some pics of underage bitches he saw on the internet and not even real child porn.

Everybody automatically assumed it was little boys or some shit.

Funny how everyone was quick to forget that he was THE coolest teacher/gym coach in the entire school. I mean, dude was just chill and mellow as fuck. Everybody loved him.


I swear shit like this just seems like the new witch hunts.


And yeah, a buck-50 is jail slang for getting your face sliced with a razor.

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I really can't understand the whole concept of rape in general. Nevermind wanting to have sex with kids... I mean, If the lady isn't into it, then I'm not into it either.


It boggles the mind, but most of the sick child molesters, you find out that they were molested too.



on a side note, That nigga Inkhead as TWO bloody tampons, I've never seen anyone nega propped so hard.

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I think theres a line you cross with this child porn shit. I mean you're in the basement jerking your perverted self off for years and eventually you start trolling the chat rooms and then before you know it you're a full flege pedo.



whos seen that dipset clip, where they're in the club, he's couting his money and he's like "Nigga just got his food ate", dude across the way just got buck50ed, is leaking a gallon of blood all over his clown clothes going "FUCK THAT NIGGA, WHERE HE AT?"


They made some gay movie about buck 50s in Rikers called Scarfaces, shit was NASTY. White meat showing........uggggh

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