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US Soldier throws puppy off cliff (video)

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yeah, i finally watched the video with audio, and it all seems fake. the puppy would have been making way more noise before the throw. it would have been squirming, and the squealing sounds more like someone off camera making that noise.



Not if it wasn't a wild pup and it was used to being handled by people.

Pups don't usually squirm when you hold them by their scruff.

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How about, where does common sense play into this?


Nowadays, you get filmed doing something like that, and it's going straight to eBaum's or Youtube with the quickness.


The guy who filmed that shit is just as bad as the guys who did it, but he's probably all swoll right now because he sold his dude out and he can say, "Yeah, I showed that fool."


More like, "Yeah, way to be a cocksucker who documents stupidity and cruelty and doesn't do anything about it. Ride that wave, homie."

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it's a tough call. i watched it again, about five times. you can't really make out the eye movement due to the digital breakdown of the video. i can't really see the paws move, and if they did it was slight, almost as if it was just from the dude moving it around. the yelping? i listened to it again. it's a hard debate on that one, due to the fact that you could make that noise, and work your hand as a muffle to get the same result.


i'm not defending this, i'm just saying it's hard to tell if it's alive or dead. either way, it's bad for the uniform and the public view of our military. but then again, it's ok for us to send missles into civilian areas, killing almost a hundred people, and just marking it down as an "oops."


Also, if the pup ws dead it would be stiff. And it would still be in the position it was in when dude picked it off the ground, not hanging limp like it does when you hold it by its scruff.

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That thing was cringed up because it was terrified. It also screamed pretty much how I would have screamed if it was me tossed off the cliff.


Seriously though, shit like this happens all the time I've seen kids tie fireworks to animals legs, I've seen people just beat the fuck out of small animals for no reason, who here is really surprised that a soldier that is in a combat zone would do something like kill something else.

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Anyone who cares about this while hundreds of innocent PEOPLE are dying is fucking stupid.


This country is pretty hilarious. Who cares about those Iraqis over there, that dog didn't deserve that fate!



I think it just highlights the sociopathic attitude of alot of our soldiers over there.

If he can do that to a random puppy while smiling and joking about it, then what would he do to any random civilian if he was having a bad day?

Maybe something like this?






Like someone else mentioned, if it takes a fucking puppy to bring shit to light then... whatever.

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I think it just highlights the sociopathic attitude of alot of our soldiers over there.

If he can do that to a random puppy while smiling and joking about it, then what would he do to any random civilian if he was having a bad day?

Maybe something like this?






Like someone else mentioned, if it takes a fucking puppy to bring shit to light then whatever.


Nah I agree with you, I'm just saying who can actually be shocked by this behavior? How do you not think that a lot worse shit hasn't happened already, it's a WAR.

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Yup. It doesn't really move or react in any way on the whole video, and the yelping is at a suspiciously constant level as it goes down. I dunno, it could be real. I think people want it to be real so they can be pissed at something.


I think if I were a soldier there, desensitized as fuck, and I found a dead puppy, I might possibly get a kick out of throwing it down a cliff. I wouldn't make a video pretending its alive and put it on the internet though.




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Nah I agree with you, I'm just saying who can actually be shocked by this behavior? How do you not think that a lot worse shit hasn't happened already, it's a WAR.




speaking personally:


it's much different than killing someone (a human) who could have a gun or who does have a gun and they are ready to use it against you.


it's a puppy. a defenseless little creature. doesn't have a gun. isn't going to blow anyone up, etc.


it's like a small child. it has no idea what good or evil is. no idea who america is, who iraq is, or what war is.


that, for me at least, makes it different.




war is hell, and makes people do some insane shit, but this guy has no excuse other than he's one sick individual who's making his brothers in arms look like a bunch of creeps who like to abuse animals.


fuck him and the rest who shoot/blow up defenseless animals.



and fuck anyone defending this dipshit.

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At highschools and randomly on the street.


This nigga pulled up to me while I was walking to the store one time and tried to holla at me about joining the army. I litterally laughed in his face and told him he was out of his mind.


i've done that. i was considering walking into a recruiting center today just to fuck with them.

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fuck who it comes from. if it shows animal abuse, fuck the people abusing. i don't care if it was uploaded by zork from nebulon 5.





It just showed images and text from "islamic empire", that was complete bs. The actual circumstances of the photos were discussed a few pages back in this thread.

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I took some ASVAB test my junior year of highschool and scored an 80 on it, which was a big deal to them and I've been getting calls from recruiters almost every month or so and I'm in my second year of college. I would be interested in having the government pay for school and such but I wouldn't risk my life for it. I know a lot of kids who joined for that reason and most of them were/are broke and not too bright so they were easy targets I guess.


I didn't watch any of those videos of troops torturing dogs and people. I think it's fucked up how sociopaths and homicidal freaks jump at the opportunity to join the military. If they weren't obviously fucked up individuals before, they are now.


I have respect for the people who join who are good people. I met a guy in a phil. class who was a marine. He was real deep and would talk about how being in Iraq changed his perspectives on life, religion, and American society.

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It just showed images and text from "islamic empire", that was complete bs. The actual circumstances of the photos were discussed a few pages back in this thread.



didn't notice. i saw a "clean" version.


but yeah, the "islamic empire" logo is either propaganda from our side (trying to make it look like the islamics are doing another propaganda video, or it is an association called "islamic empire" grabbing it for their own propaganda.


who knows. another debate, another section of forum.


i'd rather look at it as "david motinari is a marine and a psychopath who abuses animals"

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how the fuck are you completely oblivious to sarcasm? christ.


Nah... you need to check out crossfire some time. This guy's dead serious about the shit he says.

I'm pretty sure the general consensous is that he's one of those propaganda trolls that works for the government and gets paid to talk shit in internet forums.


Sounds like a sweet job for somebody with no back bone.

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I didn't watch any of those videos of troops torturing dogs and people. I think it's fucked up how sociopaths and homicidal freaks jump at the opportunity to join the military. If they weren't obviously fucked up individuals before, they are now.



The most fucked up/scary part about this is that years from now when these type of people are out of the service, most of them are gonna be cops.

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Nah... you need to check out crossfire some time. This guy's dead serious about the shit he says.

I'm pretty sure the general consensous is that he's one of those propaganda trolls that works for the government and gets paid to talk shit in internet forums.


Sounds like a sweet job for somebody with no back bone.



most of the time i spend on 12oz i spend in crossfire.

dude's out there sometimes, but i'm pretty confident that was sarcasm



if not, my bad, and holy shit...

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