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omar bin laden says his father is sorry for the 911 attack


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Ilotsmybrain......here is something for you to think about......these are the same people

that bust our heads and lock us up in prision with killers, rapists, and child molestors just because we paint walls on abandoned buildings.


So you go ahead and keep defending the writters mortal enemies.....go ahead keep defending them......no matter how much we beef among our selfs we still have the same common enemy.....all the writters out in the world right now thats only in graff to make money are making that money because of the writters that took beatings fromt he cops and lost their freedom to express this artform for the world to see for FREE......I myself have had over a year of my freedom took away to express the art form........know your enemey and study your enemy.....if you defend the enemy then you yourself is the enemy.


Struggle struggle struggle....9/11 was a inside job.


Operation Northwoods is all the proof you need.

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Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? ewoks.JPG




But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this thread? Nothing.


Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this thread! IT does NOT make sense! Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! 200px-0330chewbacca.jpg


Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense!

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This was our own American people in these buildings......and it was George Bush that did it.



bush is just a puppet. he's now so fucked up on whatever they have him on, that he can't figure out how to pronounce words in proper english. if you look back to vids of speeches he made as governor of texas, he was very eloquent. a pretty good speaker...that is my proof.


anyway, it goes deeper than bush. there's a 9/11 thread. search "conclusive proof" and you will find it. post your info in there.


also, read the whole "who are they" thread.


i'm sure you know alot of what is posted in there, but there is more in depth, rational proof in there. gotta take it one step at a time, brother.

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The real, you should make a thread and/or write stuff more scientifically. Its cool n shit.. but I've learned that its hard for some to comprehend and accept tangents.


Though production-line / yes-no / we-all-agree-but-want-to-talk-just-cause discussions are for fags, its good to work in a clear format to get your ideas n shit across.

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I know thinksmall, just it's hard to put all the stuff I added in a more organized form lol


I did not even add how Bin Laden's family invested a shit load of money in the Bush's Oil business in Texas lol



And yes Bush is just a puppet, Rockefella has alot to do with it also.


Rockefella is involved in the Federal Reserve creation and the creation of the Trade Center.


People we have not even elected in any office is who pulls the strings.


And if you ask me, hillary clinton has already won to be the next president,

She was at the last Bilderberg group meeting. Personally since Bill Clinton and George Bush sr are soo best friends....that tells me Hillary would be the best suited for keeping the Bush's agenda going. Her being at the last Bilderberg meeting tells me alot.

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no that's your ancestors coming to australia to kill the natives and settle.

and the skeleton is the chumpsky.


funny i never read anything about Italians massacring indigenous australians, although i do seem to remember the spaniards raping and pillaging south america, you got anything to do with them fuentes?

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Every so often, a lone warrior wanders into Crossfire, armed with the Tool of Eye-Opening.


This person is convinced that by using the internet, he/she has unraveled the mysteries of the world, and that they possess knowledge the members of this forum don't know about, because maybe they don't use the internet as much.


This person will assume that what they have to offer hasn't ever been discussed here, and will invest a whole lot of time posting the same stuff that's been discussed endlessly since the beginning of this forum, thinking they're bringing to light some groundbreaking revelations that will change the panorama of any thread, regardless of subject. Interestingly enough, they'll try to downplay their prophetic calling (while elevating their position of wisdom), and state that everything they're talking about is actually "common knowledge" (man, you should see the stuff that isn't!). It's always a bit bizarre, cause if it was really common knowledge there should really be no need to bring it up again, right?


Ladies and gentlemen, the cycle begins anew. Behold the real LOW.

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real low you revealed you were a dumbass when you called people who disagreed with you racist. last time i checked, i have no idea what your race is. so how could i be racist towards your race that i don't even know?:confused:


i'm above the name calling (most of the time). if you wanna have a real conversation im about it. but hw bush memorandums that he 'heard of one james parrott having an involvement' does not imply bush killed jfk.


neither does prince harry in a halloween costume (as dumb as that was) imply that he indeed is a nazi.


as far as opium in afghanistan goes, if your competing for popular support, and you eliminate people's means of survival, how are you going to win their support when the other people are SUBSIDIZING such industries (in this case, opium). of course they wouldn't try to put hundreds of thousands of people out of work in a WARZONE, cuz all they do is join the insurgency cuz they are broke.



okay so i picked a couple random points where your dumbassness was incredibly evident. i woud love for you to counter my points, but i doubt you could without the use of others words and images (your specialty).


ps. youre almost 20 years in the graff game (as if that had something to do with reason). the jay-z line: "use your braaaaain. you been in the game 10 years, i been in it 5, smarten up nas."

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::neither does prince harry in a halloween costume (as dumb as that was) imply that he indeed is a nazi. ::


Once again you defend racists. How about you put on a Nazi suit and walk around the city and see what the people in the city think of your theory.


apprently your not too smart as you just proved it.


and I never said George Bush sr killed JFK, but he is involved.


Of course I will add stuff from actual official documentation, newspapers, and photos, thats called providing proof.


I never called anyone who disagreed with me a racist, learn to read.

I posted the symbols used in america that was also used by Hitler, I provided proof, and if someone says no thats not true America did not use Hitler symbols...after I provided the proof. Then them people I do call a racist. Just like i provided a picture of Prince Harry and you want to reply "oh that does not mean he is a nazi"....no it proves he is racist...since you defend him then I'll call you a racist as well. The shoe fits.


For George Bush sr.....He called the FBI a hr after JFK got killed and said "James parrot was going to kill JFK when he came to houston"......ummm JFK was in Houston the day before so why wait till JFK gets killed,

A photo was taken after the JFK killing that clearly shows George W Bush sr at the scene....but when asked about it George Bush says he does not remember where he was at that time ( one of the only people when questioned claims they do not know where they was at that time). Later James Parrot helps Bush win the election.



The Taliban only banned "Poppy" growing.....if you know anything about farming then you would know that if one item is not selling then the next year you plant seeds of something else.


Go ahead and prove your low IQ some more.



go and Pick up a book called "the final jihad"......it's wrote by the brother of Governor Frank Keating (the same Governor which said on live tv that a 2nd explosive device had been found and disarmed during the Oklahoma bombing, he further stated a 3rd bomb was in the area). The book could not get published until after the Oklahoma bombing but it was wrote in 1991. It's a book about terrorists planning to bomb a federal building in Oklahoma, one of the terroists in the book is named Tom Mcvey. These terrorists' are stopped by Oklahoma state troopers for a broken tail light. It also predicts the TWA downing and the World Trade Center bombing.



::It's always a bit bizarre, cause if it was really common knowledge there should really be no need to bring it up again, right?::


Common knowledge does not mean knowledge "everyone" knows.

It is common to see a bird fly across the sky.....but eveytime you look into the sky you are not going to see a bird in the sky.....Common knowledge just mean it's majority knowledge.

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can you distinguish between:








how the fuck am i defending a racist, when i said that bc he was wearing a costume did not mean he was a nazi. that is not disputable. of course it was a dumb idea for him to do so, but for me to say that that does not make him a nazi does not make me a racist, nor does it mean i'm defending him. did you get your us weekly and wapo mixed up or some shit?????


@ the stuff about james parrotte. okay. so first, ghwb tries to say that james parrot killed jfk (my bad, was going to kill him, even though he could have the day before... but that doesn't mean he could have driven his ass to dallas over night right? hmmm). but THENNNN... in a dramatic turn of events, JAMES PARROT HELPS HW win the election?! cocaine's a hell of a drug.


The Taliban only banned "Poppy" growing.....if you know anything about farming then you would know that if one item is not selling then the next year you plant seeds of something else.


lol you took the cake with this one. the one thing i know about farming is that opium is one of the heartiest plants known to man, it can grow anywhere, even a bombed out wasteland like afghanistan. it has the highest yields given relatively no capital (ploughs) and shitty unnutritious land.


this has nothing to do with farming or the taliban banning the poppy trade (which btw, was voided when the taliban lost power, and your facts are very outdated. last year was the biggest opium crop ever, with afghan warlords and the taliban taking the vast bulk of it). the stats ive seen are shaky, but if you have stats that demonstrate that the farmers switched crops cuz the taliban told them so (cuz the item wasn't selling that year of course), i would love to hear it.


It is common to see a bird fly across the sky.....but eveytime you look into the sky you are not going to see a bird in the sky.....Common knowledge just mean it's majority knowledge.


great point.

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You have no idea how much you just agreed with me on that post lol.



The taliban does not have control of the poppy fields no more....2001 yield was 185 tons....Usa gets taliban out of the fields and the yield becomes 3700 tons in 2002.



And yea cocaine is one hell of a drug.....George Bush sr's involvement in the Mena affair and 5 billion dollars of cocaine being shiped into the usa by the Cia and when busted gives up George Bush sr's phone number.


Or we can go with how George Bush's Zapata corp oil rigs was shipping drugs and became known as the iran-contra affair.

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Guest shai_hulud

LOW, what does the opium trade and dioxin and George Bush Sr./James Parrot/JFK have to do with Omar Bin Laden?


I'm looking for a connection, but the only one I see is the fact that the Bin Laden family and the Bush family have been friends for a while.


So, setting that one aside, how are you making all these connections?

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funny i never read anything about Italians massacring indigenous australians, although i do seem to remember the spaniards raping and pillaging south america, you got anything to do with them fuentes?


no, my "blood" is hard working european immigrant that came to south america on the 1800s and only had one great grandmother from spain, the rest were italian and french, no natives. they came to settle and work for their lives, started from zero.


i hate their empire expansions, some families still have their power and they are the oligarchy fighting against the awakening latin america is experiencing with the influence of chavez and the other presidents that have revived the old liberators' ideas.

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LOW, what does the opium trade and dioxin and George Bush Sr./James Parrot/JFK have to do with Omar Bin Laden?


I'm looking for a connection, but the only one I see is the fact that the Bin Laden family and the Bush family have been friends for a while.


So, setting that one aside, how are you making all these connections?


is all part of the same gang.

their activities aim at a world government.

it's not just power and wealth, you are messing with criminal-thinking-deity worshipers.(to not say satanics)

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Guest shai_hulud
is all part of the same gang.

their activities aim at a world government.

it's not just power and wealth, you are messing with criminal-thinking-deity worshipers.(to not say satanics)


I believe the phrase is, "Birds of a feather flock together." I have a pretty good idea how power works.


I was addressing LOW, but I'll ask you- what does Omar Bin Laden wanting to have a horse race across North Africa to promote the idea of world peace have to do with his estranged father?


I highly doubt that anything about this race has anything to with Satan or opium or "criminal-thinking-deity worshippers".


Forgive me for saying so, but sometimes I honestly wonder where some of the ideas you put forth are coming from, Juan.

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I believe the phrase is, "Birds of a feather flock together." I have a pretty good idea how power works.


I was addressing LOW, but I'll ask you- what does Omar Bin Laden wanting to have a horse race across North Africa to promote the idea of world peace have to do with his estranged father?


I highly doubt that anything about this race has anything to with Satan or opium or "criminal-thinking-deity worshippers".


Forgive me for saying so, but sometimes I honestly wonder where some of the ideas you put forth are coming from, Juan.


no, step by step, issue with issue, omar's horse race not equal to the NWO, and what LOW was trying to expose is what he thinks everybody should look at, even went really far with the evidence.

he is new to crossfire, so he wanted to shock everyone with stuff they should know, but what he didnt know is that many people here have seen such proves but have hidden that reality and proves in the storage room of their minds to continue on with their ego-hungry lives.

someday those nutty things will come out and it wont be weird to accept them.



the ideas i put forth is things i know of because of hours and hours of studying.

you know, football fanatics, or celebrity worshipers, or religious leaders. they know almost all about their interest. i take this very seriously and dont just talk what i heard or ideas i pulled from places, this is hours of research, for the last 3 years, and i know about solutions too, i apply them every time i spend my money, every time i speak, every time i think or do anything is related to this attempt to break free from the evils that the current world has taught me for many years, and the things that still try to hurt me, i need to stay alert for that too, 24/7, i cant even get high because i figured out ill be getting away from the reality i know.

it's too long to explain in details.


just put it this way, im trying to help people get serious about the NWO because i dont want the future generations to live worst or even how we live now. i try to worry and think globally not just internally as much as i can, when im not im making a mistake.



also. if satan worshiping people for you are people who listen to rock and are from the ages of 18 to 23, you are wrong. the current leaders that push globalization belong to cults, secret societies, a group of bloodlines that are born into those satanic beliefs.

you can say, "but i dont believe in satan", well they do, and they serve him. nothing out of this world. those beliefs have been around from a long time, there's no doubt that they have strengthen their belief and strengthen their methods of control, that's the reality of this creation, and like they can change the world so do we.


some might feel insignificant and small in the face of a conspiracy of that size that and it will put them in an disbelieving state, but know that ideas never die, unity makes strength, and lots of optimism is needed.

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