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it's friday night. you're on 12oz at home. i'm on my iphone at a rave.


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i saw cloverfield last night and almost fought some dude who worked at the theater on 3rd ave for improperly managing the line.


I saw this shit last night and the dude on the other side of the glass called my girl a retard for not having the correct amount of money. She misheard the dude through the little speaker. The guys owns the place so what the hell am I ganna do, ask for the owner?! Hes always angry and bitter.




Plus the WHOLE theater was full of 15 year olds. I wanted to scream. There were gaggles of them running their mouths the whole movie.

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i saw cloverfield last night and almost fought some dude who worked at the theater on 3rd ave for improperly managing the line.


You need chill the fuck out man.


Aren't you some mad scientist or something?


Lines should not concern you..

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it was the way he treated me and my people. I dont like people who have no real form of authority coppin an attitude with people who just paid a retarded amount of money to get in a line and then get told that they have to wait so the people behind them can get infront of them for no reason at all.

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I saw this shit last night and the dude on the other side of the glass called my girl a retard for not having the correct amount of money.


this is where i would let my old angry self come out of hiding, and i'd go apeshit. my girlfriend is a passive buddhist (raised buddhist, not store bought beastie boy buddhist) so she doesn't appreciate when i let my anger management issues come out for all to see. if the dude just rolled his eyes, i might let it pass, but calling her a retard? i'd be seeing fucking red.


and GLIK$ --i know what you mean. they always do some stupid shit when they have lines at those theaters. it's fucking annoying. it doesn't help that the dude working the line is a fucking idiot on a power trip. if it were the old west, the dude would be shot.

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every weekend plezo, say's goodbye im headed upstate for 5 years.

yet motherfucker still on here, dude never turns himself in..


haha. i wouldnt either with that ass he has around from the booty thread.




ha ha, its hard, i keep making exuses to chill for another week.......

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