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Robert Pickton Guilty of 2nd Degree Murder

Reuben Kinkaid

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Pickton found guilty on 6 counts of 2nd-degree murder


A B.C. Supreme Court jury on Sunday found Robert William Pickton guilty on six counts of second-degree murder in the deaths of women who went missing from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside.


The seven men and five women on the jury returned to the court in New Westminster with their decision after nine full days of deliberations.


Lead Crown lawyer Mike Petrie, centre, leads the prosecution team back to B.C. Supreme Court in New Westminster on Sunday to hear the verdicts. Lead Crown lawyer Mike Petrie, centre, leads the prosecution team back to B.C. Supreme Court in New Westminster on Sunday to hear the verdicts.


Pickton, a 58-year-old pig farmer from Port Coquitlam, B.C., was arrested in 2002 and had been charged with first-degree murder in the six deaths. He also faces a second murder trial at a later date in connection with the deaths of 20 other women and had pleaded not guilty to all 26 charges.


After the jurors delivered the verdict around 11:30 a.m. PT, Judge James Williams asked them to recommend a prison sentence.


"Ordinarily you would be free to go at this time because the determination of the appropriate sentence is usually reserved for the trial judge. However, in this instance, Section 745.2 of the Criminal Code requires that I ask your recommendation as to the length of time that Mr. Pickton must spend in jail before he is eligible for parole," Williams said.


"You are asked to make a recommendation as to whether Mr. Pickton should serve more than 10 years in prison but less than 25 before he is considered to be eligible for parole."




I don't know how much attention, if any, this has been getting in the States, but up here it's been a pretty big deal for the last couple of years or so. This trial seems to have dragged on forever, and they still have to have another one for the other 20. Pretty fucked up regardless.

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a few things struck me in this case

this is the biggest serial killing in canada, with possibly 26 women linked to him, while supposedly he claimed he killed 49 in total.

however, nobody seems to be very interested in whats happening, from some of the people i know...this guy might have killed 49 women and no one seems in the least bit interested???

whats a guy gotta do around here to have people start to notice their surroundings?


i also find it funny how everyone claims justice was served, with this finding

there are 20 other counts that MIGHT go to court, but what happens if they don't? hes already got 6 life sentences, the courts might not even feel the need to go into the 20 other ones, but how will the families feel about that? yeh he MAY have killed your _____ but i mean hes gunna be in jail anyways so who cares right?


from the very limitted amount of info i heard, it seemed like there were more people involved in all this, but it was covered up pretty well by them. its very fishy...

it would've been more interesting if he was found innocnet


on the news i think they said there were 750,000 pages of evidence, 400,000 DNA swabs....cost of trial was like 116 million?


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Guest shai_hulud

Reuben- If it weren't for the weather, I'd probably catch the first thing smoking to BC.


But, since I was raised in California, my only choice is to stay put or move south.


Seriously, though. What's the deal? How do you kill six people (or more, remains to be seen) and get murder two?


Either Canada has some very different laws from the US, or I don't know the whole story. I'm going with the latter.

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because they couldnt prove premeditation and planning

the evidence sounded like it just linked Pickton to the women, but not 100% directly

supposedly proving any pre planning of wanting to murder someone was hard for Crown


all they COULD prove is that he met with the women and killed them, he had intent to kill them, but he didnt plan or plot to do so prior to killing them

there was no evidence to show that there was planning/plotting of any kind, hence, murder in 2nd degree

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are we gonna go through this whole weather thing again??????????



Im in maryland right now and it just as cold if not colder than Vancouver..


Do you retards think that once you cross the invisible line of the border the weather just completely changes???

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Guest shai_hulud


because they couldnt prove premeditation and planning

the evidence sounded like it just linked Pickton to the women, but not 100% directly

supposedly proving any pre planning of wanting to murder someone was hard for Crown


all they COULD prove is that he met with the women and killed them, he had intent to kill them, but he didnt plan or plot to do so prior to killing them

there was no evidence to show that there was planning/plotting of any kind, hence, murder in 2nd degree


Okay, I see the logic that's being used here...but, no.


Maybe if the guy was a werewolf, and that's pretty unlikely.


If I picked up some girl, then snapped and killed her, I could get murder two. I'd have to prove that I had no intention of killing her when I picked her up, though.


If I did it SIX times, then I've set a precedent for prior behavior. I knew after the first time that I was capable of doing this, and not only was I capable, I was willing to cover it up to avoid getting caught. If I repeated the process again...and again....and again...well, my intentions start to become crystal clear. I obviously have a problem with picking up women and NOT killing them.


The first one might have been an accident. After that, you might as well save your breath, because I'm not buying it.


It's like this. I have a rule with girls I'm in relationships with. If you hook up with someone while you're with me, I'll give you ONE- count them, ONE- free pass. I get mad about it for a day, and we move on. I don't hold grudges.


You do it again, I show you the door. The second time shows me that there's a pattern, and that you don't respect me enough to not mess around on me. I have dropped girls for this, and never spoken to them again. Am I a dick? Depends on who you ask. I think one time is a mistake, and two times means it's something you probably are going to do again.

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it doesnt work that way

previous behavior i dont think is used to show propencity for future behaviors

the dispute is not whether he intended to kill

if he killed them by accident, then its manslaughter

planning for 1st degree would be him, thinking ok, ima get a hooker, do X,Y, Z to kill them, then cover it by doing A, B, C

there is still intent to kill with 2nd degree, the difference i think is with planning to do so beforehand.


like for example, we're at a party, some dude talks shit, i have a knife, and i stab em to death fully intending to do so = 2nd degree


if i know same person is going to be at a party, and im like, ok, i get my buddy and i go, yo we're going to this party, cuz homie is there, i hate him, i got this knife, im gunna kill him. u wait outside with the car, ill run in, do him in, then run out and we'll be on our way = 1st degree



im guessing they couldnt prove that he actually had any kind of planning or premeditation, although he did do it 6 times or more, it doesn.t instantly mean they were planned ahead of time, at least not legally, although common sense of the lay person may say otherwise

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are we gonna go through this whole weather thing again??????????



Im in maryland right now and it just as cold if not colder than Vancouver..


Do you retards think that once you cross the invisible line of the border the weather just completely changes???



well you are going further north, so yeah

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Guest shai_hulud

What are you talking aboot?


Nothing, eh.




My grandparents were from Ontario. My great-grandparents were from Holland and Scotland. My grandparents had some ILL Canadian accents.


When my grandma would get drunk (usually around 8 PM every day) it was like I needed subtitles to understand what she was saying.


RIP, Grandma.

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who's robert pickton and why is this important?


Robert Pickton is a pig farmer from British Columbia who was charged with the murders of 26 women from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, but he claims to have killed upwards of 49. He picked up prostitutes and drug addicts, lured them to his farm and basically slaughtered them. To the best of my knowledge Canada has never seen anything like this, and so it has pretty much been the biggest murder trial in the country's history.


I can understand the need for fair trial and all that, but come on, who in their right mind thought this guy wasn't guilty? From the endless amount of overwhelming evidence to his own taped admissions, this trial dragged on waaay too long (he was arrested in 2002), and cost the taxpayers millions of dollars. It just turned in to a bit of a circus.

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Robert Pickton is a pig farmer from British Columbia who was charged with the murders of 26 women from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, but he claims to have killed upwards of 49. He picked up prostitutes and drug addicts, lured them to his farm and basically slaughtered them. To the best of my knowledge Canada has never seen anything like this, and so it has pretty much been the biggest murder trial in the country's history.


I can understand the need for fair trial and all that, but come on, who in their right mind thought this guy wasn't guilty? From the endless amount of overwhelming evidence to his own taped admissions, this trial dragged on waaay too long (he was arrested in 2002), and cost the taxpayers millions of dollars. It just turned in to a bit of a circus.

those pigs must have been eating for days...

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