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Budgeting Money.


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Anyone have any tips? I'm sort of good at it, i dont do excel or any computer program but i definitely keep a running tally in my head, having a ballpark figure of money to spend per week, keeping in mind the various bills. still though the first week after payday is usually a lot more fun then the second. discuss.

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buy a money keeping book. they're laid out for this kinda stuff. all you have to do is carry it with you and keep tabs on your spending.


i found when i did this i spent a lot less.


just thinking about how much you're spending can make you more conscious.


edit: the books are called ledgers.

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^ rush i definitely hear that. its a double win, learning how to chef up masterpieces on a daily basis, and save money. ive found that the biddies love it too, cook em something nice, complement it with the appropriate wine and spend 20 bucks total.


i dont know if thats scrubbed out, but its for sure classy.

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i use microsoft excel and keep a running tally of all bank accouts etc.


online banking is also really helpful, it tells you everything you need to know.


the rest you just need to memorize. i know exactly how much cash i have in each account and stack. if a 20 is missing i know abuot it. i probably count my stash every other day.

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well if your looking for a long term savings plan you should probably invest your money into a c.d. account. You can get it at any local bank, but a bank that has high apr is gold. Right now I'm starting off with three c.d. accounts and each one has X amount of money that I have been saving, and the apr is 4.6% ( your apr increases with more money ) And what is great about a c.d. is that if you think about withdrawling your money before the time is over, then a pretty large fee is taken out of it, which makes it less desirable to fuck with. Just some info...

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Banks are kind of a trap. While they do pay interest but you get negative returns because of inflation.


The best investment is in bonds or a mutual fund; low returns but safe.


Stocks and futures obviously give you the highest returns but they have a much larger risk.


These only really make sense if you can put away five thousand or more. Unlike CD's there are no penalties for withdrawing early which is good in case of an emergency.

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yeah my problem is that my cash flow isn't great enough that any money i make lasts longer than 2 months. im in college so its not that worrisome (part of life even).


i have a question though, you said that the more money you have the higher the apr. so why do you have three cd accounts when you would make more interest with one? (unless the brackets are pretty fair out of reach, like the next level is 100,000 or some shit).

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they are at differen't banks, I have one in hong kong, one where I live, and one with a family bank. And no they are not in different amount brackets. i basically had them catagorized, and one may have X amount of time to grow, the other has a different X amount of time, and so on.

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heres everything you need to know about CD's:



if your a college student keeping a ledger is your best bet. seriously it did wonders for me when i was in a tight spot. also just little things like buying in bulk when you can will save you a lot of money.


heres another site that covers everything:


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