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Vote Ron Paul for president you beezies.


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i was smoking today near the park entrance on arguello and fulton, but i agree with what your saying. my friends used to run hippy hill with the pot trade, then they all got arrested and caught cases. then the black folk from double rock took over the hill and made the place a real dirty drug zone. nowadays the hippy hill area is patrolled by cops throughout the day, police officers routinely post up on height and stanyon just to deter anyone from walking through the entrance.

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Guest shai_hulud

I used to get so many tourists asking me where Hippy Hill was...and I'd say, "If you're looking to buy weed there, don't bother." It's a good place to get gaffled now, just like Haight Street.


If they wanted to kick it and smoke and drink, I'd send them down to Marx Meadow. It's very relaxed there.


I used to date a girl who lived at McAllister and Arguello. We'd always go hang out by the Hall of Flowers...nobody hangs out around there.


Oh, yeah. This dude Ron Paul seems okay, but I don't think that he's got a prayer of winning unless there's some kind of massive protest vote against Hillary Clinton and Giuliani. I think it's gonna come down to the two of them. Beyond that, I don't know.

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i remember back in 99 walking through hippy hill and having dudes throwing dank buds the size of energizer batteries in my face for $20 without a baggie. then all the thugs took over from the hippies and the place is a good place to get robbed. them blackies rolled up 7 deep with 5 youngsters and went through every white dude pocket on the hill, then they start stripping this one kid and stole his jeans and shirt rigth on the hill, broad daylight. i was the only one who didnt get jacked that day. that was a while ago though. i rarely ever kicked it there though, height street is grimey. i hate having dirty gutter punks ask to hit my 40s and blunts. i got my cuts.



marx meadow is hot now too, because all the young tagbangers (my young niglets) kick it there and bomb all over the playground and shit.

sorry for my own thread hijack.

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George Washington wannabe? Don't even mention the name Ghouliani and George Washington in the same sentence, please. Ghouliani represents the worst, absolutely the worst, in America. He could quite possibly be even worse than Bush, although it would be hard to find a VP that could be worse than Cheney. I heard the frontrunner for the elephants is now Romney, actually. He's bad too, but not half as bad as Ghouliani.

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Guest shai_hulud

Aw, man...tell them they shouldn't hot up Marx Meadow, that's a nice spot.


I know a lot of the maintenance crew in the park, so I feel like I have to say something even though I know it doesn't make a lick of difference. Boys will be boys. I used to tell kids to go paint the monkey cages at State. It's chill, no one EVER goes there, and there's a lot of practice space. Maybe you could let them know...


And. yeah. I don't like Giuliani either. He plays himself off like he's the great white hope, or something...but, he just comes across as being shady as hell.


Hillary is well on her way to making a shit-ton of enemies in the next year, so if she DOES get elected, everything she wants to do is going to be an uphill battle.


The unthreadjacker.

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To be honest, this election is looking like it will wind up being, once again, between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. If Gore was running, I would vote for him. I'll be voting for either Edwards or Obama in the primaries. I like Edwards the best but he is polling a distant third right now.

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Guest shai_hulud

I'm basically going to vote for whoever runs against Giuliani. If Ron Paul pulled a shocker and got nominated to represent the Republicans (I know, never gonna happen), I'd vote for him.


I don't like any of the Democratic candidates so far. In my opinion Obama is the best of them, but he still seems a little stiff and out of touch. Then again, I'm not a Democrat for a reason.


Frankly, I don't like politicians, and the reason I like Ron Paul is because he's not much of a politician.

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I don't like any of the Democratic candidates so far. In my opinion Obama is the best of them, but he still seems a little stiff and out of touch.




I can't understand this AT ALL!!


You're comparing Obama to the REPUBLICAN PARTY. And you're describing OBAMA as STIFF AND OUT OF TOUCH?!?!???



What the fuck are you talking about???

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is ron paul an independent or a republican?


im not sure how it works down there. who votes for each candidate for the two parties? dems for dems and repubs for repubs, right? and then dudes who can afford to run independent... yeah?


and then everyone votes in the main election which is decided by who wins each state?


im just asking because it seems like ron paul is running for president, but he's just trying to get nominated, yeah?

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That's just my impression of him. Sorry. I feel that way about most politicians.


edit- directed at DAO


But the thing is, Oboma is actually the only candidate in recent history who is the complete oposite of that.


The only way I can possibly even fathom Oboma being twisted like that is if Fox News twisted the facts.

You don't watch Fox News do you???

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Aw, man...tell them they shouldn't hot up Marx Meadow, that's a nice spot.


I know a lot of the maintenance crew in the park, so I feel like I have to say something even though I know it doesn't make a lick of difference. Boys will be boys. I used to tell kids to go paint the monkey cages at State. It's chill, no one EVER goes there, and there's a lot of practice space. Maybe you could let them know...


And. yeah. I don't like Giuliani either. He plays himself off like he's the great white hope, or something...but, he just comes across as being shady as hell.


Hillary is well on her way to making a shit-ton of enemies in the next year, so if she DOES get elected, everything she wants to do is going to be an uphill battle.


The unthreadjacker.


the monkey cages are kind of hot now too. campus police routineley checks it, just be cutty about it, maybe hit it early in the mornin'.

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Guest shai_hulud

He's a Republican.


Dude trips me out. Not because of what he says, but because he appears to really be going for the nomination. I don't think the Republicans are ready for that much change, so I believe the odds are slim to none that he'll carry the Republican nomination.


Granted, you never know. He could pull a Ross Perot late in the game and go for the third party ticket, but he seems to want the GOP to back him.

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Guest shai_hulud

I haven't been to the monkey cages in years.


I worry that if Hillary gets nominated, she has a real chance of winning. And, somehow that scares me...not because she's a woman, mind you. But, she's made a lot of people mad just because she's done so well for herself despite the odds being sort of stack against her.


Everything I've said here is 100% opinion, not fact. I'm more up to speed on international politics. American politics is a fucking sad joke. We should have impeached Bush and Cheney the minute the shit hit the fan in Iraq. Going to war was against the wishes of the international community, it was illegal, and it clearly benefitted a lot of people on his staff with ties to corporations that would profit from the war.


It's not too late, except for all the people that died. I think the two of them should go up on charges of war crimes and profiteering.

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