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Guest shai_hulud

Yeah, you can't fuck with Los Crudos.


I didn't like grunge either...there were some bands I liked but overall it sucked to live in the suburbs in the early 90's. It was hard to find good music unless I went to Epicenter or Rough Trade in SF.


Back then, I was listening to a lot of industrial stuff and experimental noise...which strangely enough led me into dance music, but I never stopped liking punk. I was listening to stuff by bands like Trial, Crass, Bad Brains, Fugazi, A Minor Forest, and Sleep when a lot of my friends were getting into Nirvana and Pearl Jam.


I went to a NYE show that had Pearl Jam, Nirvana, and RHCP on the bill. I guess the Pumpkins were supposed to open, but cancelled and Pearl Jam stepped in. Nirvana killed it, they were by far the show stealer that night. They were SUCH an incredible live act. Pearl Jam sucked. The Peppers were okay, mostly I was just in awe of what Flea was doing.


I remember there was a rumor that Green Day was going to play at one of my high school dances. A couple people I grew up with were heavy into the Gilman scene, so I guess it could have happened. The lead singer from the Mr. T Experience went to the same high school I did. I didn't really have anything in common with the kids in my HS, with regard to music especially.


There's been a pretty big lull in the music scene where I live. This fall, some good bands played. As far as local talent, I'm kind of out of the loop. I've been listening to a lot of folk lately anyway...I've gone to a few folk shows, they're okay but a little lacking in the energy department.

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ive always wanted to go to the gilman although my friend told me its just some hole in the wall.

i like old lookout records type stuff. spitboy.. ebullition records

ive always been into hiphop but it just doesnt mean as much as hardcore punk has to me.


this emo trend now a days irritates me. popular culture is a disease.

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Guest shai_hulud
ive always wanted to go to the gilman although my friend told me its just some hole in the wall.

i like old lookout records type stuff. spitboy.. ebullition records

ive always been into hiphop but it just doesnt mean as much as hardcore punk has to me.


this emo trend now a days irritates me. popular culture is a disease.


Gilman IS a hole in the wall. I never cared that much for it, even though I've seen some good shows there. The staff tend to be a little overbearing. I've known most of them for a long time, but I still feel that they should loosen up.


Lookout is like a farm team for bands from the East Bay. Once a band gets well known, they usually jump ship to a major label...but, they seem to survive off of the back catalog of bands like Green Day, Rancid, Op Ivy, and Alkaline Trio. Some of my friends have worked there over the years, too.


The East Bay has a great punk scene, but I've been around it for 15 years. You can imagine why I'm not very enthusiastic about it these days.

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yeah thats me.


i hear ya on the jews. majority of my friends are jewish and growing up with them kinda makes me a distant jew i guess. ive been to so many bar mitzvahs, yom kippurs, channukahs, and saturday morning services. we used to steal the cheap jewish wine and chug it before everyone got out of service. i saw a friend get a les paul one day, a full stack the next, an 8 track the day after, and finally another guitar so he wouldnt ruin the les paul and a whole new wardrobe for channukah. my spelling is probably off but fuck it, im not looking it up.


well spoiled isnt the word for it. then on the other side i have a friend thats family is really poor after living in the concentration camps and is very thrifty and can make a $100 last a few months. the previous friend i mentioned with heron problem was jewish. going into restaraunts was embarrassing.

we were driving to iowa to visit a girl at school. he claimed he was off the H so i agreed to take him with. while we were driving, the car started slowing down, i looked in front of us and there were no other cars, then i looked at him and he was passed out with his head resting on the steering wheel. i slapped him and he woke up really grumpy. when we got to the toll booth he was so pissy that he attempted to pay the $2 toll all in pennies that he had scattered in his car. there was only one lane of traffic and people were all honking. i grabbed around $4 in nickels dimes and quarters of his and tossed it into the meter really pissing him off. i drove the rest of the way and when we got there we stopped at a restaraunt in the college town. at the place the waitress took my order then my jewish friend said that he didnt want anything but then asked for a water right when the waitress was about to walk away. but it had to be extra cold water, with a large chilled glass, half ice half water, ice crushed...


then when she was about to walk away again he asked if bread baskets were free. she said yes and he said then ill take 2 bread baskets. she dropped them off and went to go take someone elses order. he interrupts to tell her he is displeased with country crock and demands that he have real butter. so she goes to get the real butter and he asks if its kosher, she doesnt know what the fuck kosher even means, so im annoyed at my friends jewness and apoligize, finish my meal and ask for the check. shes about to drop off the check and my friend says you know what, i want a menu, i'll have an order of buffalo wings.... i looked at him, left the place and didnt talk to him for the rest of the weekend.


hes a hippy to the core. and loves DMT. some sort of shaman tripping powder. he wont stop blabbing about the fucking aliens halburton and machines that are going to put us into camps. i want to punch him some times i get so tired of that shit. thank goodness he doesnt live close by..


Im not really sure what your trying to say but his attitude has nothing to do with being Jewish. In fact his attitude is in its very nature NOT Jewish.


Side point: I dont like when people say that (black, white, Jewish, Christian, etc) person is a bad person bc...


does it make sense? the person is bad because how they grew up or outside influences I'd be willing to bet that 9/10 times their race/religion has nothing to do with who they are or that they even relate to it.

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my friend is a spoiled jewish american prince, (with serious mental illness)


plain and simple.


you dont think jews act like that?? i worked as a waiter in a jewish neighborhood for 10 years and

yes my little hebrew friend, they do act like this and tip like shit to top it off.

they'll modify a BLT into a fucking lobster dinner with potatoe pancakes if they could.


and i dont think any one race or religion has a monopoly on being ignorant assholes

everyone is a fucking douche 9 times out of 10

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They don't. I would know I have more interaction with Jews daily then you probably did during your entire employment at the restaurant.


Did you ever work any where else? Bc I have worked at several restaurants, Jewish and not, and people in general can be difficult. Your attitude though, can directly affect the transaction. I was always polite no matter the situation and for the most part got tipped well.


The only Jews Ive met that vaguely fit the personalty you described were non-religious, rich and from NYC, and mostly their attitude was a rich kid NYC attitude.


My friends and I always tip well. We're polite. We live by the Jewish ideal of being an example for the rest of the world so when we are out in public we watch what we do and say very carefully. I can tell you for a fact that we are not the only ones. I'm sorry buddy, but your assumption that all Jews are stereotypical is ignorant.

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dude, my best friends name is Lechaim, it doesn't get anymore jewish than that

and he doesn't act like the previously mentioned friend at all so im well aware

that all jews dont act the same. most of my jewish friends are quiet, generous,

and respectful. i may not paint a picture with every color under the rainbow but i dont act like they dont exist either.


ok quick story, previously mentioned friend with the problems calls me today.


im like what up


hes says i have a rent a car and i kept it one day longer than i paid for.


uh so pay for it.


fuck that imma get my jew on.


excuse me miss, do i need to return the car with a full tank of gas?




ok *then he proceeds to put $2 worth of gas in the empty tank


sorry miss but this car is filled with dead flies and it smells like death id like a discount


well we dont give discounts sir


i am allergic to bugs and rodents and i had to go to hospital yestarday. they put me on a breathing machine and i wasnt able to return the car like i wanted to


sorry sir but your car was due yestarday at 1pm


how the fuck was i supposed to return the car with a breathing machine attached to my

mouth? id like to speak with the manager


yes sir how can i help you?


your car is a piece of shit and i got sick because of it and had to go to the hospital so i couldnt return it and this fucking bitch is telling me i had to pull off a breathing machine and come to this place and walk back to the hospital in a gown with my hairy ass hanging out, you wouldnt want to see my hairy ass i can promise you that.


ok we will wave the fee sir could you please leave now sir we have other customers here waiting.


ok no problem thanks man.






this happened all while talking on the phone to me.

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naw lechaim is his first name.

every race color and creed have annoying tendencies

some true some exagerated but culture is an interesting thing to me

mexicans use lemons guatemalans use limes

japanese hit eachother on the head and thai people worship the head

in the end the whole world can fully agree that fall out boy are a bunch of faggots

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Guest shai_hulud

Didn't you know? MAR is short for Martinez.


I'm half-Jewish (yes, on my mom's side). Wait, I don't know...I've never been to the temple, I had a briss but I didn't have any say in the matter.


Her side of the family was always generous. My dad's side, not so much...well, not at all.


Jewish people in general have always treated me right.


I've ran into a couple people of the Hebrew persuasion here and there that reinforce the negative stereo type, but that could be said about me, for example. The other half of me is Scottish, and I'm a dyed-in-the-wool alcoholic.


Oh, and the Jewish side of me is very neurotic and pessimistic. Say what you will, but girls seem to like that about me.

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This pretty much sums up this thread , and the many people in life that fall into 1 or more of these . :lol:





I have been seeing a shit load of these "faux hiphop" kids.




And they just kept walking with their heads down.

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Guest shai_hulud

I don't know, serum. I haven't gone to Gilman in a while. The last time I went, I got into it with some skinheads...I asked the staff why they let them in, and no one gave me a straight answer. Ten years ago, they wouldn't have been let in.


But, if you come through and I'm around, let me know. Maybe we can catch a show. There's other venues. Here's a link to The List-




-it's a list (duh) of shows in the Bay. Bookmark it and if you roll through, check The List to see what's good when you plan to be here.


And, you pretty much called it on the girls at Gilman. I think they tend to be a little full of themselves, personally. Also, it's a all-ages venue.

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What the fuck is this?!


I'm not reading this thread.


This gayittry should not be on 12oz...no sir.




If you read the thread then you would see that it is actually about how much Fallout Boy sucks ass, not about how good they are. But you're an idiot who doesn't think, or in this case read, before he speaks.

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This pretty much sums up this thread , and the many people in life that fall into 1 or more of these . :lol:






This page is pretty played out at this point and seems to be just another way for someone to make a quick buck: using a fairly funny idea to viral market your clothing.


It is still funny, however, I have to say that most of the characters on that page I never see around Boston. Granted, I haven't been in high school since before the turn of the millennium, but I just don't see it much. Occasionally I will see douchebags in tight, tight girl jeans with stupid haircuts and piercings, and the tough guy/mosh-bro kids are everywhere, but the rest of that crazy stupid glam shit is not really on the radar in Boston. I think that the majority of the super-gay dress code bullshit takes place in California. I would hate to live there, really. No offense to the cool people here from California.

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Guest shai_hulud

Tribes of Neurot are cool, but they're an ambient project whereas Neurosis just kills it.


Check out the Neurosis and Jarboe CD sometime. I saw them play with her, and Eugene Robinson from Oxbow.


Oh, yeah, some more good bands...
















ELECTRIC WIZARD (who might win the prize for the best album cover of all time)

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i dont really like what neurosis has put out recently but their first four albums are some of my favorites. two of them got seriously warped and i may need to buy that thing that flattens the records because it pisses me off that it wasnt r kelly promos or some other bullshit that got warped.

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Guest shai_hulud

Have you ever tried putting a warped record between two heavy panes of glass and letting them sit in the sun for a while?


I know a couple people who swear this has worked for them. You might want to try it on an old Bee Gees record first, though.

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Have you ever tried putting a warped record between two heavy panes of glass and letting them sit in the sun for a while?


i have heard that too.

havent tried it. in theory it should work.

with the heat and all, and the weight of the glass, it should de-warp it.

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Guest shai_hulud

Or it could flatten the grooves, as well. Like I said, it's something you want to try on a record you don't care about.


Vinyl anneals as it cools. I don't know if you can reheat it and expect it to do exactly what you want it to. Plastic is funny like that.

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i havent used panes of glass before but i have put a record inside the case with a crate of records on top of it and it didnt do too much. id be scared to heat it. i have heated floors so i may try it again but with the heat on. i have a few garbage vinyls that i could try it out on first. reminds me i have a man is the bastard picture disc that is warped too. lesson learned, never leave your records in your mothers basement because she might put an amp on top of them.

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